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Male · From Gas City, IN · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Male · From Gas City, IN · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Cook for a living... Biking... Music... Drink... Smoke/cigz(Redz baby).. Tatts... Single as i always am... Inderpendant yo... Not taking my time for granted no more/Prison sucks...AC/DC Rocks!!! And so do you... Hollar when ready! Had to sit a few years out in the pin to get my shit together but now life is good and I learned alot from my mistakes and I am hear to tell you it's easier to think twice before reacting to a situation then it is to do the time for not thinking twice and doing something stupid. Walking away is alway's better then lowering urself to their level of scum but when they come swinging, stupid them for not realizing taking kindness for weakness was their stupidity because now look at em laying there moping and hurt... Ya heard? Just keep ya head up, chest out, and scream and shout, who u r in what u wear and how u carry urselves... And fuck the rest... It isnt that sserious I said... Only God has to worry about the one staying serious 24-7... Thank you God for taking that weight off of my shoulder. I am grateful...

Male · From Gas City, IN · Joined on March 13, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 6 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Food...Music...(HD)...Women... Cars...Bikes... working... Baskette balling... etc... Oh, and, uh fishing, and drinking, and partying it up all the time... Yep, that would sum up my interest... I dont take much too serious anymore cept for work cause being too serios is being stressed and stressed causes headaches and headaches could lead to highering the blood pressure hence death... Quit being so serious all of the time.. It isnt worth it world...
Country and rock!!! And anything that is non-stop heart- pounding get ur blood-pumping banging-sounding good that is on, I listen to it yo...
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