Well my job sucks at times,and i will tell ya why. I started this client of mine about 8 months ago. When i first went to him he was in bad shape. He would drool,and shake all the time.He wouldn't talk to u, and he couldn't walk or anything. Well i would work with him everday i was there. I would work his legs, and arms. He Started to come around he would start to talk to me. We Developed this bond together. After awhile he was walking and joking around with me like a normal person would.He did like a total 360, and was improving everyday.His Wife said i was An angel brought to her by god cause i had brought her husband back to her. I told her i was just doing my job, and she would say u did something better you brought my husband back from the dead.Well here comes the sad part. Just within the last month he has started to decline, and i can't stop him from doing so. He wont help his wife put his clothes on. He Can't hardly walk at all , he won't do his exercises by his self any more i have to help him do them,and he is starting to drool and shake agian just like he was when i first started going to see him.Well now i feel really bad, and have got very attatched to him and i know it will break my heart and his wives. I knew it would happen sooner or later but why did i have to be the angel in his wifes eyes. That brought him back to her.