40 Year Old
Joined on May 2, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 6th
I have a crush on someone!
Your basic 23 year old game playing, lazy after noon kind of guy. I like to think of myself as a small time hero as I'm always making sacrifices to either help or defend those around me. I enjoy long after noons of warm coffee or hot chai/ouloung tea and spending time with that special someone who makes every day a good day.. I am a semi-accomplished writer with a large quantity of poems (most of which can be found here poetrypen.com/owikawa)
I also have a 4 part series loosely based off of Gravity Inc.'s major hit Ragnarok Online. I have several siblings that I am presently helping to raise. I have a fairly great job considering my pay. I'm a "late evening/early morning" dishwasher. Or graveyard if you prefer. I enjoy watching various animes. A couple are digimon, cowboy bebop, family guy, and Air: the 1000th summer. I also enjoy horror movies and comedies. I take a lot of pictures, all of which can be found here. Don't worry most are sorted by categories. My favorite color is black and no I ain't one of those emo kids. I proudly don my facial hair consisting of a goatee and side burns with my luscious and flowing spikes. Yeah, I can be conceited too lol. I don't have many close friends to speak of at all but that's the way I like it. I like to consider myself a tool for everyone to use. You don't need friends to make life better for all those around you. Though I have a tendency to "vent" from time to time I don't give two shits for drama. I'm generally polite however I do cuss like a sailor and smoke an awful lot. I'm proud of my family for the most part. I've had a rough start in life but am very rapidly making up for my mistakes and proving myself to be a good man. Perhaps one day I'll even feel like the great man that many expected I'd become. I may not be the best of fighters but I'll get my ass kicked defending my beliefs and people I trust or I'll kick ass for those causes, whichever may come first. I love rainy afternoons or a gentle breeze on a freshly darkened summer's eve. I believe we all have amazing inner strength and have the potential to become great people, I do my best to help people see both in themselves. I'll add more at a later time but those tasty tidbits should be enough to satisfy the curious masses for now. Tonzura Koite!
40 Year Old
Joined on May 2, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 6th
I have a crush on someone!
Love all varieties. More preferred being Daft Punk, Linkin Park, the entire "punk goes" collection. Remixes, mash ups, covers and remakes...it's all good stuff.
Video Games
Will essentially play anything within reason but prefer a more childish selection such as both digimon/pokemon series, yugioh, monster rancher, azure dreams and ragnarok online.
Latest Status
Shiro Tonzura I just need a buzz of exactly 50% and I can finally level up for the first time in forever!
The only thing better than your drunk friend doing dumb crap is having a pocket video cam to film him being an idiot. If you want an awesome tiny video camera you can get one FREE at http://bit.ly/9zwHII Got mine today -- it rocks!!
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