Yeah so I didn't have such a great day today!!!
Some of you know that I work at a gas station for a grocery store......Some people are just complete morons!!!! When you fill up a gas can you have to set the damn gas can on the ground!!!! DO NOT LEAVE IT IN YOUR TRUCK , CAR,OR TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not wish to be burned to death thank you very much!!!
It is a good idea to also NOT talk on your cell phone while fueling your car!!! And when you get out of your car and before you touch the fuel nozzel and pump your gas to touch your car. You create static electricity from sliding in and out of your car. So before you start fueling touch your car to ground yourself!!!!!!
Anyways this is what happened......Some guy comes in with a truck and trailer with atvs in the trailer. He starts filling his gas can without taking it off the trailer and putting on the ground. Before I could go out and say anything....FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CHAOS!!!!!!!!! The whole gas station was full of cutomers. Everyone started freakin out. Anyways the fire was put out and everyone was ok. But PLEASE BE CAREFULL WHEN YOU FILL YOUR TANKS AND GAS CANS!!!! Just something to think about the next time you are at a gas station. Also pay attention to what is going on around you. There could be a moron pumping gas next to you.
I am scared to death of fire. I have no idea why I work at a gas because I never thought someone would be so careless!!!!!
Anyways hope everyone had a better day the I did!
<3 Wickey