47 Year Old
From Spring Valley, CA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on October 6, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 6th
·10 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
47 Year Old
From Spring Valley, CA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on October 6, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 6th
·10 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
47 Year Old
From Spring Valley, CA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on October 6, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 6th
·10 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
COURT ORDER!!! You are accused of.... crawling into my HEART... And hijacking my SMILES... With your CUTENESS... HOW DO YOU PLEAD????? GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU are sentenced... TO BE MY FRIEND FOR LIFE!!!!!! WITH NO BAIL...... ;o) Send this to all your friends... Including ME!!! IF YOU GET 10 BACK, YOUR FRIENDS ARE AWESOME AND THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS WORTH KEEPING!
Nobody knows what they have until they loose itYou never leave the person whom you love for the one you like,because that person who you like will leave you for the person whom they love**"You're My Best Friend"I promise you my loveI promise you my heartI promise you my lifeI promise we'll never be apartI promise not to hurt youI promise to never make you cryI promise to always trust youI promise not to lieI promise you foreverI promise you tonightI promise you my respectI promise to do things rightI promise to always be thereI promise until the endI promise to always love youI promise to be your best friendI promise you my loveI promise you my lifeI promise this foreverI promise our friendship is my lifeyour the PEANUT to my BUTTER ,your the STAR to my BURST,your the M to my M,your the POP to my TART,your the MILKY to my WAY,your the FRUIT to my LOOP,your the MILK to my DUDS,your the LUCKY to my CHARMS,your the ICE to my CREAM,your the GHETTO to my BOOTY,but mostly....your the BEST to my FRIENDSEND THIS TO 14 OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS (INCLUDING ME) IF YOU GET IT BACK YOU R LOVED!!!!!!
Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friendship ends when U stop sharing. So share this with whom ever U consider a friend. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Forward this to all the people whom U consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME ..... If U Care........ Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Send to all the people you love or don't want to lose in 2008, even me.... If you get 3 back, you are a great friend!
bff!!!! happy halloweenie night with ur kitty cat costume!!!lol.. missing u hope u guys have all the fun in the world tonight tell cheek nasty i said HI!!! awww long time no see.. .sux. but ill be down there soon so we can hangout with shannon..
LMAO....went to church...how funny...yeh...he musta got scared...its all good tho...it was a BIG mistake...and Ive learned my damn lesson...hehe...is why I choose to stay single now and spend all my freetime with my boy ... or the things that I like doing...racin quads...rock climbing and kickboxing...I like doing what I want when I want...no man there whining about it...lol
Nope.. haven't talked to"him" since I got back...been almost a year now..will be in december...texted him once ...I had found his number in an old notebook...he texted back then that was it...I was a"fool"...but life goes on and on...U talk to him often? I guess I will never know what the fuck happen...but thats the past and I just leave it there and go on...if ya know what I mean...
oh yeh all is good...got my divorce and its been awesome being single...actually getting ready to move to nebraska for a job here in a few weeks...well actually council bluffs iowa..but just right across the state line is nebraska...cant wait to be back in my home state...but yeh things are great...hope all is well with u.
ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT, YOU HAVE TO HIT 8 Beautiful People.IF YOU GET HIT AGAIN YOU'LL KNOW YOU'RE HELLA SEXYWANT ONE BACK! You've been blown a KISS.If u get 1-3 ur sweet, 4-6 adorable, 7-9 freakin hot.So start blowin them kisses"If you get 5 back your spoiled|^^^^^^^^^^^^||SEXY AS FU_K truck| '|""";.., ___.|_..._...______===|= _|__|..., ] |"(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@