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Shawn's blog: "Shawn"

created on 11/25/2006  |  http://fubar.com/shawn/b28055
I am amazed that people love to complain about everything under the sun. It is very easy to stir the pot so to speak. When you turn on your t.v. you go to the gas pump and you stare at the price of a gallon of gas. You scream on the inside, you even scream on the outside. You go to work and complain to your colleuges about the outrageousness of the cost of fuel in this country. You complain to your legistlators to get something done. You scream at the automakers to come out with a more fuel efficent car,truck or SUV. You say "We need alternative means of fuel". "Anyone up for electric cars?" Well if you know anything, you would know when cars were first introduced there were several different types of cars. Gas,electric and even steam powered cars. Well we all know who won out in that race. But why? Simple. Gas was easier to refine and have stations all accross the country, and the money was great!. There would have been no money in putting water stations accross the country. (You already have water at home).And as for electric, well battery technology just wasn't up to the task. So we continue to scream from the 1970's until today. We have to get away from our dependance of foreign oil. When we first said it, in the 70's we had the "gas crunch" I used to know the percentage of the amount that was shut off from the U.S. It was something like 13% of our useage was cut off by the middle east(near east is what its really called some dumbass reporter got it wrong and ever since you guessed it we call it middle). So we began the transformation of taking some of the corn we produce in this country and make Ethanol. We call it E85. 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Our automakers create engines or alter engines to use this new formula and help take away the foreign oil need. Well DaimlerChrysler came out with such engines in 1998 and has sold about 1.5 million since. They never bragged about it, until now. I cannot count the number of times that people ask me, "What does Flexfuel E85 mean?" After telling them they actually say, "Oh I don't like that" or, "Who cares". ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?!?! People piss and moan and the very thing that can help, and they don't care? Granted E85 is not the end all beat all fix. It is not that great on gas mileage.

Another genius calls me

I had another one yesterday. Geez people are amazing you know. An elderly lady called the dealership and said she "heard" where Kia had $8000 in rebate and 0% on a Kia Sorento. After I told her it was $4000 in rebate, and told her that I just looked at www.kia.com and that found out. She huffed and scoffed. Then asked me what was her trade in really worth, over the phone just give her an idea. She wouldn't hold me to it, since I would need to see it. Well shit, we all know where that one is going. No matter what I say it will not be good enough, and if it is a wild guess out of the blue you can bet the farm she would hold me to it. So I told her about www.kbb.com (kelly blue book) and that would give us a good guide, but not be exact. I asked her why was she wanting to get out of her 2006 Buick Lecrosse with only 11,000 miles on it so soon? She began telling me her mother died and how she is the executor of the will. And her brother lives in N.C. and she doesn't want to ship a bench/chest that has marble on it, cause it would crack the marble in shipping. She wanted an SUV in the beginning but her husband said no and that they were getting a nice car. It would ride nicer and would get better gas mileage. Well after I told her about the rebate being less than what she wanted and that the 0% was not with the full rebate. Then telling her that her trade in was "probably worth X" . Which by the way was about $6000 less than what she owed on it. I also mentioned that the SUV route will not get her the gas mileage she expected just like a car. She began to tell me how I did not want to sell her a SUV and she did not like the way I acted on the phone. She said, "I have excellent credit, and I don't think you want to sell me a car". "Ma'am I never once asked how your credit was, it never came up in the entire time we have been talking." "You have only told me about your brother living in North Carolina." "Well, you asked me why I wanted out of my car". "Yes, asking questions is part of my job. If I don't ask the right questions you could get right back in the same situation. And that would not be good for my job". "Well your telling me that my Buick is worth $13,000 after I told you I owed $19,000. ( I told you) I deal with this all freaking day long. Have you ever noticed, No one wants to come to Jesus on prom night, only after the little home pregnancy test comes back positive they blame everybody else for their actions. This entire conversation took 16 minutes out of my life. That I will never get back. Instead of calling me and wasting her time and mine. I wish she would have done the following. Talk to your husband about how you are not happy with his choice of the Buick. You would be so much happier if he were to spend his money on something that you could load up, drive half way accross the country, just to deliver some old chest to a relative that never visits. Oh and you need him to load the chest into the SUV and throw out his aging back getting it in and out of your gas guzzling SUV. Also you would need that "excellent credit" just to get out of the mess you are in now. And with the lack of thinking your doing, it will put you in a situation that will be more of a mess. Peace for now.
Sadly, for the most part...People are stupid. Not ignorant. Ignorant is different. Being ignorant is okay. There are many things that I am ignorant about. For instance, I am ignorant about brain surgery. I could not tell you how and why the front temperal lobe is in front and what happens when you move something around in there, that will change someones behavior. I am also ignorant about politcs. I can make somewhat of an arguement about the war on terrorism, but for the most part I'm ignorant about it. What chaps my ass, is when people go to a car dealership, stare at a salesperson and tell them the following. "I want this $30k vehicle, I owe on my current car about $15k its worth only $10k. And I want my payments to be $300 a month with no money down!" "You have 15 mins. to do all of this and no I do not to drive the new car, I think they all drive the same." Or they say, "It's not fair that you do this everyday. You are better at buying a car than me. That's why I got all of this off the 'INTERNET' and I know that it is the gospel. Or they'll even say this, "I just want to look around and see what you have. I do not know what I want. I just started looking." " This is the first place I have been to." Well I wish that I could say what I am thinking at that very moment. Something like Hey dickhead! Stop being a fucking child and learn fucking MATH! Did your brain fall out of your head when you drove in here??? Lets think for a second...$30k minus $10k= $20k right??? Okay then add tax,title and license(in TEXAS) your $15k (that you still owe) and that comes to about...$36,475. Now divide that by 60 that comes to...$608 a month WITHOUT INTEREST! Do you have shit for brains? No money down??? I am a salesperson. I can make somethings happen Not friggin miracles! I'm not JESUS! If I could make miracles happen, I would win the lottery every week, make half of the Hollywood starlets fall in love with me and have a supermodel every other night. Instead I'm standing before you sweating my ass off in this shirt and tie hearing your buffalo butt act like your shit don't stink.When I finally persuade you to at least drive something before you buy it. You hold your small child in your lap during a test drive, instead of placing her in the carseat (like a responsible parent should). Proclaiming how you are sooo smart by working at home and making wads of cash in the stock market. While your wife bitches under her breath that she would rather not have a minivan, that if she had her way she would want a sportscar. Then you so brilliantly say "So how long has Chrysler been apart of GM?" Dumbass! You should be shot in the head. Not for thinking something as stupid as GM owning DaimlerChrysler. You deserve to have a neon sign outside your house that reads, HEAR IS WHERE AN IDIOT LIVES, HE DOESN'T PUT HIS KID IN A CARSEAT WHILE DRIVING. Then not have a lock on your door in your "upscale neighborhood" so that people can pull in, slap your wife for thinking she can have as many infants as she can bare and drive a sportscar. Then knock the shit out of you for being an unresponsible parent. Oh and one more for wasting someones time, with your low life existance. The next one, how about I look up your job on the 'internet' find out what it takes to do your job. Walk in to your boss and proclaim, "I have never done this before, but I got all of this information off of the web and I think I can do it better and for less money. Well if your boss only heard the last part, your out of a job sister! And lastly, I have heard some dumbshit people in my day but damn you take the cake. Your just looking. On a day when everyone here is working you just want to look??? How about I go to friggin McDonalds stare at the menu ask them to give me a bite size portion of a burger off of every one of their menued items, AND NOT BUY ANYTHING. Sound stupid nope not really. Your poking around in a new car that is for sale. You drive it, you put miles on it. You drive like a maniac, disregarding any and all traffic laws cause you just wanna see what it will do. Fucker do you drive your piece of shit the same way??? Judging from whats left of it apparently you do or did at one time. The Dukes of Hazzard was a t.v. show and a movie NOT REALITY. And just wanting to see what they have? Ever hear of the internet? You can see every car ever imagined from the convience of your own home. Wanna see them closer? Ever hear of going to a car lot when their closed? There is usually cameras or a guard watching the lot. How about going to a carshow? GASP! Now theres an idea. You can see every car that is out at one time. And they have those shows at least 2 times a year. Wow what a concept. So the next time you go somewhere and someone is commisioned sales and you get a kick out of wasting their time...Remember their thinking some things about you too.
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