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likeRaven's blog: "a little story."

created on 07/03/2007  |  http://fubar.com/a-little-story/b98242


Her friend was sitting on her coach like a picture of misery. Her nose and eyes were red and swollen and she had dark circles around the eyes.. She looked like she had not slept for weeks. Karen had just poured her a glad of Whiskey which she drank up in one go. "You want another one? Or would you prefer a tea?" "Hm, i think would like another one but a tea would also be fine." "Ok, i'll go to put the water on to boil." When Karen came back to the room with a tray in her hands, with a pot of vapor tea on it and two mugs, she still heard the sobbing of her friend. Up to now she did not know what had happened to her. "Ok now we both will have a mug of tea first and you also will get another Whiskey but then i want you to tell me what happened to you ok?" "Yes." Her friend blow her nose in a tissue and took the mug Karen was offering her. She took a short sip. Then she let the Whiskey flew down her throat. The silky burning taste with the comforting feeling in her stomach afterwards made her to get relaxed a bit. She noticed herself lighten up . Now she was able to tell Karen the whole story. "Hm, so how to start? Erm you know Peter and i know you never liked him." she said with a lot of breaks in her sentence. Breathing hard while talking. Peter was her boyfriend. And yes it was the truth Karen didn't liked him from the very first time, because first he was really a dominate person. So he had driven her into a dependence that she had given up all friendships except Karen ,because of him.Both had been together for 2 years now.And she had had less time to spend with Maren since then. Peter wanted his girlfriend to sit at home waiting for him . He did not accept her going out without him and he had the opinion that her friends will only tell her nonsense and make her not doing what he want. So her friend did all Peter wanted her to do, just that he did not leave her. Before she met him she had been alone for a long time and that was nothing she was really used to.So after she had met him she soon made all is wishes come true without thinking of herself. She did not realized her friends stay away more and more except of Karen. But for Karen is was not only Peter's domination why she did not like him.No for Karen there was one really simple thing the reason: She loved her friend. Not like you love your friend or your family .No! She loved her like one love a lover. She was lesbian. Even a lot of people did not know that , because for Karen it was not necessary to tell all people she met that.Of course her friends and family knew it and they accepted it . Karen thought her friend would only love men because she never had seen her with a woman. Also she had never showed Karen interest in any sexual way even she knew about Karen being lesbian. She had never showed any curiosity about it.And so Karen had never told her about her feelings. Karen knew she must forget about her, because of that feelings she was not able to get into another relationship. Now her friend sat down on her sofa and told her about Peter being so unkind to her and mistreating her the whole last years. "Finally she got it!" Karen thought. On the other hand she felt so sorry for her. Not only that Peter had mistreaten her and made all her friendships went bust, no he also took all her money. At the end that had been enough to her so she had unpacked all her things and moved out the next day when he was at work. First she moved in at her parents home, but they did not want to understand her. They had the opinion that would be normal and a woman had to get used to it. Finally she could not stand it there anymore and so she was now here at Karen’s home telling her she will never ever have anything to do with a man anymore. "Oh comon honey, that’s what you think just know. On day you will meet someone nice. Someone who is treating you like you deserve it. You will see it!"Maren said to her while she was thinking that she really would love to be the person who showed her that love can be really different. "Nope i don’t think so! I always had no luck with the man i chose as boyfriends and as i told you before same was with sex. I never really liked it , i didn't felt anything wonderful by it. I dunno what all the people are talking about , when they permanently speak about it.I could live without it, if i won't feel that alone then." Karen did not know what to say to it.Obviously her friend was fed up with men and sex as well and to tell her at that state something about sex between women would be the worst she could do. That might frighten her off. So the only thing she did was taking her in her arms to console her.Karen offered her to stay at her home as long as she wanted. But first she did not want it, because of not wanting to disturb her. She said Karen needed her privacy , because of her own sexlife. Then after Karen had assured her that there was no sexlife at the moment she relieved agreed . She went home to her parents and packed her few things and by the afternoon she had moved in . After a week both had conformed to each other . They did a lot together after work. They went to the cinema , out for dinner,ice skating, to a disco and a few times to a pub. But sometimes they just stayed at home cooking together or watching a dvd.Karen noticed her friend getting more and more relaxed. Finally she got her smile and laugh back and seemed to feel comfortable. But her interest in men seemed to be lost for ever. Even when they were at a disco or pub she did not have a look around or if someone made advances to her she showed no interest. One evening , they had got themselves a pizza and went in front of the telly, Karen could not stand it any longer. She wanted to know what her friend finally was thinking about relationships to men now. For Karen the time spending with her was with two columns, because on one hand she was so happy to have her so close to herself and to know she finally feels so well now, but on the other hand she got more and more into erotical dreams about their both together and she had the feeling she could not stand that for long anymore .One reason was because she had not had sex for a longer time now.Her appetite grew up. Ok she was doing it on her own every night but that was not the same than having sex with a partner. She wanted to be kissed and hold someone in her arms, especially her friend. The feelings for her grew up more and more every day. So Karen asked her, when they were watching tv, how she feels about her seperation from Peter after that time now .And if she would be happy now.Her friend said yes. “And how do you thing about men right now?You still have no interest?” Karen’s heart was pounding that heavy that she though her friend might hear it. “You want me to be honest?” Karen nodded. “Ok I feel so comfortable with you and I had never been that happy before. I don’t have any interest in men.So if you want to know the truth I am attracted by you!” Shyly she looked at Karen. Her cheeks had a rosy glimmer and Karen stroked tenderly over it. “And how do you think we should go on? I mean I have no experiences with this kind of sexuality and maybe you are not interested in me, because all you former girl friends had been totally the different from me.” she said very low. Karen’s heart was pounding heavier and she had a lump in her throat when she replied her with the question if she had heard right that her friend might be interested in her in sexual ways. "To be honest! YES! I've been thinking about it for a while now, but i didn't dare to say something because i have no experiences in that. And i thought if you get to know it and maybe just want me as a good buddy then i might distroy all. I don't want to loose you. You understand me?" Saying that to Karen with such an afraid expression on her face made her look to cute and Karen could not do anything other than take her face in her hands and kiss her. Just a short kiss on her lips like a good nite kiss or a kiss for saying hello.Then she looked into her eyes to see her reaction. Surprisingly her friend started to kiss Karen with a passion she had not exspected.She partened Karen's lips and moved her tongue in her mouth. She researched her mouth. God she tasted so so nice. A shiver went through Karen's body. Such a feeling she had never had before just with a kiss.Their tongues played with each other in passion and wildness. Her friend moaned on her lips. The kiss took very long. When they finally seperated both where lost of words. "Wow! That was amazing. I have never felt a kiss till to my toes." her friend said. "Yes that's true!" Karen said breathlessly. First her friend did not want to believe that Karen felt the same, but when it was clear for both they started to kiss again. But that was all her friend wanted to do by that time and Karen accepted that to her surprize.Something like that she had never experienced by her relationships with men. The next days both limited their sexuality just on hot passionate kisses. Karen had told her she would wait as long as she needed. So she should take her time and when she was ready to do it Karen would be there. On a Friday Karen came back from work a bit earlier than usually and when she was in the stairway she heard a tumult .A several times she heard smacking noice and whining. Karen started to hurry up taking two stairs with one step , because she got to a bad feeling. When she took the last few stairs she knew she had not been wrong because it came out of her apartment. Being excited she had problems to get the key into the keyhole. With a trembling voice she screamed the name of her friend and although it was not the truth she also screamed that the police would be on its way. Suddendly the door opened and Peter sally out husteld her aside to pass Karen and shouted back to her friend that he had done with her. Now he would know why she had been such prude and that he would hate lesbians. Then he was gone. Worried about her friend Karen went in and shouted at her.The apartment looked like a battlefield. When she finally found her friend she sat down on the floor whining and trying to lift up the broken dishes. Karen went to her and took out of her hand the peaces of the dishes and then helped her to get up. She guided her to the couch and took the arms around her. Comforting she was speaking to her. Just know Karen noticed that the telly was turned on and showed two women having sex together. That made her wondering but at that moment she did not dare to ask why that dvd was turned on. That could be done later she thought . First of all her friend needed to be attended. Seeing her neck it seemend he had choked her and her ckeeks were swollen and red . One could see his hands on them. Karen got some ice out of the top-opening freezer hackled it and put it in a cloth to cooling her friends cheeks. When her friend was fallen asleep cos of being exhausted Karen started to clean the apartment. While she did that she was thinking about what to do with that bastard.To let him come off best because of doing nothing was not what she wanted for him she would not be able to stand this. But on the other hand was it not her decision . She thought best would be to wait till she heard from her friend what really had happened. And she was curious about the dvd. Karen went to get a cooling salve out of the medicine cupboard. Something against bruises.She took it on her friends neck and chest who did not even realized that. After a few hours she woke her up with a tenderly kiss on her mouth and helped her to sit.After her friend had been totally awoken she carefully asked her about what had happened. Her friend told her that this had been a special day for her, because both had been living together for 3 month now and she was so happy here with her. And because Karen had been so concerned to her and waited so patiently she had thought today should be the day they would do it for the first time. Not only because of being thankfully she said to Karen when she saw that Karen wanted to say something to it . No! She also wanted to do it. So Karen said nothing and was just listening. Her friend had been to a shop for getting a dvd because she knew Karen liked to see pornos and so she wanted to surprise her with it. She had set the table in a romantic way and then went into the kitchen to prepare something special for them as the bell at the door rang. Thinking it was Karen, because of missing her key she opened it and went to the living room to turn on the dvd. When she wanted to go back to the kitchen she realized Peter standing in the door. He had got der address from her parents. His face looked very very furiously and he screamed at her who she thought she were leaving him. No woman had done that before and she would not be the first doing that. When she shyly asked him to leave the apartment and also that she would not come with him he started to hit and choke her. He pulled her to the living room and slung her to the floor . He spread her legs and teared off her panties which was easy because she wore a short skirt. He was going to open his pants when he noticed the lesbian scene on the tv. Angry and surprised at the same time he looked at her. "Ah now i understand. Hm would be funny to see what your parents have to say to it. Their daugther a lesbian!" He stood up and shoved all the dishes down from the table and as she dared to get up as well and get in front of him he hit her on her both sides of her chests.Then he heard Karen's voice at the door and started to hurry up to leave the apartment. When he got out he shouted back at her he would know now why she had been that prude and that he had done with her . He would hate lesbians. When he was out she broke down and the only thing she was able to think about was to clean the mess, the blemish till Karen came and took out the things of her hand and guided her to the sofa. The rest of the story Karen knew . "Oh my god ......poor sweet honey!" Karen lay her arms around her weighing her to and fro. " We should make a report!" "No Karen, i don’t want that! You have heard it on your own he has done with me." "But he had hit and choked you and he was going to rape you . Just think a minute about what would have happened to you if the dvd had not been turned on.” " I don`t want to think about it ! I want to forget it quickly!" She was shaking like leaves. "I know honey, i didn't want to make it worse but you can’t do nothing he has to be panished!" "Believe me i prefer to leave it and forget it ok?" "You are still confused yet. Look! Sleep over it a night and when you still won't do anything against him tomorrow then i will accept it .Ok!" "Yes!" she sighed and let herself still weighing to and fro by Karen. She felt so secured with her. Nothing could happen to her. The days passed by and Karen was not home very often because of her job and so she did not know how her friend had decided about Peter . Karen thought that there had happened nothing and even she did not want to force her she was thinking of a talk to make things clear. And if her friend was agreeing then she wanted to catch up on the romantic evening. So this time Karen was preparing all. She made pasta and to that she served an italien red wine. To not let her friend get to know it she let in her a bubble bath and insisted on her to take it for relaxing . She lightened the candles and waited for her friend to get finished. Finally she came out of the bathroom wearing a silky bathroom she got as a present from Karen on her birthday. Under it she was wearing a satin short green nightdress with fine straps and Karen expected her wearing panties same colour . God just the thought of it made her wet. She told her friend to have a seat and served the pasta. They enjoyed their supper.But then Karen wanted to talk about the uncomforting part first and asked her about Peter. To her surprise her friend told her that she had made a report the next day after he had attacked her because he had threaten her to go to her parents and tell them. But to her surprise her parents had not been unhappy about it after she had told them what Peter all had done to her the day before and how her feelings about Karen were they took her in their arms and explained that they rather wanted to have a happy daughter. And that her daughter was happy with Karen they already had seen. That was all that matters and they also admit to have been mistaken before. So this problem was solved.Her parents had begged her to make a report as well and they would stand behind her for 100%.Peter had been heard the same day and she also told Karen that she had to go there and tell them the facts she had witnessed.And first thing thats happened after that was that Peter was not allowed to get closer then 300 m to her. Since then she had never heard anything from him . Karen felt eased. When they had finished supper they went to the living room on the couch. Karen had layed down another dvd on the table and was now waiting for the reaction of her friend. As she was now taking her glas of red wine she noticed it. She looked at Karen and smiled. Karen was so cusious what would happen now. But her friend did not say anything .Instead she got up and put the dvd into the recorder She went back to Karen and snuggled against her. Then both watched the dvd and started kissing . With every kiss they got more and more into passion . The dvd was a real turn on for both and so they took off each others clothes, means Karen took of the bathrobe of her friend while she was going to loose her blouse and her bra. Her friend stroked over her breasts and massaged them gently . Their kisses got very intensive. They played with their tongues let them get out and licked each others. Then Karen tenderly bit her lips and traced them with her tongue. Both were moaning to it. Karen moved with her tongue along the neck of her friend and sucked on her ears.Her hands stroked along her back and massaged her shoulders while her friend was on her way to to suck Karen’s nipples with her mouth. She licked over it and they went hard in an instand. Karen shoved one of the straps of the nightdress down and released the tit. She took the nipple between her thumb and her forefinger and squeezed and pressed it.Stroking with her tongue over it while rubbing with the fingers and then sucking on it. Her friend started to breath heavy and said she had never felt something like this.She shivered from the head to toes. Her hands moved over Karen’s flat belly to her thighs. She shoved up her skirt and stroked gently from outside to inside. Karen did the same with her while was stimulating her nipples as well. She wanted her friend to touch her pussy and she was so excited that her panties almost had been soaken wet. She took her friend’s hand and guided her to her wet hot pussy. Pressing her hand against her she rubbed over it and that her friend realized how enjoyable that was she did the same on her . Her friend was not that wet as she but she was sure that wasonly because of the experciences of her friend. When her friend felt Karen's hand gently stroking over her and with one finger moving into her panties to move around her clitoris very gently and trace her labia she got to an excited feeling too and she went wet in her column. Karen moved gently long her labia and when she felt the excitement and wetness growing up on her friend she dared tomove in with one finger. Very carefully to give her the possibility to stop her when she feels uncomforted by it. So she got wetter and wetter. She gasped and teared on Karen`s panties to get rid of it but that did not work because she was not used to do it. Karen helped her with doing it on her own and so did her friend. Now they lay thight embraced on the sofa which seemed to be build just for two people having sex on it. Both did not noticed the movie anymore where a woman was just fucking the other with her mouth and was moaning loud to it,because they were busy with their own movie. Karen was stroking the tits of her friend again and both kissed very wild . Their tongues sucked on each other and were teasing as well which build up the tension. Their hands could not get enough of each other and they stroked along their bodies, arms and backs over their tits to their destination in massaging way till they were close at each center of lust. Karen moved over the wet pussy and her friend’s breath went heavy . Her tongue moved down as well in a licking way. At their tits it paused and surrounded her nipples till they got hard. Then licking her belly button and finally her clitoris. Moving in and out tenderly with her finger . Her friend murmured to her that it was so so wonderful and she did not want her to stop. Her friend stroke Karen through her hair and tried to give her tenderness as well till Karen told her just to relax and enjoy it. She wanted to regale her and that was what she did! But that was not a queation of relaxing anymore because of the excitement her friend got through. Karen was licking with her tongue around her clitoris and her friend moaned and moaned to it. Karen took a second finger in her pussy and fucked her back and forth while licking with her tongue over all the parts of her pussy. More and more snappy till her friend started to move impatiently then she moved in deeper and curved her fingers towards her belly . Now she felt the warm sponge tissue and she realizied her friend looking worried at her. "I think i need the loo." she said." but that can't be?" "Nope that's your g-spot . Wait just a bit you will have that feeling from time to time but that only showes me that iam right!" Karen explained to her. So she went on to suck on her center of lust and her friend gasped loud and bent over because of her lust.Then she realized her friend gasping an moaning louder and louder and getting into tension and she moved faster till she was screaming and coming in spasm.She came that heavy that it brought Karen nearly got to join her.When the tension got down Karen got up her head and shoved up to her and kissed her tenderly on her mouth knowing for sure she had all the cum off her friend on her mouth.Her friend astonished looked at her. "I didn't know that it can be that wonderful. I've never felt something like this before!" " I know honey! So you liked it?" "You asked me this? But you should not think that i won't give you revenge!" Karen looked at her friend in confusion till she got to know what she meant with it. She moved behind herself and suddendly had a dildo in her hand which she had bought a few weeks ago when she was planning that romantic evening which had got its final in such an awful mess. Now she turned it on and let the vibrations go over Karen's nipple . Karen shivered to it and her friend got a teasing expression on her face when she moved with the vibrator more and more down. Karen got so wet that if she finally had her panties on it had been totally soaken then. She gasped and trembled by it. She could not wait till the dildo was where she wanted it to be. IN HER! And when the vibrator stroked over her clitoris and her friends tongue licked along her belly there was only a begging for more coming over her lips. Willingly her friend did what she was begged for and she sucked on her clitoris and stroked the dildo deep into Karen's wet smoothing pussy. IN and OUT and IN again. Karen got the feeling she could not stand that any longer and the only thing she wanted now was exploding. She started to push against the dildo and she begged her friend to stay in with it and move deeper and to fuck her hard. She only wanted to COME now! With the tongue on the center of her lust and the dildo fucking her hard it seemed her friend had lots of fun because she also was breathing heavyly and she forced her to come.And she told her how nice and sexy it was to hear her which got Karen more and more to wild emotions and let grew up her tension to nonterminating. She moaned loud and screamed she would come now…………..yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees……. She begged her to go on and get faster what her friend did till Karen reared up and came in spasm and she got to her orgasm with screaming out loud. She exploded like she would be smashed to smithereens. And afterwards she felt so exhausted that she only pulled her friend up to herself so that her head was laying between her breast and then stayed still in that position. Stroking over her hair she said: “I love you ! I always have and always will.” Her friend looked up at her and in her eyes Karen could see the same love she was feeling for her.
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