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61 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 22nd
61 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 22nd

The run for the presidency is coming down the the wire. The Communist has dropped out, and we are left with the Fascist and the Antichrist as choices, unless we want to vote third party: Nader is making a bid again, and a man called Barr is running on the Libertarian ticket.

I'm not even going to bother voting this year - complete waste of time. I just don't know whether I should make a protest vote for Barr, vote McCain to keep Obama out of the White House, or vote Obama to keep McCain out of the White House.

It remains only to pray for our country and our world.

Check out my ranting and raving, aka Blog, at Redshad Chicken Farm

61 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on November 22nd
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My major goal in life is to become as self-sufficient as possible. I grow my own veg, I keep hens for eggs and am raising broiler chickens and breeding rabbits for meat. I make all my own bread. I am looking into growing my own wheat as well.

I would like to produce my own electricity, either with solar or with wind power. I am leaning toward wind power, because wind is, with current technology, more reliable and sustainable.

Room is the biggest problem - we live in a suburban setting, on a quarter acre of land. We also have a separate piece of land with a garden and small orchard.

I believe we all are going to have to lead more sustainable lifestyles before too long. The Earth that the Good Lord has given us needs to be taken care of, the resources, while bountiful, are limited and should be conserved for future generations.

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