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Rocker78's blog: "Rocker_78"

created on 11/05/2006  |  http://fubar.com/rocker-78/b21610


Hey 3X7 fans, are you just waiting on your edge of your seat wondering when you will hear some brand new kick ass 3x7 tunes? Well guess what you can right now!!! Thats right on myspace you can hear the brand new 3X7 song Once Upon A Mind!!! Just Click here and tell the Boys From Kanas what you think. Oh yea and it's the very first recording with Kenny and Zach!! Woohooooooooooooooooooo http://www.myspace.com/3x7music


Woohooo today was my last day working for McDonald's!!!! Yesssssssssss!!!!!!! After almost 9 yrs I finaly get away. Now don't get me wrong i've had good days and bad days there. But I just can't live off of the hours or lack of hours at that store anymore. Which is why I got the job at N.E.W. 40 hrs a week, great pay, great benifits. Which also means I'll be leaving WaKeeney too and moving to Hays. That will probly be another month max before i do. But hell yea Monday I start the new job!! Woohoooooo. And in other news, My buds 3x7 seam to be getting a good buzz going around and I feel that all I've done in pushing their name and spreading the word about them is starting to work now. Which I hope cause these guys rock and deserve to be notice. Start looking for these guys playing in your home town soon cause this summer is going to be a busy one for 3x7. Now if you excuse me I got some beer to finish off from this weekend. Listening to: 3x7- To Better Memorys (Demo)

I'm starting a contest.

I've decided to start a contest. It's a simple nice one. I'm a guy that loces smiles so I thinking of having a best female smile contest. Anyone who is intrested in this please PM here on cherrytap and what picture you want me to use. I'm only taking five contestants for this. This contest will be ratting and comments combined. Thank you all.

This Sucks

Last night I was out and over my friend house to once again spend time with someone I have very strong feelings. This time I knew how she felt about me and was very excited. Well guess what my bad luck came up and bit me in the ass again. My cousin called me and being the ass he is said some shit. Well instead of just telling Tara about it, I pulled my friend to the side and told her what my cousin said and that I was upset over it. Well this upset Tara and she left. Now she's pissed at me and is pushing me away. Saying what I did was childish, okay I agree but saying you arn't going to have a relationship with me because of this. Which is something small is not right. Only reason I didn't want to say anything in front of her is casue I didn't want her to think that all I wanted from her was just sex. Sorry but I care too much for her to think of that. Now I'm pissed at my cousin for ruing something that could have been great for me. I think I should just crawl in a hole and not come out ever!!!


2006 couldn't end with a beter way for me. For the first time in a long time I've found someone that makes me smile and have those old buterflies flying around in my gut. Also making my heart beat a bit funny. Last night I was at my friend Danelle's house for a party. This was a party for me to finaly get to meet Tara. Who is Danelle's cousin. I have been talking to her on yahoo and of course on the phone too. I was a nervous reck and not even the beer could keep them calm. And of course just like Danelle she had to embarass me by saying she had to talk to me and everyone in the room going oh Chris you are going to get lucky. Well I didn't get lucky like you all are thinking but I was asked if I like Tara which was a big yes and told to quit being a chicken shit and go tell her. I told her and looks like I'm going to have another date with her on New Years Eve. I really like Tara and think she's a beautiful lady. I just hope things keep going the way they are. Plus she likes me for who I am and dosn't care about my hair and plus she loves the rock!! She even wants to go to a 3x7 show!! Woohoo!!! So Paul you beter get another gig set up soon. Oh and Tara is a Broncos fan too. You just got to love that lol. Anyways I still haven't got up the nerve yet to see if she's ready for a relationship. I'm kind of scared to ask that but hopfully I'll get over that. One thing is for sure I don't want to push things too fast with her and I'm just going to enjoy every moment I'm with her. Hopefully this is the one I've been waiting to meet. Cause for some reason I keep thinking I've seen her before but don't know where. Be funny if it was in a dream lol. Well after New Years Eve and after a day of soboring up I'll let you all know how things are going. I'm hoping for the best but I'm not going to get my hopes up to high. Just don't think I can deal with any disapointments. But hey something must be good where she calls me before going to the bars and after she leaves lol. But if any thinks have to go to anyone it all goes to Danelle for intro ducing me to Tara. Now time to go back watch the Bronco's kicking the hell out of the Bengals.

Time to explain myself.

Okay this blog is being posted to let everyone know why and how come. Okay I'm sure everyone on Cherry Tap knows about the TXR split/walk out. Now first off I do not know everything that went down between the owners ot TXR nor do I really care. Here's the deal there was a disagreement and one of the owners split and most of all the dj's left with that owner. Now they have their own station called Bad Seed Radio. Check it out there are some cool people there. Now as to why I'm staying with TXR. Well it's quite simple really. XTC showed me respect by telling me there was a walk out when I had no clue about anything. She said if I wanted to walk with the others then she would have no hard feelings towrds me. She showed me the respect by talking to me. When no one else did. The first time I went into Bad Seed lounge no one would say hi to me after saying hi three times. About 20 mins later people finaly relized I was in the room. After that I pm xtc and said Hey I'm staying with txr. She has offerd me the one thing I wanted to do from day one. That is havng a kick ass 4 hour long rock show called "Thunder Rock" It's going to be the only rock show as of now on TXR. The time for when it airs is not set yet. But I'm stoke about doing this. I have big plans for this show and one of them is going to include some cool stuff from bands I know. If you liked the orninal Headbangers Ball or vh1's rock show then you will enjoy this show. Now on to Bad Seed Radio. I respect you guys and wish you the best of luck, from time to time I'll pop in to chat with everyone and to suport my friends that are becoming dj's there too. I hope you do the same for me but one thing I will not do is go to your lounge and start shit. I hope you will show me the same respect I'm showing you. Cause you disrespect me then it's the last you will hear from me. I might go off and then cut you off. I wasn't surprise by the reaction so far when I reposted in my name with TXR. I knew it was going to have some reaction but at least you guys can say one thing. When I did come into Bad Seed not once did I say anything about TXR or shit on you guys. Oh and one last thought before I leave. I belive in Karma and one thing about karma is this. Bad or good karma always comes back ten times full. So let that be a warning. Show me good Karma and I'll return the favor. Show bad Karma and watch out when it comes back and bites you in the ass. Now thats out I'm going to go do my own thing like you all are doing yours. Wishing all my former dj's the best of luck and hope we can all stay friends. Rocker78

I'm On The Air!!!

I'm on the air. Come check my show out. I promise that you will get to hear the new 3x7 song. With out losing the sever this time. See you all there in about 45 mins in Temptation X Lounge. Rocker78
Today at 6pm-8pm est, 3x7's brand new song To Beter Memories debuts on Temptation X Radio!!! TXR is the first that gets to permerie this song before anyone else on the net. Even before it goes up on myspace. So That means one thing if you want to hear the new song show up in the Temptation X Radio Lounge and you will hear it. Also James Dean and Paul from 3x7 will be in the lounge talking to everyone and seeing what they think of the new song. They are wanting this out before the new album is even finish. So come on in and check it out!!! Rocker78

WTF People!!!

What the fuck is up with people giving crapy pic ratings on the pics of me with another female!!!! Come on I know it has to be men leaving those who are jealous that a sexy gal would want to pose with me. First off they are my friends not my gf's!!! All of the other pics of me have tens and some of them are worst then the pics of me with someone else!!! So to the haters fuck off!!!!!
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