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Women In Wrestling

Well it seems guys feel women should not be in this profession, some promoter say they would rather see woman 'actually not get in there and wrestle,and this to me is discrimination we have trained just as hard as the guys in this business and deserve to get our time showing off are abilities.I don't mind the cat fights but all you can do with them is slap, and roll whoop tee do!!!!!! let us go at it like the guys, but instead promoters just want woman there as a show pieces Some of the woman in indy can out wrestle some of the guys in the business, and of course out talk them in interview's. I myself do not like just walking to the ring and acting like someones trophy,I am an individual and deserve to be respected just as the guys in this business.I know I will get alot of ridicule from the guys in the business, but I mean no disrespect to anyone.this is .just my opinion. :wink: Last Edit

Old School

old school Well in my honest observation, Wrestling has lost this art form, now it is all bull crap.who wants to see a 2hr program with only 20 minutes of actual wrestling.I prefer seeing guys and women that actually have talent, The World Wrestling council in Greenville is trying to return to this great form, and I for one would like to congratulate them, Brodie Chase, Mikki Free, Rikki Regal and the Ticking Time Bomb Scottie Wrenn. These guys are truly old school and proud of it,And are trying to teach all the new guys and girls this form instead of this new fangled bull crap you see in WWE.It would definitely be alot better to watch wrestling like it used to be in the old days where guys actually dressed like professionals instead of wearing what looks like pajamas,and actually following through with angles and moves this is just my opinion which don't amount to much but, wrestling is becoming a fallen art form, which is a total shame for those who busted there butts to make it what it was
Losing a loved one on Valentines day Current mood: depressed Well it has been 2 years ago on valentines day that I lost my mom to along battle of emphsema and copd.It has been really hard for me because I did not get to see her the last 3 months she was alive do to a family argument that lead to my dad telling me to stay away, so I did.and on Friday Febuary13, they came and told me my mom was dying and asked to see me, so I rushed over there and we talked it all out and i told her I loved her, Then she slipped into a coma, Then on Febuary 14, she passed away,And I called home to tell my family and my daughter who was 6 at the time, asked me mommy why are you crying you should be happy nanny is in abetter place with anew body and not suffering any more, And I felt a great peace come over me.well thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Hi Angel .Thanks for taking the time out to do this interview.Are you ready? Yes i am. 1) How did you get interested in the business? I HAVE ENJOYED WRESTLING SINCE I WAS A CHILD,AND ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A WRESTLER. 2)How did you start in wrestling? I STARTED WHEN MY HUSBAND STARTED IN1995. 3)What did you do when you first started? WHEN I FIRST STARTED I SOLD TICKETS AT THE DOOR AND WORKED MY WAY UP FROM THERE. 4)Who trained you? I WAS TRAINED BY A NUMBER OF PEOPLE I STRTED TRAINING WITH BRODIE RAY CHASE AND MIKKI FREE THEN I WENT AND TRAINED WITH THE DESPERADO AND SOME OF THE GUYS AT SCW AND I ALSO TRAINED SOME WITH TRACEY RICHARDS. 5)Who have you worked for? I HAVE WORKED FOR SCW, TRW AND EWC 6) When was your first match and who was it with? MY FIRST MATCH WAS IN 2002 IT WAS AGAINST MY HALF SISTER VALERIE VALENTINE AT CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL'S BOOSTER BASH. 7)How long have you been wrestling,who for and what titles have you held? I HAVE BEEN WRESTLING FOR ABOUT 3 YEARS, I HELD THE TRW WOMANS CHAMPIONSHIP. 8)Do you valet as well as wrestle? YES, I DO VALET AS WELL AS WRESTLE 9) Who have you managed? I HAVE MANAGED THE DAWG POUND [SCW] WONDERFUL WAYNE,SWINGERS CLUB AND THE TRUE ICONS[EWC] 10)Every been injured? If so how injured and how long where you out? NO SERIOUS INJURYS JUST BRUISES. 11)Do you every regret being in wrestling? NO I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY REGRETS ABOUT GETTING INTO WRESTLING. 12) Do you still wrestle and if so .who far? YES I AM STILL WRESTLING, I WRESTLE FOR WWC AND MAKING A DEBUT FOR THE IWA SOON. 13)Do you think you'll ever quit?NO, GOD WILLING IW ILL BE DOING THIS FOR A LONG TIME. 14)Who did you like wrestling,and why? THERE ARE MANY, BUT RIC FLAIR IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE. 15) have you been invited to work out of state ,if so with who? YES I HAVE HAD INVITES TO GO TO NORTH CAROLINA FROM WECW, THUNDER GIRLS.HVW, IWA,SWA JUST TO NAME A FEW 16)In your own words,who did you look up to? I LOOK UP TO EVERYONE WHOHAS WORKED IN THIS BUSSINESS. AND THE PROMOTERS FOR ALL THERE HARD WORK TO MAKE THE INDY SHOWS GREAT. 17) What was it like to have a husband in the business? IT WAS OK WHEN I FIRST STARTED I DID NOT HAVE MY OWN IDENITY I WAS KNOWN AS RANDY SANCHEZ'S WIFE AND EVENTUALLY THAT ALL CHANGED WHEN I GOT IN THERE AND SHOWED THEM EXACTLLY WHO I WAS AND WHAT I COULD DO. 18)Now that he is retired from the business,does he try to talk you out of it ,or does he support you? NO, HE IS VERY SUPPORTIVE OF MY DECISION TO WRESTLE,AND HE TRAVELS WITH ME WHEN I GO, AND HE IS IS MY BIGGEST CRITIC, AND I THANK HIM FOR THAT.AND I THANK MY KIDS FOR ALLOWING ME TO DRAG THEM AROUND AND SUPPORING ME AS WELL I LOVE YOU GUYS. 19)What is next for Angel? WELL ONLY TIME WILL TELL I TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME I HOPE TO RETURN TO WWC SOON,AND MAYBE JOINING THE TALENT AT IWA HERE VERY SOON AND MAYBE SOME OTHER PROMOTIONS SOON 20)Will we ever see a lot of you in the future? MOST DEFINATLY I AM HERE TO STAY!!!!!!!!!!! , AND HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU AT THE SHOWS. Well Angel i am sorry we are out of time .I want to thank you again for taking this time out for the interview. i along with the fans wish you all the best to come .Thank you.

sanchez cookie recipe

Sanchez cookie recipe 1 cup of water 1 tsp. baking soda 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 cup of brown sugar 1 T lemon juice 4 large eggs 1 cup nuts 2 cups of dried fruit 1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequilla Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar... Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still OK, try another cup .. just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit, Pick the frigging fruit off floor... Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemonjuice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
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18 years ago
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