Our visit to Livermore Temple.
We decided to visit the temple on October 21, the first day of Diwali. The temple is at other side of bay area beyond Dublin-Pleasanton, a journey of about 50 miles nearly. It was journey by Amol’s hired car ( A Toyota of course). Amol’s driving skill is good so we were able to cover that distance within 40 mins. The temple is not dedicated to a single deity. The are as many Gods as can be accommodated to in the temple. So there was Ganapati, Durga, Shankar bhagwan and Vainkatesh, as also Nav gruhas. We were happy as we got our family deity Balaji. We arranged Jap of Balaji in the name of our little darling Kashmira. It was night time but the rush was sizable. We spent couple of hours in the temple as it was very cool there. We had beautiful prashad like Balaji temple at Tirupati. The atmosphere was charged with ‘The chanting of Mantras’ and AHUTI. It was very sacred atmosphere but our Kashmira was roaring like tiger in the temple. People from all provinces of India were congregated there. Gujaratis and Andhras people were prominent among them. The board declared that the foundation stone was laid of temple by N. T. Ramrao, the CM of Andhra. In the patron lists many prominent Marathi, Gujaratis and Tamils personalities were there. It was Laxmi Puja in our home that’s why we returned hurriedly. It is first Diwali of our sweetest girl Kashmira that made us return hurriedly to our abode.
After crossing Bay Bridge immediately there is a big football stadium. American football is a strange game in which the players run with the ball under their arm but they call it football. It is more a game of endurance, game of pushing and pulling. We can say more game of wrestling because of in this game players wrestle with each others and deliberately make other players fall down. Our Amol enjoys the game and like other Americans enjoys the game every Saturday and Sunday mornings. National Football League or NFL is popular organizers of tournaments in America. NFL Tournaments are normally in evenings in flood lights. People bring their food and drinks and come to spend the evenings like they show in the ancient Roman movie style. And in between the college football( yes, college football tournaments are separate) the dances of beautiful damsels entertains the audience. As every player plays for his team as for his beautiful sweetheart. What is American dream? It is about power and beauty and that dream is fulfilled on the NFL Stadiua. The games of physical power are very popular with American public. The game like American football is not popular in any other country except in USA. Personally speaking I like the game immensely. There is likelihood of physical injury in it but the scene of organized violence is enchanting. American football is indeed a youthful colossal violence but extremely likable. Players make other players fall down on the field or sometimes on one player fall four/five players but everything is done playfully and in good humor. NFL Tournaments are watched by millions of Americans every Saturday and Sunday. Five days of rigorous work and two days of relaxations—a copy book style of life is enjoyed by the whole of America. My salute to American ingenuity and American perseverance the fruits of which are indeed sweet!