38 Year Old
Invited by: FAMOUS NAUGHTY ...·
Joined on July 23, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 10th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
38 Year Old
Invited by: FAMOUS NAUGHTY ...·
Joined on July 23, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 10th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Alright, I'm trying to decide what everyone would like to know about me. Well, I'm from PA. I'm 24. I'm not easy to make mad so if i log off and/or quit talking i got distracted. No worries I'll be back around again. So don't always assume the worst. hehe. And I am a freaking blast so chat with me
38 Year Old
Invited by: FAMOUS NAUGHTY ...·
Joined on July 23, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on April 10th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Hello, Samantha! I hope all is on the ups your way! 'tis the season for sharing and my gift to you comes by way of my music, starting with my newest album RedrO! Download it FREE at:
Enjoy the vibrations, and have a safe holiday, as well as an amazing New Year's Day!