If someone agrees something exists, then it becomes "real". How does one define "real"? Real is something you can touch, feel, see, smell, hear..? Is something NOT real when noone else can see it? I have become so angry with closed-minded people because they won't believe in something because they have been brainwashed by society, family, teachers, themselves...
My oh my. The "voices" in your head are very real, but it's because you are crazy or need sleep, or less stress, right? Has anyone stopped to think that these voices may be something collected in your head subliminally from the past? What about maybe a past life? Do you ever recognize these voices? How and why do you hear them? ARE they real? And why do they go away when you try and focus on them or a specific voice (maybe after you hear one of them say your name..)? What about the idea that you are hearing the future, or the present, and not something already done? (Why would you ever analyze this after beeing laughed at for even telling someone about "the voices"). I have grown to realize that people cover fear with laughter when they run into something they don't understand.
People become closed-minded in fear of what other people will think of them. Therefor, things are not "real" when someone else says they aren't.
When you encounter something paranormal, most people blame it on lack of sleep, or something easier to understand it's existance.
I believe anything that can be seen is real. YOUR MIND CAN NOT MANIPULATE YOUR EYES WITHOUT A CONSCIOUS DECISION TO!! It is just so common with society to blame it on other factors like drugs, lack of sleep, eyes playing tricks on you, lack of lighting, stress, etc. JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!! Have you ever stopped to think that maybe things are ALWAYS real no matter what the influence. Maybe lack of sleep, or drugs really are the doorway to knowledge. Your brain is so programmed by society and authority that you can't think for yourself. Any time you threaten knowledge and power over the government, you'll be put away. They call it "wrong" because it takes away their control over you and order.
People are so worried about being labeled "crazy" and being put away, that they toss things away to just a vivid imagination.
Come on people!! When you turn off the lights, does everything magically vanish just because you don't see it anymore? And just because you've never actually seen a billion dollars doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Remember that authority can lie just like the rest of us. When danger is found, we'll be the last to know in fear of panic, chaos, and disorder. They are afraid of losing control just like us, so to define something that cannot be understood, it becomes labeled "crazy". Especially if it threatens taking control of THEIR order. It is hilarious to want to follow the order of a government that writes "In God We Trust" on the "Root of all Evil".
Think for yourself. Question authority. In order to think for yourself, you must question authority. Your mind is so powerful and beautiful. Believe in yourself. Deep in your mind you have the power to know more, if you just let it happen. People and things show you doors that you don't even know exist. It is YOU that has to unlock them in order to be able to see what's behind them. Your questions will be answered when you are ready to hear, and know the truth.