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Female · Invited by: ricardo · Joined on January 25, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · 2 referrals joined!
Female · Invited by: ricardo · Joined on January 25, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · 2 referrals joined!

First off, since this is an "Adult" site, I expect to have "Adult" interactions. If you want to see NSFW photos of me or my cam, you're on the wrong page.

I'm a single, straight female and am here to make friends and have intelligent conversations. If that's what you're about, I don't mind flirting, fanning, rating or adding you. I'm a former military brat and have lived and traveled all over the US and overseas; California, Panama, NYC, Luxemborg, Germany, England, NYS, NC, and just about everywhere from the east to the west coast. You can rate, fan or add me if you like, but don't shout at me if IDK you. My stash is open to all who can appreciate it, so help yourself. Most of my pics are set for friends, they know they can help themselves. My family pics are set for private for the select few. I'm here to enjoy myself & have fun and I hope we can enjoy ourselves together.

P.S. Since you're stopping by my page, as a courtesy, please sign my guestbook.

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What is Your Aura Color?
My Result: Gold
Quibblo user avatar
You have lots of divine knowlege. You need little protection and are intuitive. You have lots of wisdom and often people come to you for advice.

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What's Your Feline Animal Totem?
My Result: Black Panther
Quibblo user avatar
As with most of the large cats, the panther is a symbol of ferocity and valor. It embodies aggressiveness and power. In the case of the Black Panther, there is a lunar significance. You have an ability to do a variety of tasks whether it be physical, mental, psychic, or spiritual. As a whole panthers are loners although they do associate with others, they are most comfortable by themselves or within their own marked territory. Panther is secretive, silent, and graceful in her every move. She is careful not to share too much information, only enough to ease curious minds. It is the symbol of the feminine, the dark of the moon. It is the symbol for the life and power of the night. It is often a symbol of darkness, death, and rebirth from out of it. The Black Panther helps you to understand the dark and death and the inherent powers of them; and thus by acknowledging them, eliminate your fears and learn to use the powers.

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Female · Invited by: ricardo · Joined on January 25, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · 2 referrals joined!


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