47 Year Old
Invited by: Intoxikate·
Joined on September 6, 2006
Born on March 3rd
·2 referrals joined!
ok,i work in the health department,but i do a lot of thingz that are unhealthy,i like to party,have fun...i'm not a very serios type,but i know when to be,and i get along good with just about everyone...sometymez i joke to much and get people angry so if you dont know how to take a joke steer clear of me...my life is going the way i want it to least i can say 4 most people,and i love my job,love the outdoors.....ok well that me!!!!!!!!
47 Year Old
Invited by: Intoxikate·
Joined on September 6, 2006
Born on March 3rd
·2 referrals joined!
ok i like to party have fun with my friendz..work listen to music..go camping,drive around,go boating,hiking,i like hockey & football some other sporta 2 but these 2 are my fave..did i say that i like to PARTY.....
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