I like all kinds of stuff ! Nascar , Poetry , Motorcycles , shooting pool , I am pretty much up for anything ! I LOVE the beach ! not so much the sand , it gets in places it doesnt belong , but the sounds , the smell , the water , the sun ... oh its wonderful . Sunrise over Daytona Beach is amazing!!!
I am very much in astrology . I have studied it for about 15 years . I can tell alot about someone with just knowing the date and time they were born. Its a fun passtime and it can be really fun at parties . I am a Virgo with a Scorpio Rising sign , basiclly that means , I am very tempermental ,romantic , passionate, sexy in a unnoticing way ,act like a 20 year old half the time becasuse I always want to do spontanious crazy things that wont get me in any legal trouble and very outspoken . I can tell you so much more , but we will leave it at that

I like all kinds of music .I like alot of the alternitive rock , country , techno , very picky when it comes to hip-hop , but I do listen to some of it . Classic rock is still the best , and I am still wondering what the hell happened to some of the music in the 80's . Most of 80's Music SUCKED!!! Glad that time is over ! LOL