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Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


Ok, I’m going to admit this and straight up say “Gus, for a bus driver?? OH COME, YOU TOTALLY COULD HAVE DONE BETTER” Actually, I couldn’t do any fucking BETTER!! He looks like a Gus…

GUS *grins* is the driver I had on my bus this morning.

I hop on the bus, pay my $2.25 and ask for a transfer with a good morning and a smile, standard policy for me.  Usually, I get a slight smile back and my transfer or even better a “Ya, here ya go!” with a grumble and a huff because people really do suck monkey balls and I’m sure the drivers had a heck of a route…that, or they're just a complete asshole.  50/50, you choose *smiles*

“Good Morning, May I have a transfer?” I say with my standard smile.  “Gooood Morning” Gus sings with a grin back “Only one?” I look behind me thinking perhaps I forgot my son was with me… giggle and say “No, just one will do today, thanks” “You sure?” he replies, “It’s early, it may pop out of your bag when your dancing waiting for your connection” “No, I’m good. Thank you!!” I feel a grin feel my face and I begin to ponder “Omg, I wasn’t even physically dancing this morning, does the inner dancer show that much?!!”

I physically dance to the back of the bus, put on my headphones and shades. I begin dancing in my seat, excited for the day and the Spring customers I will greet.

We approach my stop and I ring the bell, Gus stops at a stop that I think they have removed!  I bound to the front of the bus and say “Sorry, I thought this stop was taken off route”, “It IS!” he replied, just thought you may want this one.  I laugh and say, “No, thank you.  Normally I would but I need to go into the gas station before work” He smiles hugely and says “Ya, I need to get into that greenhouse of yours.  My garden is full of compost and dirt, need to get it tilled in and some cool weather stuff planted”

DING DING DING DING THAT’S IT!! HE’S SEEN ME AT WORK!! HA, small world “See you soon” as I hop off the bus with a smile. 

Guess Gus and I inspire each other! *dances* 

Gus, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


Waiting for my bus yesterday... sitting on the bench, brushing my upper hairs, sipping on my joe and enjoying the sun "mmm nice out this morning" I think to myself and smile “I need to find some zen, feeling a bit tense and antsy”. I close my eyes look down and take a deep cleansing breath. 

I look up and notice an odd little man (I'm pretty sure it's a man) crossing the busy street.  As he (she?) approaches I can't help but to think of "Pat" from the older SNL skits "Well, guess this guy is 'Wade' since 'Pat' is aleady taken" I think with a giggle that slips out of my brain down through my mouth. 

Wade looks over HUGE ASS EATEN GRIN says nothing and continues to sip on his joe and GRIN.  I smile "Cool cat, happy as can be with his (er her?) joe not a care in the fucking world"  Wade and I people watch for a bit and sip on our joe.  I love Wades outfit and take careful note; White t-shirt, navy blue PoSTAL shorts, ankle high white tube socks, black loafer type slippers and a thick black band that strap thick black framed eyeglasses to her (his?) head with silver, oily hairs poking through the band holding holding the glasses and THAT HUGE ASS GRIN!!

I find myself spacing out on the grumpy ass people paying high prices on gas, loving the fact I don’t pay for it any longer, I do a little dance in my seat.  I look over and see Wade begin to GRIN EVEN BIGGER (if that’s possible) and DANCE his (er her?) little jig.  Yes, dance. Hehehehehe *dances* I see the bus approaching and watch Wade take one last gulp of his (her?) joe and toss the empty cup in the trash. 

The bus doors open and I offer Wade “You first” with a hand jester and smile.  Wade returns the respect and refuses, waves in with a GRIN “After you”

So many words spoken, yet only one giggle was "heard"…

Wade, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




Benton :) *dances*

Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


I decided to take a different bus this morning due to being MOD and having to be there a bit early to open and such…


I hop off my bus, walk down to the stoplight cross the street and up the block.  Looking for the stop I see someone in a hoodie waiting with his bike….“There it is!” I think to myself “Great, no seat for my happy ass… Oh well, it will STILL be an awesome and smooth day” I walk up put my bag down and begin to adjust my hoodie, its freakin’ cold out!!

I look up and I see hoodie guy running up to a house, I look down and see his bike.  “Oh crap, he just left his bike there!” I think I move closer to his bike because the mother bear in me is now “watching it” for him.

He runs back out and I move closer to my bag.  I look up and he’s putting on his bag in somewhat of a panic rush fumbling with his hoodie and bike.  “Forget your bag, man?” I ask with a smile. “Ya” he replies.  “Glad you remembered I’m lost without my bag” I say still with a smile.  He looks up at me smiles and says “Me too, I saw you put yours down and panicked!” “Ya, man” I say smiling back “I watched your bike for you”  “Thank you!!” he replies “No biggie, It’s the momma bear in me” I reply.


I look over and he’s now smiling most largely.  I can tell that he’s overjoyed that he has his bag, didn’t miss the bus and that a complete stranger watched his bike for him  He pulls out his pipe and begins to puff.  “Do you smoke?” he asks “YES!” I reply with a grin bigger than his “Care to partake” he sings as he holds out the bowl “OOO dude, you have noooo idea how much I’d LOVE to! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU” I giggle slightly as I take the bowl happily from his hands and toke.  “I’m out, so I had to take resin hits this morning and I’m manager on duty!” “THAT SUCKS!” he states as he lights the bowl again.  “NOT NOW” I yell as I gladly take the bowl again.

We discuss that we are both going to work and where as we enjoy his bowl…I ask “What’s your name, man?” “Benton” he replies “Kitten?” I say. He laughs “Noooo Benton” “Bitten?” I say “Damn it’s hard to hear on this street!” “Yes” he says as the bus approaches.  “Bitten” I think to myself “Doesn’t seem like a Bitten to me.  Oh well, people call themselves strange names in this state” Smiling from the amazing buzz of “Bitten’s” kindness and inspirations, I hop on the bus.  “Bitten” loads his bike on the front of the bus and hops on and takes the seat next to me.

“Hey, is your work hiring?” he asks “Ya, it IS spring, but you have a job” I say with huge grin that I have nooo reason or want to shake.  “Ya” he smiles back “But I’d rather work there”

We discuss how things are seasonal there and how it may work out for him to have two jobs.  He has experience with organic gardening, our store need someone else with said experience besides myself and one other.  I gladly give him my work information so he can come in and fill out an application.  “Shit, I’ll give you my cell too man. You make me smile and THANK YOU again for the herbs” I say as we are approaching our stop.  “My pleasure” he says still smiling “I wanted you to have a nice start to your day, for you have done that for me”   “What first name are you putting on your app man?” still thinking his name is “Bitten” “Benton” he replies “B E N T O N” “OOOOOOoo” I say smiling with a slight laugh “I thought you said BITTEN” “noooooooooooOoooo” He replies with laughter “Nobody ever hears me correctly at first”

We hop of the bus and begin to rush off in opposite directions “Bye Benton!” I scream behind me “I’ll probably see you at the bus stop sometime if not we’ll always have” he yells as he removes his bike from the bus “Peace” I yell back “Exactly!!” he yells back smiling…

“Benton rules” I think as I put on my headphones, light a smoke and dance the rest of the way to work…”today really WILL be a most awesome day!”

Well, work throw me for a crazy loop first thing and I was busy busy busy BUSY, but that’s OK cause Benton crossed my path and all was good and groovy…even had a customer tell me my attitude was inspirational *big grin* when I was dealing with a crisis this customer had no idea I was dealing with *grins even larger*

I finally went out for a break 2.5 hours or so later, checked my phone and a text had come in “Hi J this is Benton, if you’re ever out of greens again text me.  Resins are icky lol” omg LMFAOOL! I texted back “Thank You!! You so rule”  


Benton, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




ps. I'm not attracted to Benton in "that way" he's way too young for me ;)

Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


I was a bit behind today, ran out the door with wet upper hairs and all.  I made it to the bus stop on time…GOOO ME!!

I hop off my first bus, elated because nobody is at the bus stop.  Usually, when nobody is at this bus stop it means I have a good 10 min to sit there by myself and chillax.  Brush my upper hairs, eat my breakfast, have a smoke, read, text..yadda yadda yaaddaaaa

Well, today…was different.

I plop myself and my bag down, light up a smoke, lean back on the bench and ahhhh ya, it’s gonna be a goooood day. “The weather guessers were wrong again” I think to myself with a smile “The sun is shining bright it’s warm out and life is good!”

I listen to the traffic and the music of the streets as I wait for my hair to dry….

Up walks “Stan” strange man Stan seems to be, but harmless.  “You don’t mind if I smoke” Stan says as he plops himself down next to my bag on the bench.  “Not at all” as I hold up my smoke and zone out at the sun with my “Willy Wonkas” on.  “Some people feel the need to run away” he says.  “I know what you mean” I reply “Can’t say I really blame them really, these things are hideous” Stan smiles and says “You going to work?” “Yup” I say as I begin to wish I had put my headphones on.

“What do you do for work” Stan asks as he smokes his cig like a fast train, spitting on the ground and tapping his foot at a rapid rate.  “Great” I think “What did I get myself into now?” “I work at a greenhouse” I reply. “Oh” Stan replies as he begins to rub his head, still puffing on his smoke, spitting on the ground and tapping his foot at a rapid rate. “I need to get home and eat, I’m so hungry.  Eat I need to eat. Yup, go home and eat” “Wow” I think to myself “This guy really needs to eat..or something” I begin to put up my “bubble” as I feel Stan’s anxiety and anger increase and start up with  my thoughts of “Many blessings and Strength dear brother many blessings and strengths”

I was about to offer Stan my mini carrots that I packed in my lunch, when he hops up and starts pacing the street in front of the bus stop.  “Guess he doesn’t want my blessings or strength” I think to myself “Or my mini carrots” a smile crosses my face as I count MY blessings and begin to space out on the sun again..

Back and forth Stan paces talking to himself as he impatiently waits for the bus.  I watch him and continue with my blessings and wishes of strength for him.  “DAMMIT, it’s gonna be awhile” Stan states as he walks to the corner and walks back up “There’s an issue” as he speed walks back down, crosses the corner and walks into Starbucks.

Phew! As I feel myself exhale and take a deep breath “That was intense” I say out loud “I can’t believe the anxiety and stress from that man” I think “Glad my bubble still works” I feel my smile fill my face as I begin to count my blessings again.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” oooo Stans back.  He plops himself down on the bench again this time with a cup of ice water from Starbucks. Now he’s spitting, tapping, rubbing, sipping and shaking…I’m about to offer my carrots again when he hops up and runs to the corner, bouncing back n forth like his pants are on fire and his shorts are too tight.

My eyes widen as I see the bus down the road.  I begin to count my blessings again as I feel my bubble begin to fade.  Stan rushes up mumbling something about the transit system sucking his ball sack (our bus is about 5 min late) and how he should report the driver.

I thank my stars as the bus pulls up and I hop on, flashing my transfer I rush to the back and surround myself with college kids in earplugs reading and spacing out…..

“Sweet Zen” I think to myself as I finally pull out my hairbrush…

Stan, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




ps..it was a very good day!! Stan guided me into patience and I needed it with the challanging new girl I'm working with, I do believe I may be getting "it" through to her..loves to my friends!!

*dances off*


Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


Joseph (pronounced YOSEV)

I'll start with WOW!!

Today was very very VERY windy after work and I was beat, like beat ass beat beat.  So, I wanted a seat (my bus wouldn't be there for at least 20 min and my reg bus stop has no bench) I walk to my alternative bus stop where there is some shelter and a seat :) Joseph was getting off his bus and walking over to the same stop.  I put my bag down and have a seat, blaring Ozzy in my ear my hoodie hood blows off and I see that Joseph is saying something to me.. "Pardon" I say not thinking much of him since  most of time when someone bothers me, they just want to bum a smoke.."Hello" he says "is it windy enough or what?"  "Storm blowing in" I say pulling my hoodie and headphones back up, still thinking he wants a smoke...I close my eyes and get lost in Ozzy for a bit, when I open my eyes I see Joseph sitting there with his eyes closed and tapping his foot..Joseph has no headphones on nor do I see earplugs or a wire..."hrmmm, maybe I should take the time to talk to this cat" I think to myself as I see the bus turn the corner. 

We all hop on the bus, Joseph and I both take seats in the back, I pull off my hoodie hood and my earphones come with it.  I hear "BABY OOO BABY O YAAAAAA OOOO HOW I LOVE YOU BABY..." I look up and dude a few rows up from us is "gettin down" to whatever is playing through his earplugs and Joseph and I burst out in giggles..."Want to borrow my headphones?" I say to him "Yes, please" he replies "Do they fit nice on your ears, how's the sound?"  Both of us with smiles, I put Ozzy on hold and say "Yes, awesome sound and I didn't pay much for them! Just getting off of work?" "No" he replies in a very calm and somewhat saddened voice "Coming from prayer" "oooooooo meditation" I reply "no wonder you are so zen" He smiles and says "Yes, God willing this feeling with carry with me throughout the night" I'm intrigued, putting my transfer away he says to me "How about you, are you just getting off of work?" he says "Yup" I reply with an exhausted smile "Where would that be?" he asks. Normally I wouldn't tell a complete stranger where I work, but I dunno this cat seems different and I feel he needs to come into the greenhouse for extra meditation.  (We have many people walk through for this reason; it's most awesome and makes me smile..grin even)  I tell him where I work and about how amazing the greenhouse is and tell him he should stop in sometime.

We talk more and more and the conversation leads to our sobriety.  We're in the middle of our discussion and this girl jumps on the bus and starts screaming GET ME AWAY FROM THIS MAN, DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!! I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH HIM I JUST WANT TO TAKE THE BUS TO MY DADS ...

erm...WOWZERS Joseph and I just look at each other with big eyes...we both know that this girl is whacked out of her gourd CRACK it's what for dinner?

Her "man" jumps on the bus after and she's still screaming running out the back door and back in the front door like a circling maniac while her "man" is running back n forth in the aisle...dude looks up and yells "OMG YOSEV, BRO HELP ME WITH THIS BITCH"  I look over and there sits Joseph like a deer in headlights.  Just then the "OOOOOOOOO BABY BABY BABY OOOOOOOO " dude takes out his earplug and says "GET YOUR FUCKING DRAMA OFF OUR BUS BITCH" "wow" I hear from Joseph. "FUCK YOU BROTHER" the high woman replies. "GET THE FUCK OFF OUR BUS AND TAKE THAT SHIT TO THE ROAD, GO USE PIZZA HUTS PHONE BITCH, I WANNA GET HOME TO CATCH THE BB GAME!"

Joseph and I look at each other, stunned and her "man" says "YOSEV BRO COME ON!" Joseph just sits there.  "GET YOUR BITCH OUR FUCKING BUS MAN OR I'LL DO IT!' oooo baby oooo baby dude replies...They both jump off and oooo baby ooo baby oooo baby dude says "SHUT THE DOOR AND GOOO DAMMIT" the bus driver complies and the bus takes off ooo baby dude puts back in earplugs.

Joeseph and I look at each other and say "WOW" at the same time, I say to him "I'm proud of you man, you did the right thing"  oooo baby oooo baby ooo baby dude must have had his tunes off cause he pulls the earplug back out and says "SHIT, I did the right thing..you two just sat there.  Shit, I gotz a game to get home to, no bitch is gonna fuck up my game unless I'm getting me some" Joseph and I look at eachother and giggle. oooo baby ooo baby dude looks up at Joeseph and says "Naw, brother you DID do the right thing.  That bitch was nuts and you KNOW brother would have kicked you out in 4 hours when they made up and he was about to get his angry nut on" as he's putting his earplug back in states "Shooot you would have ended up in jail brother or stranded w/o a bus on a Sunday" "wow" Joseph says.  "I'm proud of you brother" I say with a smile "very very proud" "thanks!" he replies with a smile "I'm proud of me too! I use to pray with that guy, now he's with that craziness.  I don't need that!" "Werd" I say "Really, anytime you want to come into the greenhouse you DO IT" "I promise I will" he says.

We continue to talk all the way down to my stop, I pull the signal thingie and Joseph says "You have a wonderful evening sweetie, thank you" "THANK YOU!" I reply with a smile "Stay strong brother, many blessings to you" I hop off the bus and throw up my peace sign as I skip down the street full of love and praise I feel for this mans soul.


Joseph, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




We'll call her Jane...

Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


We'll just call her that, I haven't caught her "real" name...

She works at the gas station that I sometimes grab a coffee or a naked juice from when I'm waiting for my second bus in the morning.  The first day we crossed paths I was going in for a coffee and she was cleaning the counter, I grabbed a napkin and began to clean up the mess from the lid of my travel cup "now, you stop that sweetie!" I turned to see this gorgeous face beaming up with a smile.  "A smile beaming face at a gas station (I thought to myself) odd".  "Good Morning" I reply "I can't leave a mess, you just cleaned up a mess!" "I'm very use to it sweetie" she sings back to me...."WOW (I think to myself again) someone who is into customer service as much as I am!!!  We chat a bit more about opening and closing and how blessed I feel that I don't have to clean up after other staff except for on Friday's (which are my Monday's) We chat a bit about how's she's NOT a morning person, the bus and how she's struggling, but she won't stop smiling.   I'm floored as I pay for my coffee and we wish each other a "good day" both smiling with bits of slight laughter.

The second encounter I went in for a naked juice with my sunglasses on and hoodie up, she recognizes me anyway, smiles and says "Hi sweetie, how's the bus and the greenhouse?, It's nice to see you!" Floored again, I reply "Going well, getting busier, how are you lady? I see you haven't gotten the night shift yet" "Nope" she says with a smile "but at least I still HAVE a job" I smile and say "Isn't that the truth, I'm so blessed" "So am I" she replies "So am I" again we bid each other a good day with smiles on our faces..

Today was the day that made me think of beginning this blog, a record of the "strangers" that touch my soul for no explainable reason at all..

I didn't even go into the station this morning, no coffee needed.  Can't spoil myself two days in a row with the naked juice.  So, I'm sitting sipping my joe waiting for my bus take off my headphones to brush my hair and put it up in it's daily and I hear "GOOOOODDDD MORNING SWEETIE" there's Jane at the pump, cleaning it and picking up trash with a smile "GOOOOD MORNING SWEEEETTIIEE" I reply.  "Have a wonderful day!" she says "You as well!" I reply and both with smiles we go forward in our day...

Jane, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




We'll call her Jane...

Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace...

I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience...


We'll just call her that, I haven't caught her "real" name...

She works at the gas station that I sometimes grab a coffee or a naked juice from when I'm waiting for my second bus in the morning.  The first day we crossed paths I was going in for a coffee and she was cleaning the counter, I grabbed a napkin and began to clean up the mess from the lid of my travel cup "now, you stop that sweetie!" I turned to see this gorgeous face beaming up with a smile.  "A smile beaming face at a gas station (I thought me self) odd".  "Good Morning" I reply "I can't leave a mess, you just cleaned up a mess!" "I'm very use to it sweetie" she sings back to me...."WOW (I think to myself again) someone who is into customer service as much as I am!!!  We chat a bit more about opening and closing and how blessed I feel that I don't have to clean up after other staff except for on Friday's (which are my Monday's) We chat a bit about how's she's NOT a morning person, the bus and how she's struggling, but she won't stop smiling.   I'm floored as I pay for my coffee and we wish each other a "good day" both smiling with bits of slight laughter.

The second encounter I went in for a naked juice with my sunglasses on and hoodie up, she recognizes me anyway, smiles and says "Hi sweetie, how's the bus and the greenhouse?, It's nice to see you!" Floored again, I reply "Going well, getting busier, how are you lady? I see you haven't gotten the night shift yet" "Nope" she says with a smile "but at least I still HAVE a job" I smile and say "Isn't that the truth, I'm so blessed" "So am I" she replies "So am I" again we bid each other a good day with smiles on our faces..

Today was the day that made me think of beginning this blog, a record of the "strangers" that touch my soul for no explainable reason at all..

I didn't even go into the station this morning, no coffee needed.  Can't spoil myself two days in a row with the naked juice.  So, I'm sitting sipping my joe waiting for my bus take off my headphones to brush my hair and put it up in it's daily and I hear "GOOOOODDDD MORNING SWEETIE" there's Jane at the pump, cleaning it and picking up trash with a smile "GOOOOD MORNING SWEEEETTIIEE" I reply.  "Have a wonderful day!" she says "You as well!" I reply and both with smiles we go forward in our day...

Jane, you've touched my soul and have put a smile on my face.  My life is better since you've crossed my path.  Thank You!

I wish you many blessings, good fortunes, strength and peace




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12 years ago
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