Chapter 4
Thank you so much for the reviews. I'm not sure as of yet what I'm going to do with Casey, but I like happy endings so I have a good idea what I'm going to do. This is a Dasey.
I do not own the show If I did I would have a lot of money and I have zip. But I do own this story and any idea that is put into this story
Here Chapter 4 and I Hope you enjoy it
Derek was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about how strange Casey had been acting so strangely lately. He wondered why. Tomorrow was Monday and the paper just needed to be typed up and it would be done. He sighed and grabbed the phone and dialed Sam's number , after a few rings someone picked up the phone.
" Hello?" The voice said.
" Hey Sam, what's up man?" Derek asked.
" Oh, nothing much. Wanna do something later?" Sam asked.
"Video games and pizza at my place." Derek suggested
"Sure, make it pepperoni and extra cheese?" Sam asked.
"Okay." Derek said.
"Be over in a bit. " Sam returned.
They hung up and Derek, went downstairs to find the pizza number. Throwing the phone down on the counter and started looking for the number.
Almost fifteen minutes later, the pizza was ordered and was on its way. Derek started to set up the Play Station 2 up in the living room, he heard someone come down the stairs. He looked up and saw Casey.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey. Have you seen the phone? Can't find it." Casey asked, then the doorbell rang and she went over to answer it. It was Sam.
"Hey Sam." Casey greeted, then stepped back to let him in.
" Hey Casey, so Derek ready to play?" Sam asked as he turned to look at him.
" Yeah and here's the phone now go do whatever it is you need the phone for and leave us alone." He said.
Casey rolled her eyes and took the phone and walked off to the kitchen.
Derek watched her walk away to the other room. Then went to sit on the couch.
" Hey is Casey okay?" Sam asked as he sat down next to him.
"I guess." He shrugged.
" She seems much paler then normal.
Derek looked up at this. " Yeah, I know she's been like that for a couple of days now." Derek said this matter-of-factly.
"Huh." and with that Sam started looking through the video games.
Derek thought about what Sam just said about her being pale and what he said.
"Hey would you like a soda?" Derek asked.
" Yeah sure." Sam nodded.
" Here's the money, of the pizza guy comes." He said handing the money to Sam, and went into the kitchen the drinks and to take a closer look at Casey. ( Some romantic feelings there but he just trying to figure out what's going... he knows something's up, but he doesn't have a clue of what it is.)
Derek noticed that Casey was on the phone probably talking to Emily. Derek got the sodas and poured some into two glasses and looked at Casey and caught himself staring at her face, her greenish eyes with a fleck of blue, that perfect shaped nose, and those plump, but soft lips. He felt his breathing start to pick up and his hand tighten on one of the glasses. He knew he was going somewhere, but everything came to a complete stop when he felt something cold on his hand. Derek looked down and saw that he had let the soda overflow on to his hand and the counter, cursing under his breath. He shook his head to clear it of those last thoughts from his head and started to clean up the mess he created.
'Dude she's your sister...stepsister any but still, she's not your type...AHH...gotta stop thinking about this...' He thought and while he fought with the voices in his head he did noticed that Sam was right she is pale, but paler then yesterday. He sighed and heard Sam calling and got the drinks and went to play video games.
Casey was talking to Emily, when she thought of something. "Hey Em, wanna do something?" She asked with interest.
"Sure, but what's open on a Sunday?" Emily asked, and couldn't think of anything.
"The mall is open and we could shop a little." Casey suggested.
" Okay, sure meet you in twenty minutes?" Emily asked.
"Yeah twenty."Casey hung up and went to get ready for the mall.
Twenty minutes later...
Casey came down. dressed in a skirt and a soft blue sleeveless top and sandals. Her makeup softly done, Casey's hair was a shiny, silky sheet down her back. She got to the door and went our the door. Once again, Derek found himself staring. ( Can't keep his eyes off of her can he?)
Later on at the mall...
Casey and Emily had just hit the lower floor of the mall and were laughing and giggling at every little thing. They talked about everything from guys and to dating Derek ( Emily's part) to prom and dresses and to their dream weddings. They got on a escalator and were lifted to the upper level.
"So we're gonna be seniors next year, what to you think of that?" Casey asked Emily.
"I know, its going to be so much fun next year." Emily smiled
They turned to go into Hot Topic. Casey and Emily looked around in there for a bit and came out in about ten minutes.
"So how's is the paper for health class? You know with working with Derek and all? "" Emily asked.
"Its going better then I expected." Casey replied.
"Really? So what's you topic?" Emily asked.
Casey just stared at her for a second, when she felt suddenly tired, like she was drained of all her energy. She felt like if she didn't sit down, like soon, her knees were going to give in. She leaned up against a railing and ran a hand through her hair and gripped the railing very tightly.
Emily looked at her and placed a hand on her arm and took her over to a bench and made her sit down. " You okay?" Emily asked in a concern voice.
Casey just sat breathing slowly , a few seconds later. " Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired. Wanna get something to eat?" Casey forced a fake smiled and stood up slowly.
"Yeah sure." Emily picked up the shopping bags. "Where do you want to go?" Emily asked and looked around.
"Um... Arby's" Casey nodded to the Arby's.
"Hmm.. Arby's sounds good. Lets go." Emily said as they walked over to the place.
They ordered and paid for their food. They sat down, while eating Emily asked the question she asked earlier.
"Oh ..uh Leukemia." Casey choked the last part out. " Can I tell you something?" Casey asked.
"You know you can Casey." Emily looked at her.
"Alright, but you have to swear you won't tell." Casey said
"Alright, I swear." Emily promised.
"I had Leukemia" Casey started.
Emily sat quietly, taking everything she said in slowly.
"I was twelve, when I got it and it was horrible. One day I went for a regular checkup and they took and few blood tests. A week later we go a phone call saying that they wanted to do more tests so the could make sure it was cancer or not. So I got the tests done and the doctor confirmed his suspicions. Then I started to get my treatments for the Leukemia. During that time, I also went to school. I got made fun of so many times. The treatment continued for about six months. I went to the doctors and they said they couldn't find anymore cancer." Casey finished but left out that the treatment stopped working after the six months and had to get a transplant.
Emily sat quietly at this time, nodding her head.
"So what happened in school after all this? " Emily asked.
"Well things settled down afterwards, I mean everyone seemed to forgotten about it. Then we moved to my last school that I went to before coming here, you know the all girls school. I never said anything about it there. A few years later my mom met George and you know everything that happened there." Casey explained.
"Does Derek know?" Emily asked.
"No, and I don't want him to them to find out. I tried to forget about it. Then we got the this stupid paper on Leukemia and its bringing everything back. "She sighed and took a sip of her Icee.
"Well its almost done right?" Emily simply asked.
"Yeah, Can't wait until we turn it in." Casey said getting up , gathering her trash to go. "I'm ready to go home."
"Alright." Emily wanted to know more, but left the subject alone. They got up and left to go home.
Next Day...
Casey got her Health book out of her locker and closed the door and leaned her head up against it. She was glad the paper was done. She turned and walked to health class. Casey entered the classroom and sat down at an empty desk in the back and closed her eyes. She was tired once again and was hungry. Lunch was last period today before she go home and take a nap. She was in deep thought when Derek came in to the room.
"Hey partner." Derek greeted Casey, but she didn't reply back. He shrugged it off and sat in a desk in front of hers. Derek sighed and stretched and got the paper they've worked on to get ready and to turn it in.
"Alright class, put the papers on the right corner of my desk and you can talk the rest of the period or get on the computers until lunch. Casey got up and sat down at one of the computers and clicked on the Internet Icon. Seconds later it popped up and Casey checked her email and searched for ways to re energize during the day.
Derek kept and eye on her during the time and when lunch came, he grabbed his books and met up with Sam. Casey got a head start before him and was on the way to lunch. On the walk Derek and Sam talked about their summer. They got their lunch and went to find a seat. Derek saw a few spots open by Casey and Emily and made a beeline to them and sat down.
"Hey guys." Emily greeted.
"Sup." Sam smiled.
"What are you doing tonight guys?" Derek asked.
"Nothing. Why?" Emily asked.
"I was thinking of having a movie."
"Sounds cool." Casey agreed. "What movie or movies?"
"How about Scary movie 4 and Underworld revolution."
"Okay...Anymore?" Casey asked. : How about Final Destination 3 and the Wild."
"the Wild? Nah how about Saw?"
"Okay Saw." They agreed.
They sat talking about what food they were going to bring and what time to show up. they agreed on 8.
They arrived and now were in the middle if the third movie Underworld. They had gone through after bag after bag, ate popcorn, half a pack of soda or water, chips, ice cream, and cookies. Casey was feeling tired so she laid back into the couch trying to stay awake. She sat up, and took a long drink of her soda and when she pulled back she sneezed.
"Bless you." Said Sam.
"Thanks."She smiled and sneezed again and felt her nose run. She went to wipe it way, after a second it started to run again and she looked down and saw...
the end until next time. he he
its not really then end.
Red. It was blood Casey gasped and shot up and ran into the kitchen. The other three looked back in time to see her heading to the kitchen. They were sitting on the floor so they didn't she the blood yet. They looked at each other and shrugged. " She's weird." Derek stated.
Casey grabbed a paper towel and held it to her nose. She hopped up on the counter and threw the towel away and got a new one. It just wouldn't stop bleeding. Sam came walking in and saw Casey and saw that it was full of blood.
"What happened?" He asked and walked over to her.
"My nose started to bleed and its not stopping."
"Lay your head back and hold that to your nose." He told her and held the towel to her nose.
"What's going on with you?" He asked.
"If I tell you something, will you swear to keep it a secret?" She asked.
"I had leukemia when I was younger." She told him.
"Really? How old were you?" Sam asked.
"Twelve. I haven't been sick in five years."
"Does Derek know?" Sam asked.
"No and I don't want him too" Casey replied.
"Why not?" He asked.
"It a sensitive subject for me. I really don't like talking about it. I had a hard time then and it hurts to remember it." Casey explained.
Derek sighed and stretched, and Emily turned to look at him and bit her lip.
"Is Casey okay?" Emily asked suddenly.
"I think so...why?" Derek looked at her.
"Well the other day at the mall..."Emily started, Derek turned to her and nodded for her to continue.
"Well we were shopping, having a good time. when all of a sudden. she loses like all of her energy, like a train hitting her and taking all her strength." Emily explained.
" I don't know, she's been more tired lately, but she doesn't tell me anything."
Emily nodded." Where is she now?" She asked looking back at the empty couch.
"In the kitchen I guess...Sam should of been back by now...probably making out." He joked and got up and went into the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Derek asked when he saw Casey and the blood.
"My nose started to bleed and he was helping me that's all." Casey explained.
Derek nodded. "Sure is a lot of blood there Case."
Casey took the towel away from her face. "Its stopped bleeding now, you can go back to the movie, I can get cleaned up by myself." She smiled.
They nodded and went back into the room.
Afterwards, after everyone went home, and Casey went to bed, Derek went into Edwin's room and shook him awake.
"What?" Edwin growled.
"My room now." Derek demanded.
"Just do it." Derek told him.
Groaning and grumbling, Edwin stumbled out of bed and made his way to Derek's room. "Okay I'm here... Now what is this about?" Edwin looked at him.
"Oh, okay...What so important that you had to wake me up" Edwin asked evenly.
"Well something else happened. She got a really bad nosebleed a little while ago." Derek explained.
" was probably just a nosebleed nothing else." Edwin tired to tell him, but Derek wouldn't let it go.
"No, you should have seen her Ed, I mean there was a lot of blood I mean really heavy more then your average nosebleed. It covered the entire lower of her face. Almost was everywhere. All she did was sneeze a couple of time another thing Emily told me something else. When they went to the mall she said Casey almost passed out." Derek said seriously.
"Hmm...okay."Edwin said while in thought.
Derek turn towards his computer and typed in nosebleeds. He clicked on a web site and read the contents of the page. Checking a few others he found nothing. Then Edwin suggested looking under loss of energy. Derek did, he clicked on a page. Derek's eyebrow lifted as he read the links. "Leukemia no.. Anemia?" Derek clicked the link.
"Anemia." Derek clicked on the link for the symptoms. "Casey has pretty much everyone of these and what it says."
"Anemia, huh." Edwin wondered. " You gonna tell her?"
"Tomorrow I will." Derek looked at him. "Watch Lizzie tomorrow."
"Okay...Can I go back to bed now?" Edwin asked while yawning.
Edwin sighed and walked back to his room. Derek stayed at his computer, reading a little more and turned off the computer and went to bed himself.
Well Merry Christmas everyone...I'll try to the next chapter up by the new year but I'm not making any promises and I hope you enjoy this one.
Thanks for your reviews and I'll be updating soon.