Since a lot of you don't know me yet here's something to get the Drums rolling.
♥ Riivvers
...::About Me::...<3Full Name:" Gotta know me better to know that "Eye Color:GreenHair Color:BlondeHeight:5'7Shoe Size:9Ring Size:He who holds my heart holds my Ring size :)Heritage:English, French, GermanGraduating Year:1999Birthdate:July 10Zodiac Sign:Cancer...::Firsts::...<3Concert:Colin RayeBest Friend:Sha'Crush:ShanePet:Dog, Cat, Tarantula, and a PlecostomusSport:Cycling...::Have You Ever::...<3Sky Dived:NeverBungee Jumped:NeverGone out of the Country:I wish.Beaten Someone Up:Too Nice.Gotten Beat Up:Yup.Killed an Animal:I couldn't.Swam in the Ocean:Nope just lakesBroke the Law:NopeSmoked:NopeChewed Tobacco:Ewww..Drank:Of CourseBeen Kissed:YupBeen In Love:A few times.Dumped Someone:Didnt want to.Been Dumped:Yes.Broken Someone's heart:Yes.Had Your Heart Broken:One Too manyLiked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back:YupBroken A Bone:NopeHad Surgery:NopeHad an X-ray or MRI:Just at the dentistFailed a Class:Yeah....::Favorites::...<3Color:Black, Pink, GreenFood:Tacos, and Sweet N Sour ChickenDrink:PepsiSnack:TwinkiesCereal:Special K Red BerriesIce Cream:Mint Chocolate ChipCandy:Kit - KatRestaurant:Top NotchFast Food Place:Taco BellStore:Pet Store... The Mall...Animal:Tigers.Quote:... ....Sport To Play:Volley BallSport To Watch:FootballMovie:CadenceTV Show:RebaType Of Music:All kindsBand:Guns N RosesSinger:Kenny RogersSong:Some Where I belong - LINKIN PARK...::This//Or//That::...<3Pepsi or Coke:PepsiVanilla or Chocolate:ChocolateCake or Ice Cream:Both... Mixed togetherMcDonalds or Burger King:....McDonalds Nuggets...BK's BurgersLove or Money:LoveMusic or TV:BothCat or Dog:BothMom or Dad:BothTruck or Car:TruckOcean or Lake:LakeYahoo or Hotmail:YahooGoogle or AJ:YahooLight or Dark:DarkCountry or City:CountryRain or Sunshine:Both.. at the same time... Love Rainbows...::The Opposite Sex::...<3First Thing You Notice:eyes, and humorPersonality or Looks:PersonalityHair Color:doesnt matter... it could even be blueEye Color:anyShort or Tall:TallRomanic or Spontaneous:BothSense of Humor or Sweet:Sense of HumorHook up or Relationship:Relationship...::Currently::...<3Feeling:hungryListening To:cartoons and musicWanna:Chocolate PuddingDoing Besides Typing:Nothing yetThinking About:PuddingWearing:Invader Zim's Gir T-shirt and Sweatshirt with jeansIn Love:with ShaneSingle:NopeBest Friends:Shannon...::The Future::...<3Career:To be foretoldMarriage:SomedayKids:Do pets count?
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