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wolvenprinc's blog: "Saving Casey"

created on 07/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/saving-casey/b104424

Chapter six

Hey thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I was told to lean your head back when your nosebleeds so thats what I put. I have the characters OOC because I need them to be for this story. Yes anemia is a sign of Leukemia, I'm using it as a sign so Derek won't know whats wrong with her just yet until they tell him. Keep him in suspense and completely clueless. So heres the next chapter The next morning. George and Derek were loading up the SUV with the last bit of luggage that they were taking along on the trip and everyone else where getting there last minute items that they were taking along with them, such as, CD players, Ipods, books, toys for Marti to keep them content on the long drive to Florida. Casey was brushing her hair and grabbed her bag as she heard her mom yelling for her to hurry up, she started for the door and quickly turned around to grab the bottle of pills and headed downstairs, out the door to the car. George was closing the back hatch, Edwin was in the bag along with Lizzie strapping their seatbelts. Marti was already strapped in. That meant Casey and Derek were in the back seat together. Casey got in a yawned as she strapped in her belt and looked at her watch and groaned it a was 4 in the morning. Derek was already strapped in, headsets in place and fast asleep. ' Boy he can fall asleep fast.' She thought even though she had the same plans and that she did. Five hours later, Casey woke up to someone shaking from her sleep, she groaned she was sleeping good, and noticed that they were at a rest stop and a gas station. George was pumping and Nora was taking the kids to the restroom and to get them snack. Casey was hungry, so she went inside and got a bag of chips and a mountain dew, went to the counter and paid. Walking out of the store she noticed that they were in New York or guessed it by all the license plates stated New York. When Casey got to the car she saw that Derek was watching her. Then he got in the car, ever since he gave her the iron pills he had been watching her like a hawk. She got into the car and saw a hand holding two pills. She pushed Derek's hand away. “I don't need them. I took them before we left the house.” She protested. “You better not be lying to me,”Derek warned her. “I'm not.” She held her bag of chips up. “Want one?” Casey asked. Derek shook his head and held up his own bag of cheetoes. Casey nodded and stuck a few chips into her mouth. The rest of the family got back into the car and with that they hit the road for the second time that day. This time Casey was wide awake until they stopped at a hotel in Richmond, Virginia for the night. “Alright, the younger kids will stay with me and George. Casey and Derek will have their own room so they won' t have to share bed,” Nora explained. They all nodded and kind of got surprised when neither of the older kids didn't protest them sharing a room together, so they kind of figured that they were tired. Casey took the key and unlocked the door, entered the room and her mouth dropped opened. “Wow!” was all she could say. Casey dropped the her bags, ran to the bed by the window and jumped on it. “This is so cool!” The room was huge, it had two beds, flat screen TV, little refrigerator, a case of movies, and a wet bar. Derek's reaction was the same and he smiled at Casey's reaction to the room. He was glad that he had actually saw a spark of light in her eyes, her face light up like a Christmas tree. “Okay kids, take a shower and get to bed. We still have a long ways to go tomorrow.” Nora told the kids An hour later, both had taken a shower, feeling slightly refreshed from it and soon were ready for bed. Derek made Casey take two more pills before they got into bed. (I'm going to speed the trip up so we can get them to where they are going.) 12 the next day. They had been driving for several hours now an were passing the South Carolina state line over to Georgia. George stopped to get something to eat from a fast food joint. Three more hours they passed in to Florida, by this time Casey had started to feel slightly off , as well as extremely tired, and felt as if she had no strength to move any part of her body. Two hours later, they were arrived in Orlando, and checked into the Holiday Inn where they would be staying for their trip. George did the checking in, it was the same arrangement as before. Derek's and Casey's room was slightly bigger than the one they had stayed in last night and had a view of Orlando, it was dark so they lights were on. Casey laid down, feeling a lot better than before, but still felt tired and slightly dizzy. Derek whistled, as he put the bags in a corner and noticed Casey lying down on the bed, he went ti sit down next to her. “How are you feeling?” he asked. “A little tired and hungry,” Casey answered. “Question?” “Okay.” “Why do you care so much? I mean like a few months ago you treated me like you hated me, and now its like you've grown up a lot,” Casey explained. “Believe it or not you kind of rubbed off on me, then I stared to consider you one of my best friends.” Derek told her. “Oh, well thanks.” She smiled. “So what are we doing tomorrow?” He asked. “Disneyland tomorrow,” She smiled. “I had always wanted to go, ever since I was a little girl.”Casey said excitedly. “We'll your going there tomorrow, We're going to Ryan's in a bit so just relax and take some pills, and I'll go bother Edwin.” Derek grinned. “Okay,” Casey nodded as Derek went to find Edwin. Little did Derek know, that Casey wasn't going to take the pills. Derek found Edwin and dragged him off somewhere away from rest of the family. “Anything on Lizzie?” Derek asked. “Nope, she's been acting normal. What about Casey?” Edwin asked. “I have her taking iron pills and she seems to be doing a little better.”Derek explained and sounded relieved. “You may kill me for asking this, but do you care for Casey?” Edwin asked “What do you mean?” Derek questioned. “I mean not like a sister, but more of than friend, like crushing on her?” Edwin asked. “No I don't care for her that way, I mean...I mean-- I don't know, “Derek sputtered. “Its okay if you do. Your not related. I mean I do have little crush on Lizzie.”Edwin stopped after he realized what he had just said. “Ah ha! I knew it.”Derek grinned, while Edwin blushed a deep firey red color. “Don't tell her,” Edwin pleaded “I won't.” Derek said. “Good,” he sighed. Derek laughed, “Well I don't know how I feel around Casey.” he admitted truthfully. After a few minutes later, they headed back to the family. Nora and George were playing with Marti, Casey was sitting next to the window staring in to space in her own world. Derek sat down and sighed. “Great, you're back. We were waiting for you. Are you guys ready to get something to eat?” George asked. Casey and Derek nodded, got up and left with the rest of the family. There is chapter 6, Sorry if its a bit rushed in part of it. Thanks for the reviews. I don't know about you but wal-mart has me pooped out for the night. Bedtime. Please read and review . Luvergirl.

Chapter five

LWD is not mine just some characters i make up and the storyline. Everything else belong to Disney channel and the creator of the show. I'm sorry for the long wait. I just graduated in high school yesterday and I've been working and haven't had chance to update. So heres the next chapter of my story. Tell me what you think. And PS to too some people I do not need practice writing!! you know who you are if you read this. Please read and Review!! thx Chapter 5 Derek groaned at the sound of the alarm clock and got and dressed for the day. Derek went down and saw Lizzie and Nora at the counter eating their breakfast. “Wow, I didn't think you'd be up for a little while longer.”Nora kidded. “What?” Derek asked blankly. “Well, your out of school for the summer.”Nora reminded him. Derek looked at her as if she was crazy. She nodded and he groaned and headed back upstairs to his room. Laying back down, he tired to go to sleep and it worked and then she felt someone shaking him. “Smerek, wake up.” Marti insisted. “Not now Smarti.” Derek mumbled. “No! Nora and Daddy want to tell you something!”Marti squealed, and began to bounce on his stomach and then got up and ran out of the room with high speed from being a young kid. Derek sighed and got up and went downstairs and saw the whole family sitting in the family room and he went to sit in his chair. Casey sat next to him on the couch with Lizzie and Edwin. Edwin looked at Derek and shot him a look and Derek nodded. Nora and George stood in front of the five kids, Marti sitting on the floor. “Well you guys did a really great job in school this year and we decided that you deserved at surprise for it.”Nora explained to the group, who looked at each other then back to their parents. “We decided on going away for the summer, you know like on a vacation.”George piped in. “We agreed on something we thing that you all would like. How about a month in Florida?” Nora asked and watched the kids reaction. “We'll go to Disneyland and the beach a lot as well think Case, theres lots of guys and girl, not that I'm encouraging you to do something. I mean your only going there for vacation and I don't you to get attached to anyone while you down there.” George insisted. Derek's gut clenched at the thought of another guy giving Casey attention. “When do we leave?” Lizzie asked. “We leave in the morning and return the 30th of July, its June 20th its a little over a month but we'll be back time for school. Now I want you packed by tonight and put in the car. So we can leave in the morning. And get to bed early we'll be leaving at dawn.” Nora announced and smiled and went into the kitchen. Later that night evening at dinner everyone was talking animately about the upcoming trip all except Casey, who was pushing the food around her plate, not having much of an appetite. No one actually noticed with all the ideas for the trip in the air. After dinner Casey cleaned up her plate and the other and placed them in the dishwasher and went upstairs and felt a pair of hands pulling her into Derek's room. “What are you doing?” Casey asked Derek. “I know why you have been getting so tired lately.” Derek told her. She stiffened, “You do?” she whispered. “I think you anemia and thats the reason for your nosebleed the other day and what happened to you at the mall as well.” Derek explained to her. “The mall? Emily told you?” Casey looked at him. “Yeah, she told me you got really tired at the mall.”He informed her. “Thats all she said?”Casey asked. “Yes, and I think I know how you can get help, by eating more iron.” Derek stated. “Look, I don't think I have anemia. I had it a couple of times before and it doesn't feel like it,”She lied. “I think it was from all the stress from the exams and it took a toll thats all.” “Then why do you look so tried right now? Plus, the other day in the kitchen?” Derek tested. “Well I'm fine. I'm going to pack.” Casey made a move to go around him, but Derek stopped her from taking another step. “Heres some iron pills. They were my mom's. The forgot them when she left for that other guy. You can use them” Derek suggested. Casey wanted to cry, but fought against it and accepted the pills and softly smiles. “Thank you Derek, but don't worry theres nothing wrong with me. After a goodnight sleep I'll be better.” “Just take them Case,” Derek started to say more but caught himself from making a big idiot out himself. He wouldn't be able to take it if something happened to her. Sure they had their fights in the past and their ugly moments, but during those moments she kind of grew on him and she became kind of a best friend to him. Just don't let her know. Casey went around him and went upstairs to her room to pack and unknowingly to her, Derek watched her every step.

Chapter four

Chapter 4 Thank you so much for the reviews. I'm not sure as of yet what I'm going to do with Casey, but I like happy endings so I have a good idea what I'm going to do. This is a Dasey. I do not own the show If I did I would have a lot of money and I have zip. But I do own this story and any idea that is put into this story Here Chapter 4 and I Hope you enjoy it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derek was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about how strange Casey had been acting so strangely lately. He wondered why. Tomorrow was Monday and the paper just needed to be typed up and it would be done. He sighed and grabbed the phone and dialed Sam's number , after a few rings someone picked up the phone. " Hello?" The voice said. " Hey Sam, what's up man?" Derek asked. " Oh, nothing much. Wanna do something later?" Sam asked. "Video games and pizza at my place." Derek suggested "Sure, make it pepperoni and extra cheese?" Sam asked. "Okay." Derek said. "Be over in a bit. " Sam returned. They hung up and Derek, went downstairs to find the pizza number. Throwing the phone down on the counter and started looking for the number. - - - Almost fifteen minutes later, the pizza was ordered and was on its way. Derek started to set up the Play Station 2 up in the living room, he heard someone come down the stairs. He looked up and saw Casey. "Hey." He said. "Hey. Have you seen the phone? Can't find it." Casey asked, then the doorbell rang and she went over to answer it. It was Sam. "Hey Sam." Casey greeted, then stepped back to let him in. " Hey Casey, so Derek ready to play?" Sam asked as he turned to look at him. " Yeah and here's the phone now go do whatever it is you need the phone for and leave us alone." He said. Casey rolled her eyes and took the phone and walked off to the kitchen. Derek watched her walk away to the other room. Then went to sit on the couch. " Hey is Casey okay?" Sam asked as he sat down next to him. "I guess." He shrugged. " She seems much paler then normal. Derek looked up at this. " Yeah, I know she's been like that for a couple of days now." Derek said this matter-of-factly. "Huh." and with that Sam started looking through the video games. Derek thought about what Sam just said about her being pale and what he said. "Hey would you like a soda?" Derek asked. " Yeah sure." Sam nodded. " Here's the money, of the pizza guy comes." He said handing the money to Sam, and went into the kitchen the drinks and to take a closer look at Casey. ( Some romantic feelings there but he just trying to figure out what's going... he knows something's up, but he doesn't have a clue of what it is.) Derek noticed that Casey was on the phone probably talking to Emily. Derek got the sodas and poured some into two glasses and looked at Casey and caught himself staring at her face, her greenish eyes with a fleck of blue, that perfect shaped nose, and those plump, but soft lips. He felt his breathing start to pick up and his hand tighten on one of the glasses. He knew he was going somewhere, but everything came to a complete stop when he felt something cold on his hand. Derek looked down and saw that he had let the soda overflow on to his hand and the counter, cursing under his breath. He shook his head to clear it of those last thoughts from his head and started to clean up the mess he created. 'Dude she's your sister...stepsister any but still, she's not your type...AHH...gotta stop thinking about this...' He thought and while he fought with the voices in his head he did noticed that Sam was right she is pale, but paler then yesterday. He sighed and heard Sam calling and got the drinks and went to play video games. - - - Casey was talking to Emily, when she thought of something. "Hey Em, wanna do something?" She asked with interest. "Sure, but what's open on a Sunday?" Emily asked, and couldn't think of anything. "The mall is open and we could shop a little." Casey suggested. " Okay, sure meet you in twenty minutes?" Emily asked. "Yeah twenty."Casey hung up and went to get ready for the mall. - - - Twenty minutes later... Casey came down. dressed in a skirt and a soft blue sleeveless top and sandals. Her makeup softly done, Casey's hair was a shiny, silky sheet down her back. She got to the door and went our the door. Once again, Derek found himself staring. ( Can't keep his eyes off of her can he?) - - - Later on at the mall... Casey and Emily had just hit the lower floor of the mall and were laughing and giggling at every little thing. They talked about everything from guys and to dating Derek ( Emily's part) to prom and dresses and to their dream weddings. They got on a escalator and were lifted to the upper level. "So we're gonna be seniors next year, what to you think of that?" Casey asked Emily. "I know, its going to be so much fun next year." Emily smiled They turned to go into Hot Topic. Casey and Emily looked around in there for a bit and came out in about ten minutes. "So how's is the paper for health class? You know with working with Derek and all? "" Emily asked. "Its going better then I expected." Casey replied. "Really? So what's you topic?" Emily asked. Casey just stared at her for a second, when she felt suddenly tired, like she was drained of all her energy. She felt like if she didn't sit down, like soon, her knees were going to give in. She leaned up against a railing and ran a hand through her hair and gripped the railing very tightly. Emily looked at her and placed a hand on her arm and took her over to a bench and made her sit down. " You okay?" Emily asked in a concern voice. Casey just sat breathing slowly , a few seconds later. " Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired. Wanna get something to eat?" Casey forced a fake smiled and stood up slowly. "Yeah sure." Emily picked up the shopping bags. "Where do you want to go?" Emily asked and looked around. "Um... Arby's" Casey nodded to the Arby's. "Hmm.. Arby's sounds good. Lets go." Emily said as they walked over to the place. They ordered and paid for their food. They sat down, while eating Emily asked the question she asked earlier. "Oh ..uh Leukemia." Casey choked the last part out. " Can I tell you something?" Casey asked. "You know you can Casey." Emily looked at her. "Alright, but you have to swear you won't tell." Casey said "Alright, I swear." Emily promised. "I had Leukemia" Casey started. Emily sat quietly, taking everything she said in slowly. "I was twelve, when I got it and it was horrible. One day I went for a regular checkup and they took and few blood tests. A week later we go a phone call saying that they wanted to do more tests so the could make sure it was cancer or not. So I got the tests done and the doctor confirmed his suspicions. Then I started to get my treatments for the Leukemia. During that time, I also went to school. I got made fun of so many times. The treatment continued for about six months. I went to the doctors and they said they couldn't find anymore cancer." Casey finished but left out that the treatment stopped working after the six months and had to get a transplant. Emily sat quietly at this time, nodding her head. "So what happened in school after all this? " Emily asked. "Well things settled down afterwards, I mean everyone seemed to forgotten about it. Then we moved to my last school that I went to before coming here, you know the all girls school. I never said anything about it there. A few years later my mom met George and you know everything that happened there." Casey explained. "Does Derek know?" Emily asked. "No, and I don't want him to them to find out. I tried to forget about it. Then we got the this stupid paper on Leukemia and its bringing everything back. "She sighed and took a sip of her Icee. "Well its almost done right?" Emily simply asked. "Yeah, Can't wait until we turn it in." Casey said getting up , gathering her trash to go. "I'm ready to go home." "Alright." Emily wanted to know more, but left the subject alone. They got up and left to go home. - - - Next Day... Casey got her Health book out of her locker and closed the door and leaned her head up against it. She was glad the paper was done. She turned and walked to health class. Casey entered the classroom and sat down at an empty desk in the back and closed her eyes. She was tired once again and was hungry. Lunch was last period today before she go home and take a nap. She was in deep thought when Derek came in to the room. "Hey partner." Derek greeted Casey, but she didn't reply back. He shrugged it off and sat in a desk in front of hers. Derek sighed and stretched and got the paper they've worked on to get ready and to turn it in. "Alright class, put the papers on the right corner of my desk and you can talk the rest of the period or get on the computers until lunch. Casey got up and sat down at one of the computers and clicked on the Internet Icon. Seconds later it popped up and Casey checked her email and searched for ways to re energize during the day. Derek kept and eye on her during the time and when lunch came, he grabbed his books and met up with Sam. Casey got a head start before him and was on the way to lunch. On the walk Derek and Sam talked about their summer. They got their lunch and went to find a seat. Derek saw a few spots open by Casey and Emily and made a beeline to them and sat down. "Hey guys." Emily greeted. "Sup." Sam smiled. "What are you doing tonight guys?" Derek asked. "Nothing. Why?" Emily asked. "I was thinking of having a movie." "Sounds cool." Casey agreed. "What movie or movies?" "How about Scary movie 4 and Underworld revolution." "Okay...Anymore?" Casey asked. : How about Final Destination 3 and the Wild." "the Wild? Nah how about Saw?" "Okay Saw." They agreed. They sat talking about what food they were going to bring and what time to show up. they agreed on 8. - - - They arrived and now were in the middle if the third movie Underworld. They had gone through after bag after bag, ate popcorn, half a pack of soda or water, chips, ice cream, and cookies. Casey was feeling tired so she laid back into the couch trying to stay awake. She sat up, and took a long drink of her soda and when she pulled back she sneezed. "Bless you." Said Sam. "Thanks."She smiled and sneezed again and felt her nose run. She went to wipe it way, after a second it started to run again and she looked down and saw... the end until next time. he he ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ its not really then end. Red. It was blood Casey gasped and shot up and ran into the kitchen. The other three looked back in time to see her heading to the kitchen. They were sitting on the floor so they didn't she the blood yet. They looked at each other and shrugged. " She's weird." Derek stated. Casey grabbed a paper towel and held it to her nose. She hopped up on the counter and threw the towel away and got a new one. It just wouldn't stop bleeding. Sam came walking in and saw Casey and saw that it was full of blood. "What happened?" He asked and walked over to her. "My nose started to bleed and its not stopping." "Lay your head back and hold that to your nose." He told her and held the towel to her nose. "What's going on with you?" He asked. "If I tell you something, will you swear to keep it a secret?" She asked. "Sure." "I had leukemia when I was younger." She told him. "Really? How old were you?" Sam asked. "Twelve. I haven't been sick in five years." "Does Derek know?" Sam asked. "No and I don't want him too" Casey replied. "Why not?" He asked. "It a sensitive subject for me. I really don't like talking about it. I had a hard time then and it hurts to remember it." Casey explained. Derek sighed and stretched, and Emily turned to look at him and bit her lip. "Is Casey okay?" Emily asked suddenly. "I think so...why?" Derek looked at her. "Well the other day at the mall..."Emily started, Derek turned to her and nodded for her to continue. "Well we were shopping, having a good time. when all of a sudden. she loses like all of her energy, like a train hitting her and taking all her strength." Emily explained. " I don't know, she's been more tired lately, but she doesn't tell me anything." Emily nodded." Where is she now?" She asked looking back at the empty couch. "In the kitchen I guess...Sam should of been back by now...probably making out." He joked and got up and went into the kitchen. "What's going on?" Derek asked when he saw Casey and the blood. "My nose started to bleed and he was helping me that's all." Casey explained. Derek nodded. "Sure is a lot of blood there Case." Casey took the towel away from her face. "Its stopped bleeding now, you can go back to the movie, I can get cleaned up by myself." She smiled. They nodded and went back into the room. - - - Afterwards, after everyone went home, and Casey went to bed, Derek went into Edwin's room and shook him awake. "What?" Edwin growled. "My room now." Derek demanded. "Why?' "Just do it." Derek told him. Groaning and grumbling, Edwin stumbled out of bed and made his way to Derek's room. "Okay I'm here... Now what is this about?" Edwin looked at him. "Casey." "Oh, okay...What so important that you had to wake me up" Edwin asked evenly. "Well something else happened. She got a really bad nosebleed a little while ago." Derek explained. "So...it was probably just a nosebleed nothing else." Edwin tired to tell him, but Derek wouldn't let it go. "No, you should have seen her Ed, I mean there was a lot of blood I mean really heavy more then your average nosebleed. It covered the entire lower of her face. Almost was everywhere. All she did was sneeze a couple of time another thing Emily told me something else. When they went to the mall she said Casey almost passed out." Derek said seriously. "Hmm...okay."Edwin said while in thought. Derek turn towards his computer and typed in nosebleeds. He clicked on a web site and read the contents of the page. Checking a few others he found nothing. Then Edwin suggested looking under loss of energy. Derek did, he clicked on a page. Derek's eyebrow lifted as he read the links. "Leukemia no.. Anemia?" Derek clicked the link. "Anemia." Derek clicked on the link for the symptoms. "Casey has pretty much everyone of these and what it says." "Anemia, huh." Edwin wondered. " You gonna tell her?" "Tomorrow I will." Derek looked at him. "Watch Lizzie tomorrow." "Okay...Can I go back to bed now?" Edwin asked while yawning. "Yep." Edwin sighed and walked back to his room. Derek stayed at his computer, reading a little more and turned off the computer and went to bed himself. ------------------------------------------- Well Merry Christmas everyone...I'll try to the next chapter up by the new year but I'm not making any promises and I hope you enjoy this one. Thanks for your reviews and I'll be updating soon. Luv Luvergirl.

Chapter three

Chapter Three Well I'm back, sorry it has taken my so long to update it, So much stuff got in the way school, my parents splitting up, so heres the next chapter. Thank you for all the reviews I go so many and it means a alot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derek was on hit computer looking stuff up on leukemia. It was Saturday afternoon and Derek couldn't shake the look on Casey's face out his of his mind.' Why did she look that way?' he wondered. He sighed and got off of the computer and went down stairs to get some thing to drink. When he got downstairs, he couldn't find anyone, and shrugged it off since it was Saturday George and Nora probably took the kids out to do soomething like they did every weekend. Derek turned the corner and jumped almost out of his skin. He grabbed ahold of the wall and tried to control his heart and breathing, he saw Casey sitting on the counter reading a book of some sort. Finally catching his breath, he let out a breath before entering the kitchen. "Hey." He said walking by her to the fridge and opened it. "Hey," She returned back softly and went back to reading. Derek looked around the fridge before grabbing the orange juice and closed the door, walking to get a glass and and poured some juice into it and leaned up against the counter sipping the juice. He looked to Casey and watched her turn to the next page. "So...uh what are you reading?" he asked trying to start a least for once a civil conversation. Over the couple of months of fighting and getting on her nerves, but he did find out even though she was a control freak sometime, she was also a pretty cool person, but doesn't let anyone know what he thinks. Casey looked up at him and then marked her place in her book. "Oh its on Leukemia." She told him. "Do you think that it will help with our paper?" he asked. "Some of it can, and we can look other places as well." Casey suggested to him. "Good, we'll look on the net too." Derek voiced his source. Casey nodded and leaned back and yawned. She was really tired this morning and that was very unusual, She went to bed around 11 and woke up at 8:30. She didn't know why she was so tired. Derek looked at her, she was beautiful. He then looked her up and down, then rested his gaze on her face. " You okay?" He asked noticing the tired look on her face. He was getting a little concern, she had been acting weird for the last couple of days. "Just a little tired." She assured Derek. Half of it was true, she was more tired then she let on. Derek nodded and just looked at her, there was something different about her and she was a little paler then yesterday. He turned around and poured her cup of orange juice and handed it to her. "So do you want to get started on the paper? Since theres nothing else to do today, and it needs to be worked on." He looked at her. Casey nodded," Where do you want to start?" she asked. Derek thought about it for a couple of seconds and then said, " The internet and then we'll look at the book." He told her. Casey looked at him and got off the counter, when she did the world seemed to go around and around, so she tried to grab a hold of something to steady herself, but she felt two arms, two strong arms wrap themselves around around her waist to help her regain her balance. She shook her head to rib herself of the dizziness from her head. She put a hand on her head and sighed. "You okay?" She heard Derek asked softly. "Yeah I'm fine." She stated, the dizziness had past and she turned around to face him. "Thanks." She said gently and gave him a small smile. "You're welcome." He said, but worry was still present in his voice. He lifted and hand and pushed the hair out of her face , thats had fallen in her face and came back to reality and unwrapped his arms from her. He liked having his arms around her in fact he wouldn't mind just holding her. " So...um how about we get started on that project?" Casey asked, hoping to avoid that matter at hand. She was sure about him but she felt completely safe in his arm and that she could forget about everything that happend a few years ago. "Okay." He said and started wo walk back to the stairs, then turned back. "You coming?" he turned back and walked up the stairs. "Yeah." She muttered, wondering how she was going to get through this project with out spilling the truth or falling apart about what happened five years ago. - - - Four or five hours later, the had spent most of the day in Derek's room on his computer, looking things up on Leukemia to put in the paper. They had found many sites on the cancer and most of the stuff Casey already knew but kept quiet about it, didn't want him to call her a know-it-all or get suspicious on how she knew so much stuff on it. They then moved down stairs to the kitchen table and were busy at work. Books, papers, pens, and highlighters were scattered all over the table. Casey was looking in an encyclopedia, looking at Leukemia. She was busy reading when the back door opened and Edwin and Lizzie came walking in. "Hey guys what are you doing?" Lizzie asked sitting down in a chair next to Casey. Lizzie looked at what Casey was looking at and felt her back stiffened. Lizzie looked at Casey and her eyes started to fill up with tears. Edwin noticed this and nudged Derek and bent his head towards Lizzie, Derek saw her eyes as well. Lizzie then got up and ran upstairs to her room. Casey saw her face and knew probably what she was thinking, so she got up and followed Lizzie upstairs. Downstairs, Edwin and Derek watched the scene in front of them, then looked at each other. "What do you think that was about?" asked Edwin. Derek shook his head. "No Idea." "Casey has been acting very weird latelt. I wonder why." Edwin said. "You're right, yesterday when I told her about our assignment she froze up completely." Derek informed Edwin. "Do you don't think their hiding something from us do you?" Edwin asked, "I don't know." Derek looked at Edwin "Huh, So what do we do? Tell Dad or Nora or what?" Edwin asked. "No not yet. Its probably nothing big.( Bigger than you think.) Just don't say anything to anybody, and I'll watch Casey and you watch Lizzie." Derek told him. Edwin nodded. - - - Casey raced upstairs and to go into her sister's room but found the door closed, so being polite she knocked and listend. She heard a sniffle and then a reply. "Go away." the voivce said. "Lizzie." Casey said. "Go away Casey." "No I'm not going away. Now open up." Casey said through the door. "No." Lizzie said again, but louder. Casey knocked again. "I'm not answering the door so you might as well giver up." Lizzie stated. "Alright then, I'm just going to keep knocking until you do answer the door." Casey said. There was no surprise when she heard the door being unlocked. The last one had worked. "What?" Lizzie asked annoyed. "Hey can I sit down?" Casey asked. "Sure, why not." Lizzie held the door open to let Casey in and then closed it once again. "Are you okay?" Casey asked as she looked at Lizzie. "Yes." Lizzie stated. "No your not, It just a paper for school thats all." Casey assured. Lizzie sighed." Oh. So thats all it was. So no cancer. okay good." Lizzie smiled and hugged her sister who of course hugged back. - ----------------------------------- Well there Chapter three. I got so many review last chapter and I thank you for that. I love you guys and I'll post chapter 4 in a couple of days its kind of long. Luv Kay.

Chapter two

Chapter 2 : Councilors and Health Class Thanks you so much for all of the reviews. I'm not sure if im gonna kill her off or not, and its not like A Walk to Remember very good book and movie cried at both...and now on with the story. --- Derek was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal when Casey came down. He watched her move around the kitchen. Casey sat down in front of him with a bowl of frosted flakes and a glass of orange juice. They sat quietly eating when someone spoke. "So are you feeling better?" Derek asked. "Yeah." She answered back. "Good so Casey what's going on in Loserville?" Derek smirked. "You should know, since your apart of it." Casey shot back. " Oooo, touchy." He drawled. "Oh, shut up!" she snapped. "No. Why don't you stop being and so bossy and maybe I'll stop." Derek glared. She rolled her eyes and put her bowl in the sink and stomped off up to her room. Derek was just about to finish up when Marti, Lizzie, and Edwin came into the room. Marti jumped up and down. "Smerek guess what?" Marti squealed. "Smarti! what?" He looked at his little sister. "I'm going on a field trip today." Marti go up and sat on a stool. "You're lucky, Where are you going." He asked. "The zoo." Marti said. "Cool, well got to get going. See ya guys later." Derek kissed Marti on top of the head as he got up and left. Lizzie and Edwin looked at each other and said at the same time." Teenagers," and got up and went out the door. ----------------------------- It was the break before 7th period, the last period of the day. Casey got her health book. She had health with Derek , so she hoped that the class would fly by. Casey walked to the front office and knocked on the guidance councilor door. "Come in." She heard the voice from behind the door. She entered. "Casey, Hi." Paul greeted. "Hello Paul. How are you?" Casey asked politely. " Good, good, so um sit down." Paul gestured to the chair in front of his desk. She sat. "I need to get something off my chest." Casey looked to Paul just nodded, thinking it was probably something to do with her step-brother Derek. "Okay, I'm about to tell you something that I've kept a secret for a long time; not even my family knows about this except my Mom and sister." She told him. He blinked in confusion, "Go on." he suggested. " Well okay, I'm gonna try and not get misty eyed." He nodded and saw that tears already started to form. "Casey what is it?" Paul asked gently. " Well since Wednesday is the last day until summer I'm telling you now. Okay when I was about twelve, I had Leukemia." She finally got out. Paul blinked again but this time in surprised, he hadn't been expecting that. He nodded signaling for her to continue. "Well I never talked about this with anyone, and it going on about five years now that I've been cancer free and I just wanted to talk about it with someone since you know I've kept this a secret for so long. I just got the urge to bust." She panted after her out burst. Paul nodded, " So what happened?" " Well, I went through chemotherapy for a couple of months until the treatment until the cancer stop responding to it. Then I got two bone marrow transplants. The bone marrow transplants helped, but I'm still scared at the possibility that the cancer can come back." Casey finished and she wiped the tears off her cheeks. Paul just looked at her, quietly and surprised at the things that Casey had just told him. " That's why I can't stand being tease, like I was when I first started her." Casey started to explain. " I got t made fun of an awful lot about the cancer, I mean not a little, I mean a lot, almost everyday, and when I get made fun of, it brings back memories back of all those times , and the pain form that time. I was hard on my sister Lizzie, though she never talked about it. I can see that she still worries about it. That girl was so much help, she still is a big help, especially when Derek and I get into one of our fights. She'll try and make me feel better, or make the fight better, whatever she could do she tries it." Casey looked at her watch, the break was almost over and she didn't want to be late to class and looked to Paul and said, " I better get going." Paul just nodded and watched her walk out of his walk out of his office. "Bye." --------------------------------------------- Derek looked around the hall, while heading to Health and didn't see Casey anywhere. He got to the Health classroom and entered. He figured that she was already in class and when he got there he didn't she her in there. He put his books down and went back out to the hall to look for her. He had been worried about her since yesterday morning. He saw her ahead turning the corner to come to class. She passed him and she flashed a smile his way and he noticed something about her. ' She's been crying.' he said to himself and went to sit down. "Okay class, since school is almost over and that means Finals time. For your final I want you to write a paper on a certain illness of the human body, your going to have a partner but I get to choose them. Now in this report your going to write about the illness and in this I want What it is , What it does, the body parts that is effected most by the disease , signs if there is any and Is there a cure and what the treatment is." Mrs. Larson told the class, taking a breath the teacher continued, " The paper is due Monday and Tuesday. Now for the partners," he's finished and the class groaned. "Sabrina and Chase." Called the teacher. "Emily and Chris." "Tom and Suzie." "Casey and Derek." (An: you probably knew that was coming...lol) They looked at each other and both nodded and the teacher went on calling the other partners. " Alright now with that settled, it is time for you to pick the disease that you are going to be writing about. So one of your partners are going to come up here and drawl out a piece of paper. On that piece will be the disease." The teacher started to call people up. Casey let Derek get it. Then Mr. Larson started to talk about cancer. Casey stiffened up when he mentioned Leukemia. Derek looked like he was actually not the subject on Cancer. (An: sorry if Derek is a little out of character, I kinda need him to be for this story, and he's kind of hard to write as well.) Casey continued to stare into space even when the final bell rang she still didn't notice people leaving until Derek came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. " Case, its time to go," Derek pointed out. Only then did Casey come back to earth. "Oh." was the only thing she said. She got her books and walked out the door with Derek who waited patiently at the door. "So what are we writing about?" Casey asked. "Um..." Derek looked down at the paper. " Leukemia." Casey stopped in her tracks and bumped in to Derek, who stopped and looked at her. "What?" she asked and she looked horrified. " Leukemia." Derek said, yet again. " Casey what's the matter?" He asked, noticing her look. " Um, nothing lets get home," She said, rather quickly. Derek raised an eyebrow at her, and let the subject alone. 'Its going to be a long a very long weekend' He thought to himself and follow her home ------------------------------- Well there's Chapter two. I have the chapter three done and I'll be adding it soon Please Read and review

Chapter one

Chapter 1: The Beginning Summary: Casey had Leukemia when she was younger. She didn't tell George, Marti, Derek, and Edwin about it. But when she goes in to a relapse her world gets turned upside down, but who will there to pick up the pieces when she has to go through some rough times including the past and present and maybe the future... eventually a Dasey but not right away. My first Life with Derek fic so please be nice... And enjoy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Casey stirred in her sleep, turning over to her right side, opening her eyes and squinting at the sudden brightness of the morning sunlight. She sat up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked out to the hallway. Still not quite awake, she walked sleepily down the hall to the bathroom; she was almost there when she bumped into someone. "Watch where you are going Casey. Jeez not even 7 o'clock and your already bumping into people." Derek looked at Casey who glared back at him and walked around him, not ready to deal with his crap, it was just too early, and when into the bathroom. She took quick shower, washing her hair, and quick soaping and then getting out, brushing her teeth and her hair and getting dressed for school and while she was doing this, she started to feel a bit queasy, not paying attention to it she headed down stairs, where her mother was making eggs for breakfast. Everyone else coming down or already eating. The younger kids Edwin and Lizzie were eating cereal. Derek was eating eggs and cereal. Casey looked at the food, still feeling sick; she decided to go with some toast so no one would question her. She stayed quiet all the way through breakfast. A little bit later, she got up and walked out the door and started walking towards the school. A few minutes later, and deep in thought, she heard someone running behind her and was still unaware when that person who happened to be Derek fell into step with her. Derek looked at Casey and raised both of his eyebrows at her. ' She's being too quiet,' Derek thought to himself. " So Case, How you doing?" Derek asked. "Fine." Casey replied back and started to walk a little faster. Derek didn't believe her, so he reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "What?" she snapped and glared at him. ' Ah..there she blows.' He smiled to himself. "Nothing, except that your really quiet." He shot back. "I'm fine, now let me go." she said and pulled her wrist from his grasp. She quickly walked way. Derek watched her walk away with confusion and amusement and shrugged it off, thinking it was probably was one of her mood swings, so he started to walk again. ---------------------------------------------------------- Later on... Casey sat in her third period class, which was History, learning about World War 2. She sighed and wished this class would hurry up. She sighed again and laid her head down on her arm and looked out the window. It had gotten cloudy and it looked like it would start raining at anytime now. The bell rang and Casey grabbed her book and headed to lunch. She still wasn't feeling good, so she chose a salad and sat down and took a big sip of her diet coke. (AN: I don’t know what she likes to drink, but she looks like a person who would drink diet drinks on the show.) She began to eat slowly. Derek got a burger, fries, and two cokes and went in to find a seat, looking for any of his friends. He saw Casey sitting by herself and made his way on over to her. "Do you mind if I sit here for today. Since you’re alone and look like you need to talk so do you mind? Derek asked. She shrugged and Derek blinked at her and sat down anyway. He sighed. "Whets wrong?" She looked at him as if she just noticed him. "Huh?" She looked at him in confusion. "You okay?" Derek looked at her, he was now worried. She had been acting of all day. "I'm fine." She insisted. "That’s bull and you know it Casey." Derek glared at her. " I just don't feel good okay? That’s all." She said in a quiet yet a firm voice. Derek looked at her for a second and nodded at her answer and went back to eating. ------------------------------------------ Casey was in her room doing her math homework, when her stepfather George yelled that dinner was ready. She was feeling better and was hungry, so she closed her book and went down stairs to eat dinner. The family sat at the dinner table. " So Casey how did school go?" Nora asked her daughter. "It was fine Mom." She answered back. Derek shook his head and finished eating and headed back up to his room where he sat on his computer playing games, looking at hot models and sports cars. He saw Casey walk by his door and returned his attention to his computer. ---------------------------------- In her room Casey laid on her bed listening to her I pod and had the volume up to the highest. Her shirt had risen slightly and she put her hand on her stomach and she tapped her fingers to the beat of the music and she winced slightly. She looked down and saw a round bruise on the middle of her stomach. She pulled off her headphones and walked to the mirror and pulled her shirt up so she could look at the bruise. She touched it again and winced slightly little, it was a little sore and a bit tender. She shrugged it off and went back to her bed and put the headphone back on and listened to the music until she fell asleep --------------------------------------- Okay this was the first chapter. I’m sorry it was so short; the other kids will be in the upcoming chapters. I just wanted to get the story started. The other chapter will be better and longer. Until then please Read and review. Give suggestions or idea, Thoughts any thing you want, but no Flames please. Thanks luvergirl.
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