Ok so if any of you have read my last Blog, You know that on December 16th 2006 I was hit by a Drunk Driver on my way to work at 7am in the morning. I was the passanger in the vehicle.
The Girl who hit us had been out partying all night with her Cop friends!! And decided to just go through us as we were sitting at a red light, she pushed us 4 car lengths into the intersection!
On that day was the beginning of my families wonderful downfall!!
We went out and got a lawyer, why the Hell not I was injured, I fractured my hip!!! I was put out of work for 2 weeks during the Holiday season because of this!! For a cake decorator thats the worst time.. My job was giving away cakes fo free due to this!! I don't make a lot of money so every hour I lose I lose BIG!!!
Being the sole provider in the Household this in turn started Me on a road to losing it all!!
My one form of transportation was totaled.. I'm now borrowing a car thats over 20yrs old, with black interior, no AC in the Hot Desert!! Which I can deal with...But shouldnt have to!!!
I've had to stuggle to pay my rent because of wages lost... phone bills and electricity get paid only when absolutely needed...and tomorrow I lose many possessions that are in my storage unit... photos and wedding dishes of my Grandparents (R.I.P.), quilts I've made for my children, baby albums, plaster hand prints of my babies.....Right now my Lawyer is trying her Hardest to save it!!! I could care less about the rest of the stuff in there its just stuff....
My Mom whom was also the driver in the car got a whole 200+$ for her vehicle which they paid off but we can't afford a new one!! The Drunk Driver was carrying the minimum insurance required by law.. 15k per person, 30k max per vehicle... My Mom who spent the Night in the hospital due to a possiable heart attack on impact.. has a Hospital bill of 27k by itself!!!
Now, I'm not writing this for anyones sympathy.... what good does that do me????
I want everyone out there to THINK!!!!!! Think before you take that Drink and then get in the Car!!!! Paris Hilton going to jail for DUI I said "Hooray!!" Give it to her judge!!!
Here I am the innocent victim, Struggling because one Human made all the Wrong choices...
"NO its NOT just the Drunk Driver who gets screwed!!" So, do the people that are in their path!! And to think........
"We survived this accident?????"