So once again I am having a contest for little girls. No kids over the age of 8. The rules are as fallows.
1) Comment bombing is allowed
2) You may vote for your pic
3) Comments and ratings with be added together
4) No bs or drama at all as soon as bs or drama starts contest will be shut down without notice and prizes will be giving out to who is winning at that time
5) Please keep it clean this is a contest for little girls
6) Have fun
First prize is a bratz pet backpack but you can put bratz dolls in it.
Second prize is a bubble maker.
Prize for most ratings is color books.
Also I will repost bulletins about the contest as you parents put them up. Contest will run Monday 9am - Friday 9pm as long as I get enough people. If I dont get enough people tonight I will send out another bulletin to let you know when it will be opened.
Thank you
Stay at home mom ~Memeber of K.O.T.~