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NFL Games in USA.

EVERYTHING GOOD ABOUT AMERICA.--------------------- Our visit to Livermore Temple. We decided to visit the temple on October 21, the first day of Diwali. The temple is at other side of bay area beyond Dublin-Pleasanton, a journey of about 50 miles nearly. It was journey by Amol’s hired car ( A Toyota of course). Amol’s driving skill is good so we were able to cover that distance within 40 mins. The temple is not dedicated to a single deity. The are as many Gods as can be accommodated to in the temple. So there was Ganapati, Durga, Shankar bhagwan and Vainkatesh, as also Nav gruhas. We were happy as we got our family deity Balaji. We arranged Jap of Balaji in the name of our little darling Kashmira. It was night time but the rush was sizable. We spent couple of hours in the temple as it was very cool there. We had beautiful prashad like Balaji temple at Tirupati. The atmosphere was charged with ‘The chanting of Mantras’ and AHUTI. It was very sacred atmosphere but our Kashmira was roaring like tiger in the temple. People from all provinces of India were congregated there. Gujaratis and Andhras people were prominent among them. The board declared that the foundation stone was laid of temple by N. T. Ramrao, the CM of Andhra. In the patron lists many prominent Marathi, Gujaratis and Tamils personalities were there. It was Laxmi Puja in our home that’s why we returned hurriedly. It is first Diwali of our sweetest girl Kashmira that made us return hurriedly to our abode. After crossing Bay Bridge immediately there is a big football stadium. American football is a strange game in which the players run with the ball under their arm but they call it football. It is more a game of endurance, game of pushing and pulling. We can say more game of wrestling because of in this game players wrestle with each others and deliberately make other players fall down. Our Amol enjoys the game and like other Americans enjoys the game every Saturday and Sunday mornings. National Football League or NFL is popular organizers of tournaments in America. NFL Tournaments are normally in evenings in flood lights. People bring their food and drinks and come to spend the evenings like they show in the ancient Roman movie style. And in between the college football( yes, college football tournaments are separate) the dances of beautiful damsels entertains the audience. As every player plays for his team as for his beautiful sweetheart. What is American dream? It is about power and beauty and that dream is fulfilled on the NFL Stadiua. The games of physical power are very popular with American public. The game like American football is not popular in any other country except in USA. Personally speaking I like the game immensely. There is likelihood of physical injury in it but the scene of organized violence is enchanting. American football is indeed a youthful colossal violence but extremely likable. Players make other players fall down on the field or sometimes on one player fall four/five players but everything is done playfully and in good humor. NFL Tournaments are watched by millions of Americans every Saturday and Sunday. Five days of rigorous work and two days of relaxations—a copy book style of life is enjoyed by the whole of America. My salute to American ingenuity and American perseverance the fruits of which are indeed sweet!

Viva America.

Why I am fed up of America.:-------------------------------- From the very beginning my wife and children told me that medical help is not available in USA. Doctors are not readily available in states. And in general so many rules and regulations to follow that one becomes fed up sort of. The non availability of medical practitioners is so ingrained on our mind that mind began to think why go to America? Medical help is available but the cost of it is prohibitive. Amol tells me that Kashmira’s birth cost him nearly $ 60,000/--. From the very beginning I was debating the idea of going to America. But desire to see and to love Kashmira was overpowering. At last two old Indians alighted on the shores of San Francisco. Slowly it was realized that apart from this medical misconception everything else was just fine with America. We got accustomed with American ways in due course and began to consider American ourselves. But the fear of medical fraternity is still there in our minds. Because as my wife tells “what will happen when one does not know”. We fell in love with San Francisco and our Chinese neighborhood. The wonderful Richmond locality is situated between Golden Gate park and Mountain Lake park. This is a mixed community with Chinese, Thai, Indian, Philippino and of course Black and White Americans. But such a sweet community is hardly available anywhere else. Whether you are acquainted or not people wish you or at least smile at you graciously. It is most unfortunate that there is crime and violence in such a sweet community. As a saying in Marathi goes ‘where there is village there is a dumping ground for garbage.’ I remember my friend the late Sainath Dawane invariably at such times because he used to quote such strange and outlandish sayings at times. Some of the sayings he coined himself. Ever since in San Francisco I read Examiner regularly and if I did not get Examiner as it happens on Sunday/Saturday, I read it on internet. I read with interest the news about mayor Gavin Newsom and Governor Arnold –his surname is impossible--. In fact Arnold is my favorite hero but the mayor is more handsome. Even some of the Chinese supervisors are cute for example Fiona Maa. In USA corporators are known as supervisors. Those who conduct business of municipality. The city hall is in the downtown where the business of San Francisco municipality is conducted. The Examiner gives details about what the mayor is doing at what time. I have always looked with wonder and awe to political personalities though many of them were my friends in young age. TELEVISION is also not as spectacular as we have in India. Most of the channels have either cookery programs or good house-keeping programs. Entertainment part is taken care of by Spanish language TV. A news channel like star news or aajtak is not there. Similarly programs on many Indian channels are far better than here. Even vernacular TV is far superior than American TV. This is because in India TV happens to be main source of entertainment and knowledge whereas in American society that position is taken by Internet. Chinese channel is showing sometimes Indian movies. But that is mostly on Sunday or Saturday, and that too in the mornings. I watch usually BBC evening news or old movies channel. Spanish I don’t understand but Spanish TV is spectacular and women more beautiful. Chinese women are as beautiful as white women and Chinese programs are equally good. But I drew a blank in both cases.

Viva America.

Why I am fed up of America.:-------------------------------- From the very beginning my wife and children told me that medical help is not available in USA. Doctors are not readily available in states. And in general so many rules and regulations to follow that one becomes fed up sort of. The non availability of medical practitioners is so ingrained on our mind that mind began to think why go to America? Medical help is available but the cost of it is prohibitive. Amol tells me that Kashmira’s birth cost him nearly $ 60,000/--. From the very beginning I was debating the idea of going to America. But desire to see and to love Kashmira was overpowering. At last two old Indians alighted on the shores of San Francisco. Slowly it was realized that apart from this medical misconception everything else was just fine with America. We got accustomed with American ways in due course and began to consider American ourselves. But the fear of medical fraternity is still there in our minds. Because as my wife tells “what will happen when one does not know”. We fell in love with San Francisco and our Chinese neighborhood. The wonderful Richmond locality is situated between Golden Gate park and Mountain Lake park. This is a mixed community with Chinese, Thai, Indian, Philippino and of course Black and White Americans. But such a sweet community is hardly available anywhere else. Whether you are acquainted or not people wish you or at least smile at you graciously. It is most unfortunate that there is crime and violence in such a sweet community. As a saying in Marathi goes ‘where there is village there is a dumping ground for garbage.’ I remember my friend the late Sainath Dawane invariably at such times because he used to quote such strange and outlandish sayings at times. Some of the sayings he coined himself. Ever since in San Francisco I read Examiner regularly and if I did not get Examiner as it happens on Sunday/Saturday, I read it on internet. I read with interest the news about mayor Gavin Newsom and Governor Arnold –his surname is impossible--. In fact Arnold is my favorite hero but the mayor is more handsome. Even some of the Chinese supervisors are cute for example Fiona Maa. In USA corporators are known as supervisors. Those who conduct business of municipality. The city hall is in the downtown where the business of San Francisco municipality is conducted. The Examiner gives details about what the mayor is doing at what time. I have always looked with wonder and awe to political personalities though many of them were my friends in young age. TELEVISION is also not as spectacular as we have in India. Most of the channels have either cookery programs or good house-keeping programs. Entertainment part is taken care of by Spanish language TV. A news channel like star news or aajtak is not there. Similarly programs on many Indian channels are far better than here. Even vernacular TV is far superior than American TV. This is because in India TV happens to be main source of entertainment and knowledge whereas in American society that position is taken by Internet. Chinese channel is showing sometimes Indian movies. But that is mostly on Sunday or Saturday, and that too in the mornings. I watch usually BBC evening news or old movies channel. Spanish I don’t understand but Spanish TV is spectacular and women more beautiful. Chinese women are as beautiful as white women and Chinese programs are equally good. But I drew a blank in both cases.
Indian restaurant in Sunnyvel---------------------- Every month Amol takes us to some out side eatery to dine. This month he had taken us to Savarana hotel in Sunnyvel. Savarna is Indian vegetarian restaurant in Silicon valley. It naturally means that all the Brahmins in Silicon valley will get attracted to the place. The place was virtually besieged by people so that we had to wait in our cars outside. Amol had already confirmed the establishment was to remain open till 10 o’clock. But we proved to be the last of the diners. There was a happy company of diners around which consisted mainly of Gujarathis and Maharashtrians. But owner of the establishment was typically Udipi and in general it had Udipi ambience. The restaurant was quite spacious and roomy and people were enjoying food and each other’s company. For starters Sandhya ordered mango lassi and Bageshree khara lassi. We were observing lot of Indians for first time in USA. How happy we were just by the company of so many Indians though none was conversing with us. The PA system was playing some Kannada or Tamil song. And in front of diners was plate full of Indian food. What more you expect for Indian community. ( or for that matter for any community. ) In my thali was about dozen small bowls filled with some vegetable, two puris and some rice. Amol and Bgeshree were lucky to take separate items such as uttapam and idli-sambar and dosa etc. there was a Marathi family to end but as is custom with Marathi people neither we spoke nor they. We were eyeing them with curiosity. While roaming in the city I traveled by MUNI once to golden gate bridge. Actually I went up the toll plaza at golden gate bridge where there is beautiful garden and pedestrians plaza. I got a very beautiful view of the bridge and its surroundings. A ship was coming to the bridge from bay area. I was watching the scene, spell-bound for nearly an hour, standing at the Flag post on the Golden Gate Bridge. A group of American old women, who entail you at such spots, was here too. These old women were everywhere, they were at Lincoln park, at Mesonic park and golden gate also. Just like Banglore is city of parks so San Francisco a city of parks. However parks in San Francisco are well maintained in spite of their natural growth which is frightening sometimes. And how tremendous as compared to Banglore. Golden Gate park is tremendous forest in the centre of city. Presidio is another forest and Glen valley is yet another forest. But these mini forests are well maintained by watering and gardening. Then in these mini forests are some beautiful lakes with water fowls and pigeons. Really nature is bountiful in giving these natural gifts to San Francisco. But it has also given the same San Francisco a very eccentric weather. High and cold winds sometimes engulfed city and make you shiver through warm clothes. And since it is city near ocean, one never knows when the wind starts.

Golden Gate Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge--- On Wednesday three buses of European tourists had come to Golden gate bridge complex. Tourists are always coming to the bridge and creating lot of confusion and din. But European tourists were quite disciplined and they observed everything silently and with dignity. Since I have become a citizen of San Francisco, I helped them understand many things and short brief of history of Golden gate. Indeed I would act as a tourist guide or better still I would write a movie story on the lines of Guide, with backdrop of San Francisco. He he he he. I have started a new idea of going to the end points of certain bus routs. So I have gone to the end of route no. 44 and rout no. 18. the bus no. 44 starts on California street near our home and on O’shaguan road near postal head quarters. A very long journey indeed. The bus passes two BART stations and gigantic forest of Glen valley and of course our famous Golden Gate Park. Sandhya was with me in the journey and she got bored by long bus route. We alighted at a BART station called Glen Valley. It was like any other railway station on our Karjat line or Kasara line. Only the crowd on these stations is more polished and fashionable. I found Glen railway station wanting in many facilities, prominent among them was the absence of restroom. Every public stop or station must have a restroom for convenience of many handicapped commuters or sick passengers. Will city planners and supervisors listen to me? Many public parks have this facility but important and crowded public places like railway stations are devoid of this facility. Then I went to end of bus route no. 18. there is a large lake called Merced lake and panoramic and beautiful forest around. It is near San Francisco zoo and a little bit deserted area though omnipotent runners or joggers were present here. We feel pity for these joggers for at any hour of the day they are toiling relentlessly on the roads and half of them are middle aged ladies and gigantic too. Man’s (or woman’s) efforts to remain young, beautiful and cheerful are indeed wonderful. While roaming in San Francisco, I encountered many Indians but they all of them appeared to be careless for meeting fellow Indians. Some even hide themselves and feel embarrassed if the meeting becomes unavoidable. Strange are the ways of Indians. Only one appeared to be talkative and frank but upon enquiry he turned out be Bangladeshi. Why Indians feel guilty in meeting fellow Indians? There appears to be only one reason for this phenomenon. The color of the skin. Indians are tired of that color of skin and avoid it in foreign land. But in doing so they avoid many south Americans as well. Perhaps movies like Munabhai, MBBS, or Lage Raho Munabhai are the reason for this hatred. Munabhai movies are so hopelessly mediocre that it shows mentality of Indians. God save Indians.

Golden Gate Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge--- On Wednesday three buses of European tourists had come to Golden gate bridge complex. Tourists are always coming to the bridge and creating lot of confusion and din. But European tourists were quite disciplined and they observed everything silently and with dignity. Since I have become a citizen of San Francisco, I helped them understand many things and short brief of history of Golden gate. Indeed I would act as a tourist guide or better still I would write a movie story on the lines of Guide, with backdrop of San Francisco. He he he he. I have started a new idea of going to the end points of certain bus routs. So I have gone to the end of route no. 44 and rout no. 18. the bus no. 44 starts on California street near our home and on O’shaguan road near postal head quarters. A very long journey indeed. The bus passes two BART stations and gigantic forest of Glen valley and of course our famous Golden Gate Park. Sandhya was with me in the journey and she got bored by long bus route. We alighted at a BART station called Glen Valley. It was like any other railway station on our Karjat line or Kasara line. Only the crowd on these stations is more polished and fashionable. I found Glen railway station wanting in many facilities, prominent among them was the absence of restroom. Every public stop or station must have a restroom for convenience of many handicapped commuters or sick passengers. Will city planners and supervisors listen to me? Many public parks have this facility but important and crowded public places like railway stations are devoid of this facility. Then I went to end of bus route no. 18. there is a large lake called Merced lake and panoramic and beautiful forest around. It is near San Francisco zoo and a little bit deserted area though omnipotent runners or joggers were present here. We feel pity for these joggers for at any hour of the day they are toiling relentlessly on the roads and half of them are middle aged ladies and gigantic too. Man’s (or woman’s) efforts to remain young, beautiful and cheerful are indeed wonderful. While roaming in San Francisco, I encountered many Indians but they all of them appeared to be careless for meeting fellow Indians. Some even hide themselves and feel embarrassed if the meeting becomes unavoidable. Strange are the ways of Indians. Only one appeared to be talkative and frank but upon enquiry he turned out be Bangladeshi. Why Indians feel guilty in meeting fellow Indians? There appears to be only one reason for this phenomenon. The color of the skin. Indians are tired of that color of skin and avoid it in foreign land. But in doing so they avoid many south Americans as well. Perhaps movies like Munabhai, MBBS, or Lage Raho Munabhai are the reason for this hatred. Munabhai movies are so hopelessly mediocre that it shows mentality of Indians. God save Indians.

Cheese Cake Factory in SF.

Bageshree’s Birthday on sept. 23— We decided to celebrate Bageshree’s birthday with great fanfare. Amol had booked tables for us at Cheesecake factory at 9.30 pm. And we entered Union square with our great opening batsman Kashmira, at 8.30 pm. So we passed time in the dazzling Union Square. There was a light breeze in the air and Union square was abuzz with usual noise. While Amol went to get us coffee, I began to play with Kashmira. Union Square had come alive with all the music. A band had been playing in one corner and Union Square was alive with all the noises of early evening. Union Square is a gigantic square in downtown San Francisco with sky-scrapers all around. In the centre is underground parking lot and above the parking a beautiful garden with a stately statue of Liberty on a high mast. It is really exhilarating to sit in such a square with such a live-wire Kashmira. In four corners of the Union square were four great buildings of Macy’s and hotels dazzling with neon signs. I remembered a scene from movie ‘Sleepless In Seattle’. I don’t know why but in Union Square I invariably remember that scene from movie Sleepless in Seattle and with child actor Kashmira the effect was more pronounced and I began to feel like Tom Hanks. Union Square is always young at heart as it is always bursting with emotions. The sight of young and beautiful night makes you young at heart. Many young and beautiful girls were going to and fro and following them were young men. I remember Charles Dickens’s opening lines of Tale Of Two Cities, “Bliss was to be alive in that air but to be young was very heaven.” The eighth floor of Cheese cake factory, was memorable experience so to say. Sandhya was showing Kashmira the fun all around and I was standing passively near. The gallery was warm in spite of cold night due to various lamps lit in it. Our tables were laid out in the gallery and we were enjoying candle light dinner. For starter we had potato chips and some kind of bread with butter. The main course were served. I had taken shrimps with chiken pasta and rest of company had vegetable pizza with lot of sause. The smallest member of our group had gone to bed. A Spanish couple nearby was enjoying the dinner and some girls were joking and giggling. I was observing the modern fashion of the day. Womens’ fashions I do not speak but young gentle men were clad in loose fitting pants to the point of ridiculous. Our Dada Kondake would be ashamed, such type of pants. And hair dye was liberally used by both men and women. You will not believe but a gentleman had colored his hair parrot-green. By their behavior the young generation’s message was loud and clear—to hell with society. Our dinner ended with the desert Black-out cake which is famous cheese cake factory delicacy. By the time it was midnight chiming in church tower and night was still young for midnight revelers.


Sea World at San Diego-------------------------------- The idea of a marine zoological park is best utilized in San Diego’s Sea world. The first sea world was started in San Diego in 1964 and now is at Ohio and Florida. It is basically an entertainment park and marine park with several sea lions, dolphins and sometimes penguins. The park is spread on several acres with tight security around. It is due to Dipak’s insistence that we went to such a beautiful place and we were thrilled by the workmanship of dolphins. Sea world is nothing but under water circus with Dolphines and men and women. The circus like maneuvers done by dolphins are astonishing. First of all their size impresses audience. There were three dolphins of not less than twenty-feet and weighing several hundred pounds. The dolphins were jumping, dancing and gamboling in water to the delight of spectators. The girl and boys had also taken part in dancing etc. the girl and boys were riding the dolphins and coming out water sitting on nose of dolphins. And all this show was accompanied by deafening music and running commentary. A special stage was created with semi circular auditorium and big screen. A huge pond was created for dolphins to play around. You can imagine the audience overjoyed response and their shouts to every entry of dolphins. The show lasted for half an hour but audience wished it should be more. At the end of show dolphins, with their jumping and dancing splashed so much water that they made audience wet deliberately. It was fun to watch several young men and women enjoying the show to the hilt. Apart from dolphins show there were many other shows of interest for younger generation. And each show was given an attractive title such as Breakfast with sea lions etc. it was a ‘Fair’ for one day so to say. The show is open between 10 am to 9 pm on week days but Sunday and public holidays it remains open upto 11 pm. Several food stalls and ice-creams and shops for antics also adorn side show. Then there was adventure riding where people fell from great heights in water and cried loudly. Our people enjoyed skyrider with little Kartikee enjoying it immensely. The Sea World is situated on beautiful Mission beach at San Diego. Yogesh drove us to San Diego, a distance of not less of some 525 miles and journey of nearly nine hours. But it was on insistence of Dipak Phatak, our landlord in San Diego, we went to see Sea world. And it proved to be memorable experience.
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