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55 Year Old · Male · From Belcamp, MD · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on December 8, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!
55 Year Old · Male · From Belcamp, MD · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on December 8, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!


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. To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday
In this, the late afternoon of my life, I wonder: am I casting a longer shadow or is my shadow casting a shorter me?
.........................................."If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.".....................

Ok, The Honest Truth in A Nut Shell !! I Para- Phrased Everything ..Not Tryin To Type Up A Memoir.
Burned Some Bridges in The Past and Not Lookin To Repair Them , Just Lookin To The Future.. Walkin The Line Steppin 1 foot in front of the other taking the long road to where fate may take me... ..............................................................
ANd About As Honest As I Can Be... .............................................................
Just A Man Who Enjoys Great Music Performed By Great Talent... Music Is The Portal To Ones' Soul... My History Goes From O to 60 In 0 Flat. loll..
I Am What One Would Call Laid Back, I Tend To Wear My Heart On My Sleeve.. Sometimes..
. ( I am A True Cancer, The Personality traits of Such Fit me To A Teee....)
Lately I look To Ways of Making Life Better For myself And others Thru Volunteer Work Well Its been Awhile Since I Did Any.. ( I Suggest You Try It) It's Been A Long Road Getting Were I'm At from Where I've been...
I Had A Crazy Youth, From Drug Abuse to A Failed Marriage To Just Bad Choices .. I looked For A new Direction And In Doing So .. Well 1 Day . ( sounds quick But This Was After Quite Sometime..) >>> I said I was Para-phrasing.. loll, wanna know more read the book.. lollll when published.. lolll
divorcing my ex wife and everything in between, I Was Having A downer of a day listening To music and i Became Aware of how much the message in A Leann Rimes Song was relating to how i was feeling and what i was going thru And It Really Opened my Eyes..
I Decided Then And There To take a Stand, Head held high And Face life Rather than hiding From it like i have been doing.. I went out Started driving Again Since I had My license to DriVe The Big Trucks.
loll Got my training To Drive the big trucks ( A once forgotten Dream But Attainable one ) Now 2000 Feels A Lifetime Ago..
8 yrs later I Gladly Perform The Duties of A Professional Commodities Relocator(lolll, aka Truck Driver).
Now While Out On the road i love meeting people from different areas of the country. I Always Tried to explorer the area where i was traveling, u know treat it like a vacation, history and geography lesson all rolled into one. lolll
(loll, The next Couple Of Lines Are For Those Who Don't Know me From School. loll)...
I'm originally from a small town in Maryland were the fields of pa were 10 minutes away on 1 side and the industry and college towns of Delaware on the other.. I've always been considered a city boy with country values and what better career then driving.
on them long hauls and the short ones tooo, music has become my passion,
now i cant carry a tune to save my life LOLL.. but i value good music ,sweet women and good comedy..
Loll, So Lets Not Dwell On 1's short comings and instead, Get busy chatting and making new friends and making new memories...

55 Year Old · Male · From Belcamp, MD · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on December 8, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 27th · I have a crush on someone!

by: John Fletcher

H, fair sweet goddess, queen of love,
Soft and gentle as thy doves,
Humble-eyed, and ever ruing
Those poor hearts, their loves pursuing!
Oh, thou mother of delights,
Crowner of all happy nights,
Star of dear content and pleasure,
Of mutual loves and endless treasure!
Accept this sacrifice we bring,
Thou continual youth and spring;
Grant this lady her desires,
And every hour we'll crown thy fires.

'To Venus' was originally published in The Mad Lover (1647).


by: John Fletcher

H, fair sweet face! oh, eyes, celestial bright,
Twin stars in heaven, that now adorn the night!
Oh, fruitful lips, where cherries ever grow,
And damask cheeks, where all sweet beauties blow!
Oh, thou, from head to foot divinely fair!
Cupid's most cunning net's made of that hair;
And, as he weaves himself for curious eyes,
"Oh me, oh me, I'm caught myself!" he cries:
Sweet rest about thee, sweet and golden sleep,
Soft peaceful thoughts, your hourly watches keep,
Whilst I in wonder sing this sacrifice,
To beauty sacred, and those angel eyes!



I listen to a wide variety of music, from the 80's and 90's mostly... i like todays music but well if i have to explain then ur too young to understand... lol

I Just Created This Player Real Quick. I Have Others @ Project Playlist.com

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>>>>>>Feeling Poetic>>>>>>>>>>
written by ,
J.P. Fletcher


Love and Passion , feelings of life pumping through ones veins. not knowing where it may take us .
may we hold on , holding on for the fire is within us
lusting for one another till the early rise of the risingsun of the new day. fighting the days end , wondering of what the new day may bring. loving ones vises fore love is blind to ones faults. overlooking ones prior mistakes , for love is at stake and knowing ..our love is fate.

we lay, under the stars, awaiting the moons fight with the new days sun, hopeful, but wondering, is our love a matter of fate, for until this date, we have lived foolishly, stubbornly, fighting the gods will. wondering do we or will we be happy , as one we lay here alongside one another, can we foresee the future farther than our love may take us. May u never feel the emptiness of a love loss my dear for we have given our fate to the ole wise one , fore he is the risingsun, fore he has risen from his cross......................................................
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