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40 Year Old · Male · From Lakewood, WA · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 21st · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Male · From Lakewood, WA · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 21st · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Let's see, I'm 23 a combat medic stationed in Ft. Lewis right now. I've been in the Army for 4 years now and still got a few more to go. I have been married to the girl for 4 years then wile I am in Iraq she decided she wants a divorce, found herself a new man and better father for our son than me the way she puts it. I have a son named Xander, he turns two in Oct. I aint tall, handsome, hell there aint nothing preaty about me. I would say I'm a good guy but everyone says that and I'm not gunna try and convince ya' that I am, ya can form yer own opinion from talking to me. If ya like me after talking to me thats cool, if ya base your opinion off a few pic's and what ya read here I feel bad for ya cuz that aint no way to judge people. I can be an ass at times, defensive, I get pissed off when I see a guy hit a woman or child and tend to step in because that’s just fucked up and am vary stubborn. I find myself being one of the few people left around that have a sence of honer any more and that dissapoints me a bit but I am proud of who I am and what I stand for. I’ve been told I‘m "fucking psycotic" a time or two and sometimes yeah I can be. I love being in combat except its too damn hot and I dont care who ya talk to body army is fucking heavy, Theres no better rush than running around the streets of Iraq getting shot at and explosions are cool but they are even better when your right up on em'. I like my job and love helping people, I get to do that a lot as a medic an am pround of the things I have done over here becuse I know I am doing the right thing. If your not sore or bleeding in the end your probly not doing it right. I got my faults and I'm working on that but I don’t apologize for any of this, its just the way I am and if someone don’t like it thats there problem and I can probly live without them. I like meeting new people because most of them are interesting and I really cant wait to get back to the states in September so I can start to have a social life aging. I REALLY DESPISE BEING LIED TO! There is no reason for it, so dont wast my time with bullshit if ya cant be yerself and accept someone for the same. I hate drama, I got a lot more than I can deal with right now with my ex wife and the whole situation there so please dont try and give me any more in my life. I haven’t really tried meeting people on Myspace before so I really don’t know what to say half the time. I'm a vary outgoing person and I love to go out and have fun, If I sit in the house to long I get the idea to make things "better" witch normally ends up as broken. I do some pretty crazy shit some times in the name of fun and it normally turns out to be cool, then again sometimes it turns out to be some peaty stupid shit that someone should have talked me out of (like making a hang glider). I enjoy my job other than the spending half my time in a country that doesn’t want us in it when I could be with my son. On the other hand my training comes in preaty handy after a long night of having fun, I get a lot of people comming to me on sunday mornings for stiches, IV's, or just to get checked out after a long night of drinking and doing stupid stuff. I'm not to sure what else to say so if ya’ want to know something ask me. I really aint as bad as I make myself sound here but I sure aint about to make people think I am something I aint. I'm new to this cherrytap thing, one of my friends over here told me about it and I thought I would give it a try but so far i perfer myspace cuz i know how to work it. www.myspace.com/rinard216 if ya wanna stop by. Latter.

40 Year Old · Male · From Lakewood, WA · Joined on May 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 21st · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I like to have fun, parties, drinking, playing games, doing shit outdoor, I spend a lot of time making/building things when i got nothing better to do, playing with my son when i can see him. Right now I'm looking to make some new friends in the lakewood area.
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