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36 Year Old
Portsmouth, OH
Joined on March 22, 2007
Born on November 4th
36 Year Old
Portsmouth, OH
Joined on March 22, 2007
Born on November 4th
i heart my boyfriend,
william mollett

♥ii'm W3ndie♥
First of all, Im a juggalette and I will ALWAYS be down. My bff Alex, and I were bored as hell, and found Super Hero names for eachother, while being suspended from school for 'cutting class'. The name I recieved was 'Bob the Boner' (I think its funny as hell.), and Alex's name is 'Super Spermer'. In French class I have a special name which is: Adéle. ((Which is also my middle name.)) The name that it listed on my birth certificate is: Wendy :: [[wendie]].
There's something about life that can be exseedingly magical. It's almost fantastical. How is it so easy to fall into depression when there are so many beautiful, lovely things that surround you? How can bad moods exist? I mean, I used to think life was nothing. I didn't care if i was going to die, or even wake up breathing. In a way, I hoped for it. My life has changed exseedingly. From what I'd call a child, to a mature woman. Im not one who usually cares what people say or do. Im the type of person who'd rather be completly honest and live the way i want to. No matter how people reacted, unless someone got hurt. My life hasn't completly turned out the way I thought it would when I was a child, but I'm still very GREATFUL that I'm alive. My mother held me back in 1st grade, which a long time i hated her for, until i realized. Without that i would have not of became this successful in my life. Through this jorney of life, I have encountered thus far, i have meet so many people. People i cared so much about, that i would not want to take back their memories. I had quite a few of failed relationships, but every one was worth my time. Though this, I meet my bestest friend in the entire world, forever and always... AlexAndria Page Leigh Evans. ( i ♥love her name.) I think people are so used to lyng to themselfs and others that they forgot who they really are. People talk of how ♥LOVE doesn't exist. How could anyone say that? I mean, if everyone stopped being so damn shallow, that people might actully find love, instead of being anouther illusion. I thought i was in love, quite a few times, but all the relationship was was some kind and sweet words. I guess you could say I was gullible. I'm not as dumb as I once was, and I hope you're not either. I think everyone is a Stereotype. Alot of people like to judge you on what you wear and who you hangout with. Its like this little organizer in your brain, grouping up people in certain categories. Labels will always exist. There's no getting around them. Accept what people label you. Don't claim it, but accept it. It's their choice whether they want to take the time to get to know you. It's also their loss if they don't. I believe in recognizing and respecting people for who they are/what their about/ the way they present themselves. Not by whatever ridiculous label the rest of society has slapped on them. I think disliking people because they listen to different music than you is RIDICULOUS. Also disliking people because they shop somewhere other than where you shop is ridiculous. I believe in doing what you feel. And feeling what you do. In other words; Don't do things because other people think it's cool, do them because you think it's cool, or because they have some type of meaning to you. I Believe in being yourself, and not who others want you to be. Some people are afraid of being themselves. Many people allow their lives to be limited by that fear. They play a continual game, fashioning a careful persona that they think the world will accept or admire. Even when they are in their solitude, they remain afraid of meeting themselves. One of the most sacred duties of ones destiny is the duty to be yourself. When you come to accept yourself and like yourself, you learn not to be afraid of your own nature. I believe in living life one day at a time, you shouldn't worry yourself with the future, You should live for now. Whatever happens, wherever you end up, as long as your content with yourself, thats all that matters. I'm a Freshmen, at a school, that is proble just like yours. Its full of homophobes, rednecks, thugs, racists, god lovers, preps, goths, emos, punks, bookworms, kids that my parents wish was theirs instead, and a principal and assistant principal that are HUGE dicks. I call it: Portsmouth High School.
Well the things I enjoy is: Hanging out w/ my friends & boyfriend, Drawing & Painting (the usual artsy stuff), Walking & Running && Hiking (I love the outdoors and the openness), Music (Its my life theme), French (I love the culture && language), Boxing & Hide and Seek && Tag Football (I love playing), I have a weird obsession with squirrels (Long story), Talking on the phone/aim (especially w/ my bff's Alex E., Todd S., Trent M., Brittany D. ♥muah.)
+::i absolutly adore::+
[x] Making Funny Faces In The Mirror.
[x] Sleeping With Socks On.
[x] Swimming Illegaly In Really BIG Water Fountains Thingys.
[x] Rain.
[x] Smell After Rain.
[x] Freshly Cut Grass.
[x] Synthetic Dreads.
[x] Cyberlox.
[x] Hugs.
[x] Color: Green.
[x] Warm Weather.
[x] Snow Fall.
[x] Kissing.
[x] Music.
[x] Friends.
[x] Bubble Baths.
[x] Forehead Kisses.
[x] Apple Juice.
[x] Snow Angels.
[x] Food Fights.
[x] Dancing.
[x] Colinette.
{x] Yarn.
[x] Plastic.
[x] Dread Cuffs.
[x] Beads.
[x] Rexlace.
[x] Plastic & Ribbed Tubing.
[x] Holographic Tape.
[x] PVC Sleeving.
[x] Horror Hawks.
[x] Sleeping In The Nude.
[x] Playing In The Mudd
[x] and Creek. (lol)
[x] My Girls.
[x] My Guys.
[x] Kissing In The Rain.
[x] Werewolves.
[x] Vampires.
[x] Axe.
[x] Oldspice.
[x] Friday & Saturday.
[x] Moshpits.
[x] Love.
[x] Crushes.
[x] The 80's.
[x] && The 70's.
[x] &&& The 60's.
[x] Dairy Queen.
[x] Cookies.
[x] Cameras.
[x] Stickers.
[x] Watching The Stars.
[x] Taking Pictures.
[x] Reaally Fast Coasters.
[x] The Ocean.
[x] Really Good Tight Hugs.
[x] Blowing Bubbles.
[x] Puddles.
[x] Skittles.
[x] Blow Pops.
[x] Swings.
[x] French.
[x] Lotz Of Time W/ My Friends.
[x] Rushes.
[x] Pickles.
[x] Cuddling In The Nude.
[x] Blankies.
[x] Teady Bears.
[x] Sushi.
[x] Mac. And Cheese.
[x] Flowers.
[x] Nature.
[x] Broke N' Jeans.
[x] Traveling.
[x] Squirrls.
[x] Mohalks.
[x] Coloring W/ Crayons.
[x] Sleeping In The Rain.
[x] Camping.
[x] Rainbows.
[x] My Bff Alex Evans.
[x] Singing In The Shower.
[x] Kinky Balloon Sex.
[x] Flirting.
[x] My Beautiful Cousins:
[x] Shyanna Grace Underwood.
[x]Natalia Elizabeth Underwood.
[x]Micheal Joeph Miller.
[x]Brianna Faith Underwood.
[x] Word: Penis.
[x] & Vagina.
[x] && Anul.
[x] Phone Sex.
[x] YOU!
-::i effin dispise::-
[x] Disrespect.
[x] Television.
[x] Stinky Breath.
[x] WeekDays.
[x] George W. Bush.
[x] House Arrest.
[x] Highways.
[x] && FreeWays.
[x] Tomatoes.
[x] & Onions.
[x] && Mayo.
[x] Compulsive Liars.
[!] Which Inclueds:
[x] Cheaters.
[x] Gossip.
[x] && George W. Bush, Again.
[x] Abusers/Of Any Sort.
[x] Stinky Feet.
[x] Rudeness.
[x] CD's That Skip.
[x] Over Played Songs.
[x] Getting Up Early.
If you wont to know more about me contact me here or at...
† Myspace- [[serial♥killette]] †
36 Year Old
Portsmouth, OH
Joined on March 22, 2007
Born on November 4th
(((AlexAndria = suppa hero)))
My greatest influence,
AlexAndria Page Leigh Evans.
I look up to her in so many ways. She is the most caring & loving person I know. She is the bestest friend I have ever had in my life. W/O her I'd probly be dead. I would have killed myself a long time ago. She kept my hopes up, and gave me a reason to live. She changed my veiws on life & made me a better person. She helped me open up. When I'm w/ her I can be completly me. We like to dork around and be completly weird. Its funny as heck. She knows where I'm coming from & understands me & vice versa. I'm going to miss her so much. I'm not going to let the distance hurt us// like I didn't let the distance of Columbus disrupt our friendship. I love you Alex// with all of my heart. You are the truest friend a person can ever had. I treasure every moment w// you. I've cryed ever second of the thought of moving this far away. But I still say// your sweet sixteen/// is going to be the shit. Im going to throw it for you like I promised. I love you. Alex IS the greatest person I know, and I wish all of you know her like do. To make this very very clear, if anyone trys to hurt her in anyway, I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT WITH A BUTTERKNIFE, RIPP OUT YOU INTESTINES WITH A SPOON, AND FEED THEM TO MY DOG. hehe.

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