I can sit here and think back to the day you and I 1st time chatting with each other we didnt know anything about one another , all we both knew was that we didnt want to take the time to be with someone again (knowing we both been hurt before) but life is always about doing things and if u dont do them then u will never know what could and should have been so in a long seem of things and almost 1 month of talking online and phone we decide to do it take that chance to maybe find happiness in each other but before we do that there is a few steps we need to make happen before the very 1st meeting comes together (real life)<-- thats what we need to worry about now then later on we will both be ready to do everything we set out for but the strange thing about us is not knowing things that we both want to say in real face to face is both how we feel so something that is true and real to us that we the feelings are strong we wonder why its like that when we havent met yet but I know this much maybe its cuz were willin to take a chance on each other