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The Charge of the Dark God Heed my voice which will come to you as the thunder on the wind for I am thy Lord of Darkness, The Dark God, the Stag Lord, Whisper my name: Cernunnos. I am the sleeping dawn, the twilight, the dark of night that covers the Heavens above you and beckons the Star Goddess to shine. I am the final end that comes so that life may flourish, Behold, I am Immortality; The living die and the Dead are soon reborn. I can see your inner darkness; the dark side of the soul; The hearts desperate yearning. Step into the Empire of Darkness, and Come to me boldly and without fear; For I am he that protects and leads you; I am the echo of the forest; I am the evening sky and the autumn storm; I am the passion within you. I am the hunter and the seeker of Enlightenment. I stand in Light's Darkness and am called Shadow, I am He whom you have named Death. I call forth to thee and bid you step forward. Come with me into the darkness; Fear me not. Feel my love and caresses and you will be transformed. We will fly upon the winds together. My Beloved Children, I am your destiny, come to Me and learn the secrets of all that's Holy, the secrets of life and death. Come! Dance for me! Come! Sing for me! With Love in your hearts and a smile for me, Behold! This is the way to worship and best please me. Call out to me on the moonless night and seek me out with pride and courage for this is my true love. I love not the wailing or frightened. For I am the Dark Warrior, The Protector, and the Giver of Courage, Send me your love when the sky is darkest, and I will smile, but will not kiss thee; For my kiss is eternal; It is the Kiss of Death and I do love thee so.
The Charge of the Dark God I am the fire within your heart - the yearning of your soul. I am the hunter of knowledge and the seeker of the Holy Quest. I - who stand in the Darkness of Light, am He whom you have called Death. I - the consort and mate of She whom we adore, call forth to thee. Heed My call, beloved ones, come unto Me and learn the secrets of death and peace. I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am He who leads you home. Scourge and flame, blade and blood - these are mine gifts to thee. Call unto Me in the forest wild and on hilltop bare and seek Me in the Darkness Bright. I - who have been called Pan, Herne, Osiris and Hadespeak to thee in thy search. Come dance and sing; come love and smile, for behold: This is my worship. You are my children and I am thy Father. On swift night wings, it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet to be reborn and to return again. Thou who thinks to know Me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of the storm and passion in your soul. Seek Me with courage, lest you be swept away in the seeking. Seek with pride and humility, but see me best with love and strength, for this is my path, and I love not the weak and fearful. Hear My call on long winter nights, and we shall stand together guarding Her Earth as she sleeps.

The Song of Amergin

The Stag Lord, The Horned God of the Hunt, The Lord of the Forest, the Dark God. If you recall our lessons, then you will remember that on Samhain the Dark God or Dark Lord is represented by the dying sun. He is nearing the end of his life-cycle and is seen as a protector and a warrior. He is also Death. The End of Life. He is the Sun God who kisses his Goddess one last time before he is swept away to a new time and place. His Lady lovingly holds him as he prepares to leave. He disappears and is gone when suddenly she sees a white stag standing on the horizon. The stag looks to the sun, and then back at the Lady. He seems to nod his head at her before heading into the horizon with the setting sun. Called Cernunnos or the Stag King, everything we know about him we only guess from the images of him created by the ancient Celts themselves. They made numerous icons of various gods, and over 60 depict Cernunnos. Yet we only know his name because it is carved on a single icon, made by sailors from the Gallic Parisii tribe. The images depicting this god are almost always similar in appearance and all of them show his horns, those of a stag. He is generally seen as a mature man with long hair and a beard. He wears a torc, a metal circlet, around his neck. This circlet was a sign of nobility in the olde days. Cernunnos is usually portrayed with animals, especially the stag. He has also been associated with a beast that seems to belong only to him. It is a serpent with the horns of a ram. The ram-horned serpent is associated with knowledge, death and the otherworld. Cernunnos carries a symbol of this in his left hand, and in his right, he carries another torc,the symbol of having been initiated into nobility. This appears to have been written with thoughts of this god of the dark world in mind, don't you think? To learn more about 'The Song of Amergin', go here: The Song of Amergin The Song of Amergin I am a stag of seven tines, I am a wide flood on a plain, I am a wind on the deep waters, I am a shining tear of the sun, I am a hawk on a cliff, I am fair among flowers, I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke. I am a battle waging spear, I am a salmon in the pool, I am a hill of poetry, I am a ruthless boar, I am a threatening noise of the sea, I am a wave of the sea, Who but I knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen ?
Charge of the Dark Goddess #2 Hear me child, and know Me for who I am. I have been with you since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to Me at the final dusk. I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, My children find their blessed rest in my embrace. I am the womb from which all things are born. I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to Me and bare their breasts to die and be reborn to the Whole. I am the Sorceress that will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time, the Teacher of Mysteries. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage. I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice. I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my embrace and overcome. I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm. I am the crucible in which all the aspects of yourself merge together in a rainbow of union. I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight, shrouded in mystery. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed. Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return. I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. I am the cauldron in which all opposites grow to know each other in Truth. I am the web which connects all things. I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time. I make the weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am Justice tempered with Mercy. Most importantly, child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. Take my Love with you everywhere and find the Power within to be who you wish.
The Charge of the Dark Goddess The Dark Goddess speaks to us, through the mouths of Lilith, Kali, Tiamet, Hekate, Nix, the Black Madonna, Nemesis and Morgaine.. I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows.. I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath.. I am the Ending before Life begins again, the Decay that fertilizes the Living.. I am the Bottomless Pit, the never-ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied.. I am the Key that unlocks every Door.. I am the Glory of Discovery, for I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden Come to me at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen, face the terror that is yours alone.. Swim to me through the blackest oceans to the center of your greatest fears-- the Dark God and I will keep you safe.. Scream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear.. Think of me when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it, until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure of meeting you at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.
The Charge of the Crone Hear the words of the Grandmother of Time: She who has been known as Hecate, Erishkagel, Cerridwen, Kali-Ma, Anna, Perenna, Spider Woman, and many other names - some feared, and Some loved, but none ever ignored. She it is who Brings wisdom and the awareness of eternity. She has been the Maiden, and remembers that joy. She has been the Mother, and recalls that pleasure. But age has changed her, and taught her the Mysteries of the Wheel that is ever turning, the Wheel that is life, death, and rebirth. She is the Whirling tornado, the erupting volcano, the rising Tidal wave, the trembling of the earth's crust. With Age comes an understanding of the past, and a Glimpse of the future. For, in the turning of the Wheel, the past is the Future, and the future is the past. She is the Learned One, the Teacher, the Bringer of Inevitable Change. She is the Dark of the Moon, the Hidden One, the invisible unknown that lies ahead. But do Not fear her for she is not malicious, and her touch, However harsh, is love. Only in ignorance is she scorned and reviled. Those Who do not know her, parody her as the ugly old Woman whose powers were said to blight crops And sour the milk in the cow. It is fear that turns her Age into abomination, her wrinkles into hideous Deformity, and her voice into an evil and Manipulative cackle. For those who sought power Over the earth were afraid to face her wisdom and Her unalterable truth. But in the old days, we sat at her feet to learn the Most ancient lore. From her came the knowledge of The healing herbs, and the chants and songs that Shaped our lives. She sat in honor at our councils, Our marketplaces, in our homes. She governed our Governing, and interpreted our laws. She gave Focus to our changing seasons. She was our Teacher, our oracle, our promise of rebirth. Come, honor her as of old, listen now to the Words of Wise One, the ancient Seer, the Crone!
Charge of the Moon Goddess Behold, I am she who shines above, Selene, Luna, Moon. I bring light and love to all who attend. Attend my words, for they are the words of elder and youth, the words formed on the very breath with which the first mother kissed her child. Listen, and be one. Harm none I have told you, and well you have done in holding by it, but I charge you further to Harm not, not yourself, nor the air, nor that which you can live without harming. Behold, before the all mother all things are equal, and all things have purpose. Know harm, know purpose. Why cut down a tree when you could tread on the grass, why tread on the grass when you could walk on the sand? Why pick the finest apple on the branch when fresh windfall is delivered into your lap? For I am the mother of all, she who breathes purpose into each creature's mouth as they are born. Behold, I am the breath of life, and I can be the agent of death, for purpose is two sided, and those that destroy in the name of creation shall be punished as they punish. I am She who is the hand of death, and I take from the dying their purpose that they pass within unbound into the realms of shadow. I am the light within Shadow. Respect those that went before but do not try to remake the past. All is a cycle, and we are within the infancy of the great life that is the life of the Wicca. Thousands of years will pass, Wicca will grow and change and falter and stumble, but the last breath is the first breath, and at its darkest moment Wicca will be born anew once more. Grow! I charge you, do not age behind walls against the world, you are the children of the Moon, Shine! Learn! I charge you, do not sit on what you know in the hopes that it will hatch like an egg. Reap, but sow and reap again. Create! Love! As I love, without secrets or threats, do what is right, for no love is evil. Do no evil in love, and love all as you love yourself, for we do not harm what we truly love save when harm is unstoppable. Harm none! Be! Let the shackles fall, you are free and you can do all! As the being grows, so the Will shines! As you learn, so your Will creates, as you love, your Will cannot harm. As you Be, so you Are! I am you, we are one, your breath carries the same purpose as mine, if hidden to you! Breathe and know that creation is yours! Love all, Know purpose and Harm none, Live life full of wonder, joy, and know that light is always there, even if hidden within the shadows.

All Purpose Chant

All Purpose Chant "Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade, Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magick’s made. Wave and tree, hedge and flame Strength of the elements gather here, to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near. Mystic Moon, send your power here this way, Gracious Lady, bless this charge that I lay Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast, empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So is my will, so mote it be!"

A Gathering Chant

A Gathering Chant The night is upon us The sky is clear We call upon the Goddess and She is near Children of the Goddess gather Weaving webs of magick Dancing circles through time Chanting to the quarters Re-membering an earlier time The year moves in a sacred wheel As the Goddess teaches us to heal We heal ourselves and each other We heal the Earth Children of the Goddess gather Weaving webs of magick Dancing circles through time Chanting to the quarters Re-membering an earlier time Our spirits know the way To celebrate each day We heal ourselves and each other We heal the Earth Re-birthing a saner time Children of the Goddess gather Weaving webs of magick Dancing circles through time Chanting to the quarters Re-membering an earlier time


POWER RAISING CHANT We are the spokes of the mighty wheel; This power we raise that all might feel. Deosil circle roundabout; Building the power,let it go with a shout. Brother and sister,together we sing; Directing the forces our wills bring. Round and round this Esbat site; Power build to work our rite. Singing,dancing,chanting low; Power building...let it go. We are the children of the night; Gentle we are --yet feel our might. Earth site witches right; Merry meet in joy tonight; Sacred ground,newly bound; Witness to the power found.
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