As I took my children to church this morning I saw yards full of chilren hiding eggs, laughing and playing with their families. Most children these days think that Easter is all about the eggs and candy and the Easter Bunny of course. When my 6 year old asked me a few days ago if the Easter Bunny was real, I didnt lie to her again this year. I told her that it was just a story, then I told her about the true meaning of Easter. At first knowledge of the bunny not being real, she almost cried. But by the time I got done telling her what Easter really is all about she was tickled to death. She told her dad the Easter bunny was fake, of course he just looked at me wide eyed, not knowing what to say to her. I told him it was ok not to lie to her either, Boy! was her relieved!!!! I know Im rambling, but the reason behind it is this..........If your kids ask you this year about the Easter Bunny being real, what will you tell them? Are you going to continue to lie to them? I think your chilren will be more understanding than you think, if you give them a better story than the Easter Bunny....far as Im concerned someone rising from the dead to save all of us is way more interesting than a big fluffy all be it fake, bunny!!!!