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53 Year Old · Male · From Plattsmouth, NE · Joined on March 3, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 24th · 6 referrals joined! · 2 different people have a crush on me!
53 Year Old · Male · From Plattsmouth, NE · Joined on March 3, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 24th · 6 referrals joined! · 2 different people have a crush on me!

well want you cant tell in the pics is I'm a 6'1" 210 lb Native American, I can be a bit on the crazy side sometimes, OK most of the time. I just like to have fun and if I'm not my mind is working on ways to get in trouble :)

Yes I'm in the Army and will be for a very long time because I love what I do and if you don't like anybody that is in the military that's your choice but go ahead and find a diff page to hang out on.

Some people ask me why I work for a government that did what they did to the Native Americans? all I have to say to that is. I don't live in the past and if more people would not be pissed off about what happened in the past and look forward then things just might be better for them.

If your a guy coming to my page because you want to see what kind of comment a girl on this site you have a thing for left on my page, all I have to say is GET A LIFE and quit that High School BS because all your doing is looking like an idiot and I'm laughing at you.

If you come to my page at least leave a rate, I don't care if its a one or an 11 or anything between. Don't just come to my page and go EWWWW and not leave a rate because I may not be eye candy to you, never know you may not be eye candy for me no matter what you think of yourself. The last time I checked this was a game of points and we are all working on getting to the next level. I have met some really cool people here but just because you rated me does not mean I will get all excited, grab the lotion, dim the lights and start creeping your page, I will however return the rate as a nice jester and a thank you for yours. Sometimes I don't catch the rates people leave on my page so I'm sorry if I don't return the rate to you. Have a great day or night and good luck on reaching your next level.





native pride


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53 Year Old · Male · From Plattsmouth, NE · Joined on March 3, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 24th · 6 referrals joined! · 2 different people have a crush on me!
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Till the day I die SCOUTS OUT


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Any thing that gets me outside! Dirt bikes, Fast cars and big trucks lol


Image Code By RednekTv.com

LOL thats funny
Well I like country and listen to it the most but I listen to some others also

Video Games
Yeah I play them lol I'm a guy what do you expect


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  • Scout9 just stepping in to see whats new here and wow a lot has changed. but I guess that happens when you are gone for so long. So those who wondered if any of you did I am still alive lol. I still wont be on much though
    6 years ago · Comment

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