if kisses were water, I will give u a sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree. If LIFE was a planet, I will give u a galaxy. If friendship is life, I will give u mine. It's"World's Best Friends Week." Send this to all ur good friends, even me (if i am one of them). See how many u get back. If u get more than 3, u r really lovable
<-----------THIS PERSON Thinks ur_________________________________________________.d8888b.__8888888888_Y88b___d88P_Y88b___d88P__d88P__Y88b_888_________Y88b_d88P___Y88b_d88P___Y88b.______888__________Y88o88P_____Y88o88P_____"Y888b.___8888888_______Y888P_______Y888P__- - - - - - - - - - - - - _______"Y88b._888___________d888b________888___- - - - - - - - - - - - - _________"888_888__________d88888b_______888___- - - - - - - - - - - - - ___Y88b__d88P_888_________d88P_Y88b______888_______"Y8888P"__8888888888_d88P___Y88b_____8- - - - - - - - - - - - - 88____________________________________________________pass on to ur sexy friends and see who thinks ur sexy!!!!if u get 1 back =ur plain jane2-4 back = pretty sexy5-9 back=hotttt10-15 back= sssssssmokin !!!if u get more than 15 ur fukkkkin sooo sexy and u need to call me right now...lol
If someone hurts you, I'll knock the shit outta them. If you jump off a bridge, I'll be on the ground to catch you. If you cry, I'll let you cry on my shoulder. If you're kicked out, I'll take you in. If you're drunk, I'll take your keys. If you're world comes crashin down, I'll be standin right next to you. If you cry cause of me, its cause I made you laugh too hard. We'll be friends forever, no matter what happens between us. Just know I'm here for you. Send this to all your friends or someone you really care about, including me. I care about you if I sent you this message, cause you're special to me. Send this to everyone you care about.
welcome to fubar key said it was you had i known i would have added you to my friends and such ....have fun stay safe and most of all party on ....Ed ...aka...vermontroaddog