The reason I am in pain so often and sometimes disappear for a few days at a time is because I have Lupus. For those of you who don't know, the following is some info on it.
So few have heard of it, yet worldwide it's seen as more common than leukemia, multiple sclerosis & muscular dystrophy.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease, a type of self-allergy, whereby the patient's immune system creates antibodies which instead of protecting the body from bacteria & viruses attack the person's own body tissues. This causes symptoms of extreme fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, anaemia, general malaise, & can result in the destruction of vital organs. It is a disease with many manifestations, & each person's profile or list of symptoms is different. Lupus can mimic other diseases, such as multiple sclerosis & rheumatoid arthritis, making it difficult to diagnose.
Currently there is no single test that can definitely say whether a person has lupus or not. Only by comprehensive examination and consideration of symptoms and their history can a diagnosis be achieved.
Lupus is neither infectious or contagious.
Lupus can be triggered-
·at puberty ·during the menopause
·after childbirth ·after viral infection
·through sunlight ·as a result of trauma
·after a prolonged course of medication
The symptoms:
These may include -
-extreme fatigue -joint/muscle pain
-eye problems -depression
-mouth ulcers -facial or other rashes
-miscarriage -hair loss
-anemia -fever
-possible involvement of the kidneys, heart, lungs & brain
There is no cure...
People diagnosed with lupus normally remain under medical care with continuing medication. Many symptoms have less impact as a result, but side effects can often occur. Lupus can adversely influence the lives of those who suffer the illness, their families & friends.