39 Year Old
Joined on November 25, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 6th
·1 referrals joined!
THE BASICS My name is Lance Devreaux Williams Nicholas Jackson, but I'll answer to Lance, LJ, or Reaux (Row). I am in my third year of college at Hawaii Pacific University I'm a double major in public relations and international relations. I hope to go on to grad school for international law and public diplomacy. I'm studying abroad in Korean for the 2008-2009 school year and then will be in Thailand for the fall 09 semester. Even thought I have lofty aspirations when you get down to it I'm still just Midwest city boy trying to make a dollar out of two dimes. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little about me, keep up and keep easy.
THE DETAILS Personality wise I'm just a black and white kinda guy in a technicolor world... a little out of place. So, I tended to come off as an asshole when you first met me, but if you give me half a chance I can be a good friend and good guy. I love to play devils advocate. I've never met an opinion I couldn't disagree with. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I have convinced myself that I'm a gentlemen and a scholar. THE DEAL I am here to make real friends with real people. If you just want a pen pal don't bother me! If you want to just add to your list of fans to inflate your ego, head to the next profile, please! I'm from Kansas City, live in Honolulu and am studying in Seoul until fall 09 and Thailand Until X-mas 09. Unless you are from, visiting, living in these areas or we got a shitload in common and you want me to come visit sometime so we can throw back some beers and shoot the shit... kick rocks! I have enough fair weather friends as it is. I don't need anymore. What I need some is peoples to hit the bars with, peoples who can lace up some sparring gloves and go few rounds in good spirits, peoples who ain't afraid to help a brother clear out a mosh pit, peoples who got good conversation and witty comebacks, peoples with big dreams and grand schemes. So, if you my kinda people feel free to make yourself at home, tell me a little about yourself because I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
39 Year Old
Joined on November 25, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 6th
·1 referrals joined!
I am a martial artist. I have been training on and off for about 8 years. It has contributed a lot to the person I am today. I will always consider my home art to be the more Wing Chun influenced style of Jeet Kune Do I trained in at the Jun Fan four Eras Institute now Dragon family Martial Arts in Kansas City, Missouri. In hawaii I'm currently training at the Wing Chun Association under Sifu John F. Di Virgilio, The Nu'uanu YMCA Escrima Club and in Shioi's Kajukenbo system.
If you are not into martial arts you probably never heard of Wing Chun or Kajukenbo, here are a few videos to help you get a feel for these arts.
First up is Wing Chun. Wing Chun is a martial art with a unique harmony between hard and soft, direct and indirect, and yielding and aggressing energies. Wing Chun uses simple motions, body mechanics, angles and sensitivity to overcome an assault as well as deliver devastating force.
The first video show fighting techniques and the second one shows Chi sao or rolling hand drills.
Kajukenbo is a hybrid martial art that combines karate, judo, jujutsu, kenpo, kung fu and boxing. It was created in Hawaii around 1947 when the Sijos or founders; Adriano Emperado, Peter Young Yil Choo, Joe Holck, Frank Ordonez, and Clarence Chang; who called themselves the Black Belt Society formed a secret pact to combine their arts into a street fighting system.
Adriano Directo Emperado - Kenpo and Escrima Joseph Holck - Jujutsu Peter Young Yil Choo ? Karate/Tang Soo Do and Boxing George "Clarence" Chuen Yoke Chang - Chu'an Fa Kung Fu Frank F. Ordonez - Judo
Thus the name, Kajukenbo, works in two ways: "ka" meaning "long life" or standing for karate, "ju" meaning "happiness" or standing judo/jujutsu, "ken" meaning "fist" or standing for kenpo , "bo" meaning "style" or standing for Chinese and American boxing. The art's philosophical meaning: "Through this fist style, one gains long life and happiness."
Here are some video that I think represent the style of Kajukenbo
"I like life indeed, but there is that which I like more than life, and therefore, I will not seek to possess it by any improper ways. I dislike death indeed, but there is that which I dislike more than death, and therefore there are occasions when I will not avoid danger." -Mencius
"Every individual is virtually an enemy of civilization, though civilization is supposed to be an object of universal human interest." -Freud
"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it?" -Edward Bernays
"Who's there, in the other devil's name? Faith, here's an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale, who committed treason enough for God's sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven. O, come in, equivocator." -Macbeth: Act 2, Scene 3
"He who talketh by the mile but thinketh by the inch, should be kicketh by the foot."
"I would have been a criminal but crime does not pay ... as well as politics."
step dad is full jap and tradition follows. as long as im uder his roof anything he says follows. in this family i have no say against it or that would be disrepectful to talk back
gayballs. my besfriend&i got arrested this weekend, an im assuming theres a look out on both of us because they be following her family. summer i might be sent to arizona. an ya. gayshit my phone might be getting cut cause i dont pay for it
shit happens. my break was trippin sweet yo. as long as i live unda this roof with him what he says goes. huh? i think im 2nd. im not going to judge on this one.
your so stereotypical ima slap you. no dont poke fun cause everyone is emotional fucked on a certain level. and the only emo kids you can make fun of are the posers who do it for attention. those are the ones that should really die. im grounded
stop being emo an deal with it, cooties are the same things as germs yo so hush it i didnt get anything wrong. uhm ya thats sick tmi i dont need to know that kinda shit
ugh.. ya i tend to get lucky and find luck. blah blah blah.. uhm.. blah.. ew. your seeing to chicks at once?.. im sorry thats gross.. gross.. gross.. so many cooties, so many germs, so many hazards, so sick.
ugh. thats really gross and ya for shame you. to me lover is someone i hella care for and we both share mutual feelings and compassion for another and will be having a future together
i honestly dont know what your talking about with paying people to do stuff and junk. im so confused on what your were trying to tell me... and the whole taking a dump after coming outta your car is kinda gross
egh no.. he likes everyone his a desperate fuck, his kool as a friend nothing more. huh? money yea. is important. dont want to sound snobby but if i need money i know who to get from. thought i told you. christina.
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