Joined on November 22, 2006
Born on December 19th
I have a crush on someone!
Here is a some of my you can see love is a huge theme for me..take the time to read some and a let me know what u think..
"My Mindz Garden"
my action are the offspring of my thoughts imagination fascination with elevation and soul beautification they say no one is perfect thus my frustration so i submerge in deep meditation to alienate a nation whose become complacent savage imagery vividly given to me since infancy yet we speak timidly, the eptime of dependency see i move massess you move asses speaking over beats thats played I sit in silence, speakin telepathically with serenity while playing chess with Osiris, debatin love with Isis and still taking a couple of seconds to scribe my thoughts on papyrus See i want to wade in the depths of tranquility sleep on the clouds of reason fly on the wings of destiny I want to speak intimately to femininity with the intensity of a man bound by nothin but love i want to dance to the sweet music of childrens laughter and shortly after capture that innocence with the depths of my words i want to take time to notice what part of my life is out of focus so I can then adjust the lense I want to build intellectual pyramids with friends those who can comprehend my story for the begining to the untold end Thats why im here, speaking the secrets of my soul for here I can be like a bird soaring high above the cruelties of the earth, here I feel whole but first things first they call me AWOL of the 7th Crescent Regiment I felt a brief introducton was in order since u already have crossed my soulz border tred lightly please feel free to pluck the exotic flowers that blossom in the hidden garden of my mind what kind of flowers u ask? thier called Poetry
"You Dont Have To Cry Alone: Ode to a Friend"
You dont have to cry alone..
The time will come when "he" will not make u cry.. The time will come when "he" will see you the same as I.. There will come a time when "he" will share your thrown.. But until then, my friend, You dont have to cry alone..
Tears fall quietly.. Playing hide and seek with reality. Hoping no one is closing their eyes and counting.. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... Here I come.. I wont stop until I fiind you.. But i know you have great hiding spots..
You dont have to cry alone.. But if you want to that's fine.. I just want you to know this, if you chose, that could be the last time.. I will not judge your emotions.. I will not wipe away your tears.. I wll sit and listen to your heart.. So I can truely understand why they are their. I will know the meaning of your silent words hidden in the depth of your poetry.. the definition of your pain.. the expressions of your sadness.. and the unrelenting passion that flows in your veins..
It is true, sometimes, its best to cry alone.. At that point I will not ask how come.. But, my dear friend, there will be times for that.. but right now, this is not one
The time will come when "he" will not make u cry.. The time will come when "he" will see you the same as I.. There will come a time when "he" will share your thrown.. But until then, my friend, You dont have to cry alone..
"My Love's Truth"
My pen seems to be filled with ink from Love's fountain so when i write about Love it feels like im drowning.. My mind racing rapid but my strokes, carefully calculated.. My soul is empty but what is guiding my hand? Maybe the idea itself has me intoxicated but "SHE" is no where to be found.. So at times, I walk with my head down.. No one can hear me scream.. My pain invisible to those who only see what they want from me...
But what is me? Is it the man who stands before the crowd and recites Love's declaration loud enough so that no one can hear it ? People have a funny way of thinking.. Thats why I refuse to speak my spirit.. I am waiting for the one who may never come.. and I just cant get by how come..
See i am waiting for Love's face.. but am starting to wonder if i would recognize her.. I believe so but does she look the same? Funny, pain has a way of being mistaken for her too... See Love, that's the easy part.. Finding that person, now that is the challenge... My pen can spill out all my thoughts but my hearts truth i will save just for you..
You being the one who just knows.. The one who loves my scent lingering on her clothes.. She is not the muse for my poems.. She is my soul's autobiography being written in her blood with the stem of a rose... When she awakes its like an eternal sunrise.. Staring , i get lost in the depths of her skies.. You being the one who doesnt need to ask but already knows why.. Someone, who if we were married..and god forbid i died.. She would want no other.. So i could live in her heart... See thru her eyes.. And for past time, watch us remembered in the depths of her mind..
Joined on November 22, 2006
Born on December 19th
I have a crush on someone!
Whats really good..I dont play games..feel me..keep it real with me and Ill keep it real with not your typical type a guy so dont fucking judge photographer..poet.musician so .hit me up and ill hook u up...nothing much more to say..want to know more about me than hit me up