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Angels Breath's blog: "Save Me"

created on 01/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/save-me/b46818

Ring Around the Rosies.....

As an artist, along with creating pictures, I also write in different genres here and there when my muse hits me. I had written this about a week or so ago and posted it at another site I belong to. Just thought I would post it here and see if it peaked anyone's interest. Some of you have read before. Enjoy *WS*

Margaret stood in the normal daily line. Unlike most patients, she enjoyed taking her meds. The nurse was even nice enough to let her slowly count each pill and admire the pretty colors before she swallowed them. Such a variety: pinks and blues, reds and greens. Even yellow ones at times. They always made her smile. This morning however, she heard Alice calling her and she wasted no time in popping the pills and chasing them down with a small cup of water. Quickly she retreated to her normal corner. Alice was always there and prompt as usual. She kissed Margaret on the cheek and began speaking in her own peculiar way as like always. Margaret had named her Alice from memories of picture books of Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass that her Grandmother had read to her long, long ago. Margaret had on more than one occasion stood before the Plexiglas window that stood between the recreation room and the nurse's office, placing her hands on the glass in hopes that one day she would be able to crawl through into a different world, an odd one maybe, but then again, looking around at her surroundings she settled with the fact that anything was normal compared to this place. Her thoughts returned to Alice who was still chattering away. Margaret always admired her attire. Alice's blood red dress always seem to be to neat, almost in a starched sort of way, matching the bow in her hair which seemed to stand just perfectly. Margaret reached over and picked up her new doll, beaming with pride as she showed it to Alice. She began rambling on and about as to how she had obtained it and what a how nice it was to have another friend to talk to when she was not there. Alice seemed satisfied with the explanation and both giggled loudly and began singing."Ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posies, upstairs,downstairs, we all fall down!" This set Margaret into a fit of laughter for the moment. "Visiting with your friend again Margaret?" said a warm voice. Margaret looked up and put on her best smile as she saw the nice nurse standing over her. Margaret knew the nurse could not see Alice but at the same time, she liked to believe that she knew she was there. The nice nurse softly stroked her hair until Mararet almost purred, before smiling and walking off. Margaret and Alice both liked the nice nurse, unlike the mean one that paraded the halls with her hair tightly wrapped up in a bun, always wearing her ugly brown old fashioned attire. The mean nurse was the one that always chastised or punished her in front of everyone. It didn't matter how small the errors, she always seemed to be the one the mean nurse sought out. Margaret winced as she felt the whelps from the day before and her ears burned as she thought back to when the mean nurse had pulled her over her knee and spanked her brutally in front of the group, simply for whispering to Alice during therapy. Alice had been livid concerning this but had not said a word. That is, until this morning when they both saw the mean nurse walk in the room. Margaret shuddered and held her doll closer to her, wrapping her arms tightly around it moving further into the corner, trying to become invisible, to blend in with the crowd of other patients, young and old. The mean nurse spotted her immediately however and march straight towards her. She towered over her and spoke firmly as she tappd the toe of her old laced up boots. "Margaret, what have I told you about playing with dolls? You are way too old for this and I will not stand for it." With that, the mean nurse snatched the doll away, leaving Margaret with tears forming in her eyes as she walked toward the middle of the room. Alice was furious and moved over closer to Margaret, holding her tight, stroking her hair and whispering in her ear. "We must really do something now shouldn't we? YOU must do something. I will not have her bully you around anymore, do you understand me?" Margaret looked up at Alice, her eyes red and nodded slowly. She was tired of the abuse, the punishments for no reason, and now it was the mean nurses turn to receive the same. Alice edged her on, slowly, cautiously and evily. "You can do it. You have done it before. They will never know it was you. They didn't know last time did they?" She smiled knowingly and Margaret shook her head, agreeing fully. The mean nurse had to be stopped and she was the only one who could do it. Slowly she looked up, the tears flowing down her face in anger and began staring at the mean nurse, as though her eyes were piercing through the her body. She watched as the mean nurse began to tremble, her legs becoming weak. As Margaret waved her hand slowly around in front of her, she saw the twisted, warped look slip over her face. It was agonizing, but Margaret never once stopped staring. Margaret placed her hands in her lap and began twisting them, grinding her palms together as she watched the mean nurse drop to her knees, covering her ears as she began screaming. Margaret and Alice watch with glee as blood began oozing from her ears through her fingers. She could not stop now. This was way too much fun, and a much fitting puishment she thought to herself. Margaret watched the nice nurse gasp and then scream, before running for the phone in horror. She continued to glare harder at the mean nurse, this time pressing her hand against her mouth, watching with delight as her screams became gurgled, the blood pouring from her mouth as she fell into a heap on the floor. Margaret watched and giggled as her body twitched on the floor like a fish left out of water, until she finally became still. There was no more life left, just a muddled mass flesh and blood. She smiled knowingly at Alice as she could see the mean nurse's eyes open wide, the fear still locked in them securely. Over medicated patients paid no mind to the commotion, but others began to gather around, staring and watching with morbid curiosity. Margaret put her finger to her lips and whispered "Shhhhhh" to Alice as she quietly stood up from the corner and walked slowly over to the body. Reaching down, she picked up her doll, again held it closely against her. She knelt down beside the mean nurse and with a wicked smile began singing softly, mockingly: "One two, she's turned blue, three four, she's on the floor, five six, its all been fixed, seven eight, set her straight, nine ten, you've met your end......." She stood up again just as the paramedics arrived and slowly walked back to her corner. No one even seemed to notice that she was there and that made her smile once more. She kissed Alice on the cheek and waved as she walk away, smiling her usual wicked smile. That night as she lay in bed, she overheard a few of the nurses whispering in the halls. "They still don't know what killed her", whispered one. "For all we know she was the devil herself", said another, snickering. Margaret covered herself up and held her doll tightly, smiling to herself and humming softly until she fell asleep. Only she and Alice knew, and that was all that mattered.....

Save Me

Ever have one of those mornings? Just something new I wrote....
I'm crying in the storm, Can't you hear me? Down on my knees, Screaming out your name. Needing your hand To reach down and pull me out. Can you not hear me, Or have you forsaken me? I'm drowning, Feeling myself going under. Can you hear me? Will you save me, Or watch as I slowy drift away, Gasping for breath, My heartbeat slowing, Bleeding for your touch. Can you hear me? I need to feel you near me, Wrapped inside your soul. My Master, my safehouse. Can you hear me? Through sleepless,dreamless nights, I await your call. Can you hear me, Or have you turned away forever....
Copyright 2007 Emanaia
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
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