I have to vent. This jackbag Michael Vick pissed me off!
I am a responsible dog owner who loves pits. I have been around this breed since I was born.
This asshole, who is supposed to be a role model, has ruined what so many people have tried to do for this breed. They are NOT a "vicious" breed, they DO NOT like to fight, and they are DEFINITELY NOT the breed that bites the most!
Pits are a VERY loyal breed. They are the best when it comes to protecting children.
Vick has thrown dog fighting, and pits, into the limelight again. Because of his social status, pits are made out to be nothing more than a gambling, useless, misunderstood worthless life form.
If you have seen my pics, you will have seen that they are not what the mainstream media has made them out to be. Granted, I am biased, but I also have the experience to back it up.
I HATE anyone that claims pits love to fight.That is not what they ere bred for, no matter what anyone says. If you really want to know about them, you can google PIT BULL HISTORY, and you might be suprised.
I hope Vick gets the chance to be thrown in a ring with one of his fighting dogs, and lets see who wins. Unfortunately, any of the dogs that were still alive will be put down. So I say, let 1 of them get some revenge on an asshole that made him that way.
I know this is long, but I just cant stand this!
If you own a pit, or just hate dog fighting, plz post this anywhere, and look for the Michael Vick Dog Chew Toy. They are cheap, and it sends a message that animal lovers are sick of this shit!
Thank you for reading this. I hope I didnt Bore you too bad. I just had to vent.