38 Year Old
Invited by: 244559·
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on April 17th
Im Russ. Im 20, and love to meet new people, go out to the clubs, and just have a good tim. I am single. I am in a band. myspace.com/fellfromstars.aim me - fellxfromxstarsx
38 Year Old
Invited by: 244559·
Joined on December 7, 2006
Born on April 17th
cars, guitars, bars!
Pearl Jam Alexisonfire Circa Survive Fall of Troy Deftones FFTL Foo Fighters Emmanuel Emery Silverchair Zep Tool Thursday Rush Red Jumpsuit Local H Jack's and Jamison Daphne Loves Derby Chiodos SoCo Tech 9 QOTSA Radiohead I like everything but glassJaw is my favorite band. Ill listen and get into anything!
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