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38 Year Old · Female · From Erie, PA · Invited by: 1711042 · Joined on April 5, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 30th
38 Year Old · Female · From Erie, PA · Invited by: 1711042 · Joined on April 5, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 30th

My name is Jessica. I'm 21 years old, a short height of 5', and have red hair. I will soon be attending Mercyhurst college to major in either Forensic Anthropology, or Pharmacy. I currently work at Rite Aid Pharmacy downtown as an "in training" Pharmacy Technician. My life is not perfect, but then again whose is? At the moment my current goal is to keep getting my life on track, and then it's full steam ahead! I have some pretty amazing people in my life...Thomas, Sarah, Daria, and Ahhhmed, just to name a few. I don't know where I would be at this moment without them in my life. They encourage me in everything I do, and I find myself striving to become a better me! I also have my cats to thank, as dumb as that may sound! They preserve my sanity, and have been the only consistent "family" figures ever since they have been in my life. Wherever I go, they go. Period. End of story.

Remember those kool-aid commercials where that big talking bowl of punch. He would come crashing through your fucking wall in your living room. You wouldn't even know, it was like *BOOM* "OH Yeah! OH Yeah! Oh Yeah!" And the little kids were all excited, "Yes! Yes!" And then they would drink out of him after debrie fell into his open dumb head. He would pour himself, "OH Yeah! OH Yeah!" Him and his crazy tights. I don't like that. I don't like when juice wears tights. That's a horrible combination a bowl of juice and tights. Fuck drinking out of him, if that was me I'd be like, "No, no, you fix that wall before my dad gets home from work. He's gonna beat me with a belt. He's not gonna believe a talking bowl of fruit punch came in here." ..

38 Year Old · Female · From Erie, PA · Invited by: 1711042 · Joined on April 5, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 30th
Live, Collective Soul, Genesis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scissor Sisters. Not a huge fan of country, but some is good, Rock and Roll, Pop, Jazz, Blues, dance music. Pretty much anything from the 80's to now. I really enjoy STAR or WERG, also ROCKET and Z 102
The Princess Bride, Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid I and II, The Hercules movies, The Simpsons movie, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, South Park The Movie, The Pirates movies, most action packed movies, LOVE comedies...romance, pretty much lots of stuff!

Desperate Housewives, Journeyman, Bionic Woman, Grey's Anatomy, Army Wives, Side Order of Life, Back to You, ANTM, Women's Murder Club, Family Guy, Simpsons, Big Shots,Samantha Who, October Road, Twin Peaks!, X-files, South Park, Nip Tuck, CSI, The L Word, The Tudors, Huff, Andromeda, Beastmaster, The Golden Girls, Fraiser, Lois and Clark, Stargate SG-1, The Lost World, Will and Grace, Tripping the Rift, Sex and the City, Family Guy,I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched,Cashmere Mafia, Lipstick Jungle, Xena, Hercules
First and foremost, I would like to meet Dane Cook. He's such a silly bitch, hehe. His comedy shows always make me laugh! I am always in tears and stitches, haha!

I have family that live in Budapest, Hungary whom I've never met, but am eager to meet if I ever get the chance to travel there :).

I would also LOVE...absofuckinglutely LOVE to meet Chuck Norris! He is seriously my idol. Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless, along with Michael Hurst and Renee O'Connor. Their shows seriously saved any inkling that was left of my childhood! Walker, Hercules, and Xena gave me a place to escape from my everyday life. They gave me a chance and a place to dream. I give huge credit to those shows for my personality today :) Collective Soul! Their music truely inspires me, and definitely helped me get through some tough times...but also occured during some great times! Their songs always seem to have a way to relate to me...

Some other idols of mine include Martin Luther King Jr, St. Joan De'Arc, Stevie Wonder, and my grandmother

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  • sagyra Sorry if I don't get back to you, I'm rarely ever on here. Usually I use facebook!! Have a great day everyone :)
    13 years ago · Comment

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