It is amazing how our page is continuing to grow day by day. By the time 2012 finally transitions to 2013, we shall be seeing our little page grow to 1200. The goal for 2013, is to reach 2013. Is it a doable goal -- yes it is... with 365 days and an average of 3 folks joining each day now, it should be easy-peasy; hopefully, too, that we might be able to grow beyond that with the following year yielding to us a higher rate per day. We'll see. I'm not sweating it. It isn't necessarily the numbers I am after because it is the heart of you that I am after, advocating for each of you towards sharing your voice, telling your stories (whether it was you directly affected or if you, as a family/friend member were indirectly affected). We all have a story. It is by reaching out through sharing our voice, we hope to change the direction of at least one other person who might be out there suffering the effects of domestic violence.
During 2012... we have grown too...
We gathered together to put together ideas for an Anthology in time for October. It was great and powerful with so many entries from near and far (not only within the United States, but included folks from many other countries as well). I was impacted as I got it put together. I had it all together on my computer when that computer broke and the company's device that I was using as a tool to put it together failed and their customer service failed as to recovery process. I have the entries still and will work on it again soon after the holidays are over. Holiday times are family time and not necessarily the perfect times to take on projects at the same time. It will get done though because it is very powerful and I'm certain that it will touch many, many others.
We started, too, a page for a Book Club so that we could focus discussions upon different books of and about domestic violence issues, as well as empowerment books. It's just a start and has been well received. I'm looking forward to having that develop more as well.
A theme has developed in 2012 for starting discussions on storytelling... meaning the tools needed to put sense to what exactly what just happened so that we can put it behind and truly move forward -- especially, helping us to define what is our story and determining how we can put it into words in case we ever do feel prepared to share our story with others -- whether it be a 2 minute elevator response, a talk we do with other victims/survivors/thrivers of domestic violence, presentations we do for others to increase domestic violence awareness of all forms of domestic violence, etc. which has become what I call the Storytelling Project. We'll focus more and more on development of that theme.
We have also created a mode to reach to other community resource by creating a Community of the same name on Google Plus. It is only a few weeks old, but we hope to be able to do the same with Google with folks that may or may not have a facebook connection, expanding our reach to as many others. We will also incorporate Domestic Violence Voices Hangouts, inviting others to come and discuss issues. Perhaps, we'll also have a platform to discuss domestic violence books, stories, and storytelling as well. Make sure that you check in and join the G+ version of Domestic Violence Voices so that you will be automatically notified when we have "hangout" sessions.
We had an admin at the earlier part of the year, Lisa, who backed down from the role, finding that she was having already so many irons in the fire and was suddenly faced with the need to eliminate some of the irons to find more balance in her life. I appreciate all that she did. I am also keeping an eye out for anyone else that would like to assist me in keeping this page moving and growing. Could that be you? If interested, let me know.
We also started a peer support group at the request of some Domestic Violence Voices' members, which has about 200 members. As with starting with a group of this nature, there was always some kinks to work out at first. In the end though, we seems to have found a great way to have a family of peers helping peers get through rough times and share joys. If you are a survivor of domestic violence (male or female) and would like to join this group, please let me know as it is a SECRET group and to join this group is by invitation only.
Leslie Miller, one of the members here, had expressed interest in developing a caucus group for New Mexico. I have been mentoring with her on that, and am willing to mentor anyone else on developing a caucus group in their own state who may not have a caucus group and/or not an active caucus group. Maybe Leslie would also considering being an admin for this group in 2013?
We explored in 2012 also interacting with Twitter and creating a Domestic Violence Dialogue on Twitter trying to get domestic violence to trend... and create more and more awareness of domestic violence. In 2013, we will continue to expand upon this.
We joined ALL WOMEN MARCHING FOR HOPE, headed up by Denise Wolford and company, to have a domestic violence rally here in Austin, Texas. We discovered a challenge that day that there was another run scheduled that same day that encircled the place we were to have the rally, which kept many from attending. There was a great turn out, even with the challenges, and we hope to have a bigger rally next year. More details to be forthcoming.
We have also created a site on WordPress called Domestic Violence Voices to write more essay like posts and create a reach to others. I'm constantly looking for those that would like to contribute to the site as a contributing author. If you are interested in this, let me know.
I am thinking... what else happened in 2012? lol.... Have we done enough, or is there such a thing as ever doing "enough" when it comes to increasing domestic violence awareness?
On a personal achievement notes:
1. I have revived my blogtalkradio show called BEYOND WORDS LIVE! radio show (designed with being a platform for survivors to share their story in their own words) and booking shows about survivorship, empowerment, and getting unstuck to move forward. I'm looking to book more shows about the storytelling theme as well. Be sure to hop in there when you get a chance to "follow" me there so that you can be notified when shows are scheduled in case there might be a show that you would like to listen to (and, of course, there are many shows archived that you can still listen to) on the site.
2. It is my goal to, in March 2013, be a delegate to the 57th Session of the United Nation's Commission on Status of Women, where I hope to be a voice and share my voice on global issues of violence against women (including issues surrounding, but not necessarily limited to, domestic violence, human trafficking, genital mutilation, and so much more). I can't wait; just working hard on raising the funds. I'm so not a fundraiser type of person so this has been utlra challenging for me; however, I would like to see that I make it there. I'm determined to be there and thinking positively towards that goal.
3. I received a camcorder for Christmas from my wonderful boyfriend. I'm wondering how I could best incorporate this new tool into Domestic Violence Voices. Do you have any ideas??