so last monday kelsey decides to take 40 seraquil and 40 vicodin and slit her wrists.
sarah and i call the police... hmmm lets see, she's still alive.
i decided to trip my fucking mind off for the next 48 hours. i took 700mg's at noon on tuesday, then another 700mg's at 6:30 on tuesday, i hang out with julia for a while, then i take another 700mg's at 8:30 in the morning on wednesday, then 350mg's at noon on wednesday. no sleep at all. i'm still triping right now at 10:15pm on thursday, and i'm not showing many signs of coming down.

me after the first 700

the 2nd to the last bottle of cough syrup. the last one i remember drinking, after it was down my throat i blacked out for 5 hours.
but kelsey is in the psyche ward. i visited her yesterday and today. i brought her some rice crispy treats and a card. i told her how much what she did hurt me and exactly how it made me feel.
she read me fairy tales.

this is a picture of her [i couldn't tell which one] reading me a fairy tail about a princess named victoria with a person trapped inside of her named vicky that falls in love with a prince named dr. chuckle and mr. hide.

i took this picture and wrote it on her card.
whatever shall i do? i really want to stop tripping.