How does it feel when I say "I'm over you."?
Do you feel the knife? - It stabbed me too.
I don't mean to hurt, I don't mean to be rude.
I only share what I have come to conclude.
Does it hurt as bad as you hurt me?
How much does it make you bleed?
This sounds bad, I mean you no harm...
I'm just so happy, let's sound the alarm!
I'm independent and free!
Allowed to be with me and only me.
Good luck to you in all you do,
Good luck to all the ladies you fuck too.
There I go again, I sound like a bitch.
I still love you as always, but I am rid of the itch.
The itch you made me scratch,
Every time I wanted you back.
I see now that we will never be -
Oh well, who cares? Go fuck a tree.
Shit - Mean again....I am on a streak.
I guess it isn't my style to be so meek.
I'll end this here on a cheery note.
On you I no longer dote.