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Stealing Dragon Eggs

THIS is not a joke, the LINK IS SAFE* Just need some help here folks! Please help my dragon egglings to grow!
Click on each and show some LOVE!
You never know, a lost dragon egg might follow you home!
To steal your own dragon egg click here!

Friends and Aquaintences

It's been a crazy few days, my small cat Bella underwent surgery to be spayed and after the surgery she suddenly stopped breathing and its been touch and go for the last 30 hours. I now have her in my room at home, isolated so she can get use to being suddenly blind, but she is alive, eating, moving around, using the litter box and still a dollbaby, hopefully the blindness is just temporary from the trauma. Funny, I put it on a cork at State of Insanity and here on a bulletin, only THREE folks on my friends and family list even commented and asked, Three out of how many? Yet at SOI, 50 folks some I know some I dont said prayers and sent well wishes. Made me think about folks in my life that say we are friends..what is a friend? Are you a good friend? I know I haven't been when life deals me some heavy dibiliating crises... we can post about all the funny stuff, tag your it, some folks post so much stuff you wonder if its really due to caring or due to just following the leader. Some folks are in a click, aka if you don't live this lifestyle, your not worthy of our time if your not like us, so when we get a chance we might say hi..if We are not busy.. or the ones.. Talk and Talk and not once ask about you... Been guilty of that as well. So do I have friends...yes I have about three! One since I was in fourth grade, one I have known since the 90's, we met in a chat and have somehow managed to stay in touchand share each others pain and happiness and successes... The rest.. shrugging shoulders.. SO next time you say your a FRIEND, are you? Or are you just a click and say Hello aquaintance.. Ya all have a nice day, Smiles, Back to work~

HOLY COW!!!!!!

Anyone into Rock, here is a Calendar from the Local Scene in Tidewater Virginia,
keep your eyes open, some of these bands will be famous in the next few years,
especially the one below, cause My SON is in it, MAD MAx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Their band in on APRIL!


Well it's another week gone by, haven't we had some fun. Todays topic, Bulletin's and contest. Now explain to me why we have contests that are based on how many comments yet then we are asked to comment bomb? Now how real is that? It makes no sense? Same with bulletins, how many times do we repost the same bulletin, does everyone read them before they repost? Do they sort and decide what is worth forwarding and what isn't? For contests why isn't my one vote enough? I feel the comment bombing is kinda like cheating. Heaven's knows we have enough members at Cherry tap. Just some food for thought. Wishing All a great weekend, Smiles Rocker Mom

Pin-Up Art & NSFW rating

Here I go again, I love this site because there is enough storage room to load up my pin-up art. It's ART, aka an interpretation by an ARTIST, something I was years ago until My hands starting numbing. I was uploading from my default in to my collection and this isn't the first time, so suddenly I get a NSFW 3 TIMES!....not once but 3 TIMES!... so FOlks, this is an ADULT site, PIN-UP art is evocative, alluring, some erotic and HOT, no kidding* Well I don't want to get kicked out so I am closing my pin-up art to friends and family. Soo if you want to view it, you need to be my friend, which I truly don't mind, the more friends the merrier. So to that person that rated a PINup photo NSFW and failed to rate the THOUSANDS of T/A all over this site as acceptable! How many boobs and ccrotches and etc are acceptable yet My Chimera, Drew Posada, Hajime Sorayama, Olivia de Berardinis aren't acceptable.. GO figure. Have a nice day, Back to My day~
Whoever is over there THANKS you ROCK!!! FINALLY Your SALUTE has been approved! So folks, if your salute meets the requirements, go to Cherry Tap Support email them and ask why it was turned down. It might save you a few hours of Frustration and hugs to all that hung in there with me* XOXOX ROCKER* MOM

Rockers Salute Saga

Well, ...I emailed them why it wasn't acceptable, I ain't giving up folks, I don't want others to have to go through this if the system is broke. so hold on..lets see will CHerry Tap Support come to the rescue?... XOXOX Rocker Mom

Salute Rejected AGAIN

'CherryTAP Shop' spewed forth the following at '2007-01-02 17:12:56'.. > > > Your SALUTE has been rejected! Please review the FAQ for what is appropriate for salutes. If your salutes are continually rejected, your account will be removed. > > The rejected salute photo is below: > a.pca2.lostcherry   Okay folks this is WAR!  My face is visable, so is my website and so is my handwritten note... any suggestions? Need I flash boobs or what? Geez*
Just so you all know Cherry Tap Support does respond and they are kewl.... I blasted a blurb to them and this is their answer, their response is on top of My blast.. Some good drama huh? Chuckles Cherry Tap Support: we have had problems with salutes,we apoligieze,as long as the handwritten sign is visable with your user name and number.it will be approved. === 'Rocker Mom stuck @10' spewed forth the following at '2007-01-02 10:27:58'.. > > I have a question and a complaint > I joined cherry tap and love it here, > I am sure you have to create certain rules > to make sure things flow smoothly. > What I don't understand is that certain folks > don't have to do a standard salute and > they get approved while the rest of us > ugly ducklings get put through the ringer > so to speak. > > It says a picture of yourself in front of your > homepage with a sign and it must be clear. > Or with a T-shirt from here, > yet I see salutes if its a pretty gal, as long as she has a sign and a smile she gets approved, > if your going to enforce such rules than please make it standard! I payed to support the site > and yes it allows me some special extras, but now > I have to make a salute to get past level 10? > Why the heck didnt you have one of the requirements of joining to create a darn salute before one gets approved to have a paying account? > I already submitted one salute and got turned down. > If the next one gets turned down, and I knows its acceptable, I am going to be asking some really hard questions. > JUST A FYI, > have a great day. > Rocker Mom

Salutes Update

Well damn! The first set my son took for me with my cell phone camera were rejected... why because I printed my name with the computer instead of handwriting. Like that is going to make a difference, totally fed up on day 2 of creating a salute. Changed clothes, took off makeup, and relaxed only to get peeved more.. so handwritting caused my demise.. okay.. Time to get hubby's help. Big guns help, took my digital, and had him help me take some UGLY ASS pictures at my worst to do this salute thing. If these don't pass I give up. You can see my website clear, as well as my face and my handwritten note and my zits and wrinkles and all. Wish me luck, here I go again!
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