Let me be the first to tell you that this stuff has some strange effects on your memory sometimes. Several times I have spoken to or texted people after taking it and have no recollection of it at all, or a vague one at best. So, if you use Ambien, DO NOT take it until the moment you go to bed or these amnesia effects may occur to you.
Somehow, one of my pillows ended up in the living room. Even if I had thrown it through the doorway, unless it pulled a mid-air turn, there is no way it could have landed where it did.
There a couple of times recently where I went to leave for work and both the deadbolts on my door were unlocked. This happened two nights in a row. Coincidence? I don't know. It seems unlikely that I would forget to lock my door two evenings in a row. I just hope I didn't wake up in my sleep, go walk around outside or whatever and then come back into bed with no memory of it happening.