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WAKE UP MY PEOPLE Wake up my people and join in the fight, Wake up my people and show the world who’s right Fight for who you are and never back down Wake up my people before we’re underground We must keep fighting for all that is white Wake up my people and join in the fight Separate but equal is how we must stand Take back the power that has overtaken our land Wake up my people and keep society white Wake up my people and join us in the fight We must keep fighting to keep a free white land We will never give up and you know this true Wake up my people and smash the god dam jew We will keep fighting just try and understand We are the people who brought about this land You may keep trying to keep us down Wake up my people and stand your ground We will not be moved from this once white land Wake up for white rights and take your stand We will not fail so long as we are here Wake up my people and face all fears We are the white men who will not be moved We will keep fighting until the glorious day We must not surrender our rights in any way We will never back down and this is true We will fight until our lives are rid of the jew We will never be taken out from this life Wake up my people and we will win this fight White rights are being trampled upon Wake up my people before white rights are gone Free your land of all that is impure Wake up my people and we will be free So long as there are people like you and me We will keep fighting to keep our land free Free from all those people who try to exploite our rights And we will keep fighting until the dead of night We will not waver and yes you know this true We will be here until the fight is through We will not back down and this has to be true Once we are free we’ll know what to do Vinland is upon us one glorious day And for Vinland I swear to keep fighting until my last day
TWENTY FRIST CENTURY AMERICA Living in America today is very dangerous for a white person. With the borders being opened by the politicians and the blacks running amuck. The white woman is no longer able to walk down the street and feel safe. The negro has made sure that all territories are covered that once used to be all white. We are no longer the majority of this once great nation. There once was a time in America where the white citizens were the only people our politicians cared about, there was a time where if we had a problem it was fixed. This time is gone the way of the horse and carriage, it has become extinct due to the overtaking by the Jew and their immoral and unjust form of government. With the new age of “diversity” and “equality” the America we once knew has been totally reformed for the worst. We are now forced to share the same restrooms and classrooms with those inferior persons who are hell bent on collecting their welfare check when the reach legal age. We are no longer able to even speak out against the negro or the mestezo without criticism and hatred brought down upon us with fire and brimstone. At the turn of the twentieth century everyone had a role in life and everyone lived their roles and never dared question their role, but in the twenty first century there are no roles, no moral or no values any longer. We no longer have the thread that once held this country strong, that thread has been cut and re-cut until it is no longer the first snip came during the civil war the second snip came after each of these cuts were small no real change came about until the 1960’s and the civil rights movement. This movement was lead by the coon that everyone that is non white in America loved a coon with such a hatred for the why society was a coon who was hell bent of bringing this fine nation down to the ground. Martin Luther King Jr. was backed at the time by a nigger loving president by the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who betrayed his race and nation and sent federal troops down south to make sure they concurred with the new found laws instated by the newly formed Jewish government on American soil. This was the thread breaker which was the cause of our once glorious and self sustaining governments demise. Now we are living in a country where the whites are placed on the back burner while the blacks, mestezos and Jews have every one of their whims caterer too. Atrocities are committed against us every waking hour of every day but the Jewish controlled media simply omits any such information, they wouldn’t want people to actually see what they are doing that would be a very bad move on their part so the just keep pumping out new television shows which promote white women to procreate with people of the lesser species. The terms diversity and equality are used subliminally every day, in our schools, television programs, work place and it is on a rise in our state and national capitols, laws are being passed everyday to give the mestezos more rights then the hard working white men and women of our nation and the rate of crime committed by those who cross our borders in an illegal fashion is on the rise. We are forced to spend millions upon millions of dollars ever year in order to feed and house these illegal felons and for what so they can stay in this country reap the benefits and not pay a single cent when what should be done is automatic deportation and forced monitoring of those who cross onto American soil and end up in the American jail or prison system. But according to the Jews that is unjust and immoral, we are supposed to use up our recourses and money and welcome them with open arms and when we cannot force ourselves to do that we are either jailed or fined. The real problem America is having in this new century is the Jew and their system of government, we will never be able to turn our society around back to a self sufficient and self reliant state until we oust the Jew forever from our land. If this can be achieved all will fall in its place and America can become whiter and brighter.


STAND UP AND BE COUNTED Living in the twenty first century is hard for a proud white person, with more and more laws being passed to oppress those who are proud to be white it is hard for us to legally to express our views for an Aryan nation. No mater what we do we are under the watchful eye of the controlled media, and if we were to slip up just for a second we are labeled and arrested as a racist or a skinhead. The labeling is not our problem because like you I can handle being labeled racist, but I only wish this one-sided way of thinking would fall upon those of different races. We are living in a time where the immigrants have more rights than those who have been here for generations, and to top it all off those rights are being paid for by the labor of the white men and women who inhabit the lands. More and more money is being spent each year to put up the undesirables, to make sure they have food in the bellies and a doctor to visit if they get sick. Money that should be spent on the education system is redirected to go into the pockets of the mud races who just so happen to find a way out of their country of birth and on soil where they are not wanted by the majority of the people. I say the majority of the people because I feel that our voices are no longer heard by the people we put into power, to carry out our wishes and to make sure that we have a place to sleep at night, we being the people who pay their salary and we being the people who keep our governments afloat. What is going on today is mass floods of immigration, misspent funds and the over looking of those people who live in a country legally who have no voice in how their land is governed. While we sit in our classrooms being taught that all men are equal under the eyes of god, what we should be taught is that those who came before us who gave their lives for our country are and were white men who found a better life in a distant land. Instead we are learning all the wrong things, history is being distorted by the Jewish liberals to make them look better and not expose them for the crooks they are. The media tells you that the Jew in all his history has been persecuted and imprisoned for just being Jewish when all he has wanted to do was try and practice his religion. I say that what the Jew teaches you is false, we are the ones in dire need of an uprising we are the ones who are not hell bent on world domination, all we ask for is fairness in the laws, and a place where white men and women can practice a way of living side by side with no interference from the outside non white world. There are many groups set up for the non white scum strewn about the earth but if a white person wants to start such a group laws forbade them from doing so. Segregation is a totally other subject that relates to this, people self segregate all over the world and that is considered to be ok, but when a store owner wants nothing to do with a certain group that is against the law. It saddens me to see the way the white populations of the world are being silenced by those in power, the very people we feel can help us in the cause for a total freedom from the people we wish not to associate are the very people who are making it impossible for us to express our views. What has happened to the white mans rights, are we destined to fail in the eternal struggle? If people can not bring forth the changes needed then we just might fail as a race, there are safety in numbers but we lack the numbers for that safety. It saddens me to think that not enough of the general white population has been awakened and that if we do not do something to correct this we are going to fail. So comrades go out and express your views, go out and tell your government officials that you will not be ignored any longer and just stand up for the race of which you love and call yourself a part of, for if we do this more will follow and our voices will be heard.


SO CALLED CHOICES We are always taught at a young age that we have choices. With these choices we are able to do anything our hearts desire, but the sad reality is that we actually do not have a choice, from that early age of being given choices we are being programmed to think how society wants us the think, we are taught that the choices we make in life hold no importance in the gist of things and that the only true choice we are given is the choice of popularity. We are brought up in a society that prides itself of diversity and equality, we are taught that if you want to fit into this so called wonderful society you must not speak ill of a person from a different religion, ethnic background or sexual preference because if you do you will be ousted from our great society never to fully return. Those people who take that challenge and become awakened to the tragedy that is life in the 21st century, are deeply hurt and saddened to see how the country which they once loved has been over run with the sick, poor and immigrant. They can not help but see how the Jewish media has taken a once great society and perverted it so much that any beauty left is the beauty of thought and imagination. We can only step back and watch as our society becomes more pro immigrant and less for the people of their nation. We have very little power as the white society over the world, and if we express our power we are shut down before any real change can be brought about. The world has become more and more populated with the non white sector that the whites have to take a stand and question the bull shit that is taught to our children. Our children are our future and we must shelter them from the lies that are spewed from the liberal school system, we must teach our children to question every thing that is told to them so they may not become lemmings and so they take interest in saving their heritage before the Jew can totally take their sense of self away from them. We must not allow our history to be rewritten by the ever so power hungry Jew, we must put a stop to the revisions that they make on a yearly basis before they have totally taken all the advances away from those well deserving white inventors, teachers and leaders who lived their life by a strict code, the code of nation before self the code that we have all but given up on. Instead of letting the Jew get away with the atrocities that he places on us daily we must take a stand and openly challenge those who are hell bent on taking our sense of pride and honor away from us. The first step towards victory is knowledge, if we hold the true knowledge we hold the power and with the power we can and must bring about change in our world. We must oust the jew from his throne, we must put him back into his place before he can ruin our good names anymore than he already has. We must take back our god given power and fight against the tyranny that the Jew has being holding over our heads since the second world war, the jew says we have wronged him in more ways then one, yet he can not prove that the holocausts numbers were at the massive rate that they want the general public to believe. They are so hell bent on the taking over of the world that they are making large mistakes, mistakes that should raise question about their intentions, but they have held control of the media for so long that the general population is so under their spell that the need not worry because they have their total obedience. The Jew doesn’t want us to think for ourselves, he wants to think for us, he wants total control and can not stand to see that more and more people break away from their brain washing scheme, they are scared that they will loose their power over us, so scared that they are stepping up their campaign on us that the mistakes they never made in the past are popping up and more people are actually seeing the Jew for what they are. Let us as the white men and women of this world , smash our television sets burn our national newspapers and revert to a more primitive time, we need the Jew telling us what to do like we need an asshole on our elbow. So to all my fellow patriots take a stand, in numbers we cannot be beaten.

Media and their Lies

Media and their Lies The white American is no longer able to think for themselves. With the Jewish media spreading lies about our race, there is no way we are able to learn the truth from readily available texts and television programs. And what’s worse it that a majority of the whites in this country don’t care to be educated on the atrocities which are committed against them everyday, just so long as their refrigerators are full and their televisions have numerous channels they dare not speak out. It is apparent that the whites in America have no real desire to change what is wrong, in fact there are more and more whites out there joining the ranks of the mestezos and Jewish brainwashers. The Jewish media has a strangle hold on our people and every time one speaks out laws are instated and slander is placed upon those who dare question the Jewish law machines. The majority of the white American population has given up all hope in returning themselves to the once glorious and prosperous past, free from the Jewish lies and free from the term of racism(a Jewish invention). Americans and others in the white community are brainwashed from an early age to embrace the Jew, negro and mestezo as one of their own, and treat him with the utmost respect. When in fact they are the ones who bring nothing but poverty, crime and a strain on our societies. The Jew has the nerve to tell hard working white people they are the root of all evil, and they are the chosen people. Well I feel that the hard working white populations all of the world are the chosen people and the Jew is a spawn of Satan himself. If it weren’t for the help of white countries, (America being the most generous) the state of Israel would crumble and fall just like it has done numerous times before. The Jew feels he is right at all times and that his way of government is the best, when he cannot even keep his country afloat without the help of modern day super powers. To throw salt in the wound of the American tax payer the Jews feel that the money being given to them on a annual basis is not enough, and they are “forced” to take money (that doesn‘t even belong to them) from the Swiss and from a world renowned automobile maker Volkswagen. Instead of thanking the Volkswagen people for saving them from the Germans during World War Two they turned around and took multi billions of dollars from their pockets. The sad thing here is that the Jew has a way of getting around the very laws that they instill in the world, they are not held accountable for their actions, and they are a drain on the rest of the hard working countries of which they ruthlessly took over. Although the people of color are another drain on our society, it is not them who control the way our government works, and instead of starting at the bottom and working our way to the top. We must start at the top and work our way down, in order to save the very country that we have fought and died for on more then one occasion. We need to put a stop to those who are uneducated and to those who are unwilling to become educated, then and only then can we start with what needs to be done and that is the ousting of the Jew for ever from our lands. I would like to take the time and thank those of you who took the time to read this blog and I hope that one day we can share in a white nation.
DOUBLE STANDARDS IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM Why is it that in America we are taught to think freely when in reality were are told not to. Teachers tell students from a young age that their opinions matter and that they are free to have feelings and express those feelings with others, but it turns out when you get older you are expected to follow the pack and never question anything that is said. In the time of which we live young white males are being persecuted for hate thoughts when no action has even taken place. It turns out that if a white person gets into any type of confrontation with a person from another race the white is automatically tagged as a racists and the district attorney’s office is quick to bring charges of a hate crime on him. Whatever happened to the olden days where people would get into fights no charges would be brought upon them and the worst punishment they would receive would be a night in county lock up and a warning. Those days have gone the way of segregation and a freestanding American economy, now the cops don’t want to even investigate any crimes because they might find out that what they learned at the academy was bogus and wrong. Instead of locking up actual criminals they have turned their sights on the white race fighting with the blacks and mestezos, and have the idea that the white is automatically racist. For that young white person his life will more than likely be ruined if he so much as has a pair of doc martens on or a shaved head, he will more than likely be brought down to county lock up booked on charges of willfully trying to deny a person their civil liberties and go on trial, be convicted by a mixed jury of mestezos and blacks and maybe if he is lucky a white race mixing women. The verdict will come in as guilty and the white youth will spend 25 to life for a crime that wasn’t actually committed. Now honestly how the hell can one judge a hate crime during a scuffle between two individuals unless one has a symbol of hate tattooed on their person. And why is it wrong for a white to have a white pride or white power tattoo yet it is perfectly acceptable for their mestezo and or black neighbors to have black power or brown power tattoo’s? If this hate crime law were actually just than wouldn’t the other person in the fight have such charges brought against them or would the Jewish run system just apologize to the person who more than likely started the fight in the first place and let them be on their way. As it turns out however that is exactly what will happen because in the eyes of the law the black man or the mestezo man can do no wrong (even though they make up the majority of the united states prison system). To top this all off the whites are becoming less feared and the mestezos are gaining more right while the blacks still ride of the coat tails of the Jews, and the jewish scum is gaining more power. We as a white population cannot stand for this abuse much longer, we must light the fire that we had long ago and go after those who try and keep us scared and penned down. We must forget the Jewish teachings of diversity and that the whites are the only being capable of being racist, and we must return the jew to wherever the hell he was spawned. We must do this before we are able to live a free and happy life because if we do not totally fix the leak the dam will soon enough break and the flood will be massive and uncontrollable. In order for America to regain its glorious past we must first oust the Jew from any power he may have, we must declare war on the ZOG machine and we must destroy the state of Israel by cutting off all funds and weapons. Then and only then can the white in America breath a little better.


HATE CRIME Has the media gone totally mad, or is the media just a tool to try and make the blacks browns and yellows out to be saints while totally thrashing the white mans reputation. Everyday in this great nation hate crimes are being committed by those who the ADL and the NAACP so openly protect, but you will never see the crimes that these groups commit against the hard working racially awake white men and women in any news papers or television broadcasts. In fact such stories are just swept under the rug and not a dam thing is done to alert the masses about it. On Halloween of this year in Long Beach California three young white women ages 19 to 21 were attacked by a pack of Negros who beat them badly. Nothing of this story was told by any news media and if it were it was so far in the depths of the paper ensuring that the mass public had no knowledge of this crime. However if this had happened to three black women Jesse Jackson would have made such a big deal of this that every paper in America would run a front page story saying how such crimes should be stopped. This happened in the small city in which I live back in 1998 when a young Negro was shot by police. Tyesha Miller was under the influence of a controlled substance on a cold December night in a disabled car, the police officers (only one being a white officer) tried to wake her, when their knocks at the window of the vehicle were not effective they proceeded to break the cars window, this awakened the teen who had a gun in her lap, the officers fearing for their lives shot into the car using 23 bullets and killing her. Of course this was national news worthy and we had the koon Jesse Jackson all over our ass, and why because she was a black woman who was breaking the law and just so happened to be killed for her acts. We are living in a society that puts the total blame on the white man and lets all others go free to commit more crimes and thus tax the hard workers even more.

Good Ol' Rebel

Oh, I'm a good old Rebel, now that's just what I am, For this "Fair Land of Freedom" I do not give a damn! I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won, And I don't want no pardon for anything I done. I hates the Constitution, this Great Republic, too, I hates the Freedman's Buro in uniforms of blue, I hates the nasty eagle with all his brag and fuss, The lying, thieving Yankees, I hates 'em wuss and wuss! I hates the Yankee nation and everything they do, I hates the Declaration of Independence, too, I hates the "Glorious Union" , 'tis dripping with our blood, I hates their striped banner, I fit it all I could. I followed old Marse Robert for four years, near about, Got wounded in three places, and starved at P'int Lookout; I cotched the "roomatism" a'campin' in the snow, But I killed a chance o' Yankees, and I'd like to kill some mo'. Three hundred thousand Yankees is stiff in Southern dust! We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us. They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot, I wish they was three million instead of what we got. I can't take up my musket and fight 'em now no more, But I ain't a'gonna love 'em, now that is sarten sure; And I don't want no pardon for what I was and am, I won't be reconstructed, and I do not care a damn! I won't be reconstructed! I'm better now than them, And for a carpetbagger, I do not give a damn. So I'm off for the frontier, soon as I can go, I'll prepare me a weapon and start for Mexico.

Perverted Education

PERVERTED EDUCATION We are living in a time where we are expected to do the "right thing"! What the hell is the right thing to do, is it letting all those who immigrate illegally from one country to another stay furthering the downfall of our governments? Or is it listening to what others feel is right? What ever happened to the time where we were told to do what best suited us, what every happened to speaking out against a government that was unjust, I'll tell you what happened the Jew. Ever since the ZOG machine rolled over various governments, countries have become weaker, the people brainwashed to think that everyone is equal. I say fuck that, we are not all equal, the black man is in no way equal to the white, the Jew is in no way equal to the black, brown and are far less equal from the white men and women of this great world. We live in a day and age where media rules over our lives, our children are being taught to believe that just because the color of ones skin is different that doesn't make them less of a person. Our children are being corrupted by the very intuitions that are put into place to further their development, they are being taught perverted and disgusting lessons on sensitive matters such as race and history. White children are being taught that they are a disgrace to humankind and should not express being proud of the color of their skin, while other ethnicities are being taught to take pride in their heritage. We as the white people of the world need to take a stand and teach those younger then us that we are the master race, we are the superior to all the scum that try and disgrace our good names. We stand together and we are an unstoppable force, if we fall apart then we were never meant to survive. We must stop the lies spewing from the Jewish mouths and take back our nations from the strangle hold the Jew has over us. The white people will prevail! 14/88

Has the Fight been Lost?

Has the fight been lost? Have we, the white community of the world seen our fight lost? Every day more and more laws are being passed to further the oppression of the white community, and I for one am getting sick and tired of seeing the black brown and jew profit form the labors of the white man and woman. It is time that we take a stand and express our views on subjects such and immigration and freedom to those who have no right to be in our countries. I come from America where we are still allowed to express our views in a more open environment without fear of police action. I know that I have many more freedoms, but I am still looked down upon in the community of which I live for the views of white superiority, because I am proud of my race and heritage I am viewed as a racists but I have no problem with that. I just can't stand that I am viewed in such a way but when a nigger or a spick is proud of the color of their skin it is acceptable but I being a white man am viewed as a racists for having the same feelings. Societies all around the globe are making it so that a white person must feel ashamed of what their ancestors allegedly did to other races. More and more countries are boarding the bandwagon and making it harder to express the feeling of pride in the white race, with all of these months dedicated to one particular races history, the white persons history is left out all together. Without the white race modern technologies would not even exists, yet students going through school these days are being taught that a negro is responsible for the founding of plastics or a brown man invented the light bulb. Although those last two comments are not true, I feel that more and more of the White European history is being distorted by those who control the vast media and I for one am sadden by the fact that whites are being slowly but surely deleted from the pages of history of which we founded. We must take back the glory days and fight for truth. If we don't we are no better then those we speak out against.
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