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37 Year Old · Female · From Sharon, PA · Invited by: 1063122 · Joined on July 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th
37 Year Old · Female · From Sharon, PA · Invited by: 1063122 · Joined on July 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th


my owner will give me a thousand lashes everytime someone hits on me so i beg of you guys to PLEASE HIT ON ME!

wow you're still reading on.........hmmmm ::rubs chin:: interesting

i'm done with putting where i live on here since it changes every other month.

moving on.......

ah still reading?! well since you're not going to leave until you've read this fucking thing, hello there, nichole here. nichole's my middle name, i don't give my first name out to strangers and neither should you =D plus i prefer nichole over my first name just because.....�

so um yeah you guys would like to know a little bit about me, eh? well if it's not on here already.......that's what email is for folks! he who asks shall recieve. i WILL respond to any comments or emails that i recieve, you have my word. all i ask is that you put something a little more fucking interesting than "you're hot" or "thanks for the message" if you're willing to catch my attention you lesbianic whore. thank you.

you'll either like me or you'll hate me. i'm the nicest person you'll ever meet, until i'm not. piss me off or betray me and you'll never speak to me again. i hate liars and i hate being accused of lying.

i hate barbie dolls, fake people make me sick.

i may be a bit of a hypocrite at times but i can admit that.

i'm always right when i'm not wrong.

i can admit when i've fucked up or when i'm wrong.

i'm very random.

don't judge me and i won't judge you.

i'm not a rebel because i have a cause.

i live my life the way i want to, not the way you want me to.

i'm a huge supporter of the local music scene.

i love my friends, family, and music.

my family doesn't show they love me most of the time and i've come to accept it.

i've attempted suicide 4 times and have survived. i quit trying. i'm just going to continue living life as is.

i used to be bulimic, it's not worth it. fuck skinny bitches, i'm happy being a fat one.

i could care less what your opinion of me is. i don't know you so why should i care?

i understand that you can't talk about yourself so you talk about me. you must be that unexciting.

i have 22 piercings and 14 tattoos. don't ask where because i hate that shit. and if you cant see them on my page, don't ask to see them.

i'm bisexual. if you don't like it, FUCK OFF because it's who i am. and if you want to judge me based purely on that fact, you're a sorry excuse for a human being.

no i'm not single, i'm VERY happily taken.

i'm not conceited, i have high self esteem, there's a HUGE difference.

i'm fun, quick witted, and sarcastic.

i plan on going back to school for special fx makeup and/or photography.

i also plan on being a stand up comedian sometime in the future. will it happen? who knows.

i have a filthy mouth.

mom's love me.

i love hanging out and chillaxin with my posse.

fuck with my friends, you're fucking with me. vice versa.

i have a big heart and it's easy to break.

i don't get attached easily....i've learned my lesson.

i have two godsons named craig and logan.

i have more than one family.

i am now a broke ass white bitch and i'm quite good at what i do although i do miss having a job.

i have a good sense of humor....it's hard to offend me.

i'm very open-minded.

stereotypes make me sick.

i used to be a cutter, now i have scars to remind me of the terrible things i've done.

a lot of people don't like me, until they've hung out with me. then they love me.

i'm easy to get along with.

i hate racist fucks.

i don't take sides. i choose to remain a neutral party.

fuck george bush and fuck the war.

if you don't like my music, fuck off. i like what i like. just because i don't listen to the same shit you do, doesn't mean you can hate me for it.

i hate when people use "gay" as a negative term.

rainbows make me happy.

i love piercings and tattoos [obviously.]

i live with my "big brother"/best bud bobby.

i hate fighting and agruing. i grew up with that shit. but if i have to defend myself or someone i care about, i will. and i will fight dirty. i always use a weapon. call me a pussy, i don't care.

call me a poser, you're lame. i could care less.

i'm extremely outgoing, not shy at all.

i "suffer" from manic depression, anxiety, insomnia, and bipolarity. i'm not on any of my meds except for seroquil and i rarely take it.

i get extremely aggravated sometimes and i'm not quite sure why. but i do apologize in advance for it.

i hate man whores.....well.....all whores in general.

bitches that show off they naked/half naked bodies and complain because of some of the comments they get, deserve them. you knew what you were getting yourself into and you wanted the attention. now you have it and you're going to whine about it....what the fuck......if you're a model, it's different. it's your job and what you get paid to do.

i move a lot and i'm never home even when i have one.

i smoke cigarettes.....a lot of them.

i also have asthma [great combination, huh?]

i have no eyebrows, i shaved them off. now i'm starting to grow them back again.

i'm a kid at heart, i love watching cartoons.

i hate anime. but not people who like it. everyone has their thing.

i enjoy art in any way, shape or form.

penises look funny.

so does roast beef vag.

that's about all i can come up with right now. if you read this and you STILL want to add me or talk to me, go right on ahead. we'll get along just fine then. ^.^

37 Year Old · Female · From Sharon, PA · Invited by: 1063122 · Joined on July 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th
glow sticks
chubby people
feminine guys
synthentic hair
tattoos (sleeves of em!)
jhonen vasquez's comics and cartoons
and if i think of anymore or you have any ?'s, i'll be sure to let cha know. http://www.inkednation.com/rustedrazors http://rustedrazors.deviantart.com/
"Life isn't easy
for the Pin Cushion Queen.

When she sits alone on her throne

Pins push through her spleen."

- tim burton

pretty much any horror, b movie, or comedy i'm down with.
tim burton [i love his movies but his imagination's even more fascinating.]

tomon and shepp [r.i.p. guys!]
my parents [congrats, you raised a hellian.]

my sister [if something happened to my father, i could never deal with it the way you did. you're so strong.]

spirk [you've always been there for me and you've shown me that you can make something out of nothing and for that, i'm thankful.]

cyndi [she's raising two kids (my godsons) and dealing with depression and going to school. you've also been there for me a lot and i appreciate it.]

renee [you've gone through so much and i know i could never go through all of that and still be as strong as you.]

tommy [you've overcome some trials and tribulations and are doing so well for yourself. i'm proud of you and love you with the most.]

sara [you get to inflict pain on people for a living (not to mention touch genitals....LEGALLY)]

helana [keep your head up woman! you're doing great!]

my pap [you've been there for me for 21 years and i appreciate it. you've been there even when my father wasn't. you are like a dad to me, literally. i love you.]

my friends and family in the military [i'm against the war in everyway, but i have nothing but mad respect for you guys b/c i would never have the balls to do what you are today. be careful guys, you're always in my thoughts. i love you.]

batman [he doesn't need superpowers.]

davey havok [with a voice and looks like that....why wouldn't he be my hero?] myself. [i am my own hero. if i'm not able to help myself, i'm not able to help anyone.]

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