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ReAd GuYs..... Guys you really need to read this...it just might help you out! Romance and Relationships 27 ways to make a girl smile . . . . . *1 . Tell her she is beautiful, not hott, fine or ***y. *2 . Hold her hand at any moment even if it just for a second. *3 . Kiss her on the forehead. *4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to. *5 . Always tell her you love her at any and all times. *6 . When she is upset hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. *7 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most. *8 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is. *9 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. *10 . Write her notes. {she loves them} *11 . Introduce her to family and friends as your girlfriend. *12 . Play with her hair. *13 . Pick her up, tickle her and play-wrestle with her. *14 . Sit in the park and just talk to her. *15 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes. *16 . Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her. *17 . Let her fall asleep in your arms. *18. Carve your names into a Tree. *19 . If she's mad at you, kiss her. *20 . Give her piggyback rides. *21 . Bring her Flowers just because. *22 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone. *23 . Look her in the eyes and smile. *24 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants. *25 . Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing. *26 . Kiss her in the rain. *27 . If your in love with her . . . Tell her. Shoulder to cry on Girls love to know that they're cared for. Call her just to talk, or call because you miss her. Girls love that stuff. Also, heres a major tip, when a girl is getting over emotional and crying and you're not sure why, all she really needs is you to hold her. So don't be manly and try to make it better, just hold her, comfort her, tell her its ok, when she's ready she'll tell you what's on her mind. Trust me. Never Let it Die well as we all know when your in a long term relationship... it tends to die down. GUYS, don't let it ! even if you guys have been together one year or 91 years, guys open the doors for your girl, hug her unexpectedly, kiss her like there's no tomorrow, and just be loving to her .... cause even though she might not say anything about it, that doesn't mean she doesn't want to... so don't let the relationship die and just buy her, or pick her, a rose once and a while... trust me she will appreciate it Be Romantic & CHEAP at the same Time Girls think its absolutely adorable when you think of them. REALLY. It doesn't have to be much. Find out what their favorite flower is, and buy one for her and surprise her with it. Flowers are cheap! Girls like to be reminded how you feel about them too! Just a simple few lines of "you mean the world to me" and cute things you two share can do wonders! (just make sure its not written on a napkin). Take her to the park and make a picnic, again cheap but cute. Never mention money while on a date, it makes you sound stingy and makes her feel awkward. You don't always have to pay, but offering once or twice is cute. Lay down under the stars one night and just really LISTEN to her, you may just fall in love all over again. Surprise her with little things. Even a ring out of those candy machines at a grocery store can be cute if given in the right way. (You never know what she keeps) Call her *BEFORE* she goes to sleep and tell her you'll be thinking about her as the night progresses. Tell her you called just to hear her voice before you fell asleep. Just to say I love you works too. Take note of what she likes and dislikes. If she only likes you for your money, then you dont deserve her. Make it clear in the beginning of the relationship what your ambitions are, what you expect, and things that you are looking for. Communication is the key. Never lie to her. If you care enough about her to think up a lie to get yourself out of trouble, just tell her the truth. Once you're caught, the trust is broken and it takes a whole lot more effort to rebuild the trust bond than it is to forget a fight. Remember, just being with her is good enough for her. If she really cares about you for you, she'll just enjoy being in your presence, you dont need money to hold her hand or whisper in her ear Dating Rules for Guys 1. Don't come on too strong. A little flirting is okay, but too much flirting is a bit too much. 2. Pay more attention to your appearance. We all know that looks don't really matter in a good relationship, but we all like our dates to look good and clean. Strictly no football matches before a date! 3. Don't get posessive. We all need space to breathe. 4. Make sure that you've put on cologne if you have body odour. Let's face it: Body odour on your date is going to make you forget about every single reason why you like them. But go easy on the cologne--nothing too strong. 5. Topics to discuss--asking us about ourselves is the best topic. When we're done talking about ourselves [please at least make an effort to listen] we'll be touched by the fact that you cared to listen, and ask you about yourself. Then you'll have a chance to talk. 6. Breaking Up-- don't get a friend to do it for you. If you want to break up with a girl, do it YOURSELF, and save us the humiliation. Or you can be sure that all the girls will be keeping their distances from you. [we don't gossip for nothing] Just Don't just don't break ur promises.. if u care about this girl pay attention to the little things.. they are more important then the big things...always think before u speak.. most important!! DON'T LIE! just br real.. its not worth being fake in the beggining and then all of a sudden showing ur true colors.. save urself the time and be real from the start.. thats all Don't Wait forever to ask that Perfect Girl I have a friend who is a girl instead of a girlfriend because I was always to afraid to ask her out. The worst thing she could say is no. Don't wait too long some other guy will get to her before you have a chance. Don't end up like me. When u find that perfect girl just make a move. 18 Tips for Guys 1) pick us flowers from other people's yards and give it to us 2) sing to us, no matter how bad you are 3) dont be afraid to hold our hand... dont worry, we wont run away! 4) play with our hair 5) tell us a stupid joke, to make her laugh 6) whisper in our ears 7) kiss our neck 8) write us letters 9) walk, dance, and kiss us in the rain 10) let us take all the pictures of you we want 11) listen to us favorite songs 12) lend us your cds 13) give us your favorite or lucky item (ie necklace, coin, penny, whatever) 14) stay up with us all night... believe us, its a bonding experience 15) go stargazing 16) kiss our forehead and look down on us 17) leave little unexpected notes for us in our car, door, locker, jacket pocket, w/e 18) push us in the swings Lets Cut to the Chase Ok, so you have found a girl you like, obviously because you want to date someone. I'd just like to forwarn you that the bs about girl's being unpredictable is a myth. I would say that girls more or less act the same way most of the time, depending on the type of the girl. Type as in shy, adventureous, secretive, suprising.. you get the idea. The point is, if you want to get the girl, you have to understand the girl. Now, thats what it boils down too, understanding her, and making yourself appealing to her. I'm not trying to tell you to change for her, or not be yourself, but get to know her before you try to dive right in. Ok, now here comes the part on asking her out on a date. The best way to do this is ask her to go somewhere to relax or have fun, but at the same time, a place where you can talk to her. This is better done with a group of friends at first, like hanging out, watching a movie, the arcade, etc. Start to give her hints. Not strong ones, but things like smiles, jokes, play with her a little bit. Devote a good ammount of time to her, as well as your friends, so she picks up the hint. After a few "friend hangouts" and she has picked up the hints. Ask her out to a movie, with just the two of you. Ok, back to the understanding types of girls. Most girls like the courteus type of guy, he smells nice, wears clean clothing, and has good manners. Open doors for her, go out of your way to let her know you care (without actually saying). But other girls, such as the shy types might just want to talk about a topic they like. Like I said, get to know her. Watch her a bit. Don't stalk, but I mean get to know her intrests. Checklist before you see her: Brush Teeth (im serious) Wash your face (but don't worry if you have a few pimples, she wont care that much) Put on deoderant (the stuff that lasts for a 12 hours anti-pers :) ) Dress in clean, clothing. (in a style that she would prefer, try to get something with no holes in it ) Gel your hair, just a little bit. Ok that should do it. Now remember to talk to her. Talking is the key, don't just stare at her. Just talk about friends, school, whatever. Wait until she uses profanity, before you do. Smile. Joke around a bit, not bad jokes though ;). I hope this helped. Oh, and by the way, try not to make up any lies to impress her. They just did you into holes. And Be yourself! DON'T JUDGE A GIRL BY HER LOOKS!! Looks are important in the first place when you just look at her. Later on, it wouldn't because she can be the prettiest girl in the world, but she wouldn't have a great personality. You should get to know a person before getting with a girl. Don't rush things. Looks are things that can be seen on the outside, but the inside you'll have to find out for yourself. Everyone gets old, looks wont be n e thing later on!
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