Deep Scars
written 10/6/04 5 pm
by debra
You hid it well the scars you left
Each bruise and mark made
Hidden well beneath my clothes
Tormenting me, making me afraid
You played it out so perfectly
The loyal and true spouse
Before our friends and family
Masking the chaos in our house
Each cut you made on my skin
And each scar you left in my mind
Branding me in a perverse act
Every way that you could find
The burns and the beatings so cruel
So much physical and mental pain
Hanging my head down low
I thought it my fault, I was to blame
I covered for you out of love
Thinking that would change it all
Until I realized you were sick
And saving you was not my call
For years I blamed you for what you done
Until I found the answer inside of me
If I stayed I had no one to blame
It was time to set myself free
No more torture, no more pain
Thats visable for anyone to see
But in my mind it still remains
So am I actually totally free?
You will own me after all is done
If I dont release the memories
Again, I am the only one
Who can ever save me