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Reaper Part 2.....2/3

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Reaper and Tsunami appeared in front of the mansion. They both felt winded, “Well I feel like going to bed for the day how about you?”

“Yes, some rest sounds good, but before that we need to do something. I hope you saved enough energy like I asked you to.”

When they entered the mansion Reaper headed for the kitchen before he went up stairs, “Where are you going?”

“I want to get something before we go to bed. I’ll be up in a minute.”

Tsunami didn’t give it much thought and headed up to the room. After five minutes had passed, Tsunami was looking out the large glass window of the bedroom, she was using the blanket to cover herself, “It’s been three months now, sooner or later he’ll have to go back and I’ll be all alone again. So do I really want to get any closer to him?”

“Anyone I know?”

Surprised Tsunami dropped the bed sheet, Reaper had sprang up before her he was holding a wine glass with red wine in it, but like all the other times she was naked and he was facing her he had his eyes closed, “You know if keep jumping like this I’ll start thinking you want me to see you naked.”

Tsunami took the glass from him, Reaper turned and headed for his side of the bed, “But I just don’t know Reaper.”

Tsunami had picked the sheet back up and headed for her side.

Reaper looked at her, “Not sure about what?”

“I’m at quite a crossroads here. Whether to fall in love with you or to keep my distance so when you leave my heart isn’t broken.”

Tsunami sat down on the bed. Reaper laid down beside her as she took a drink of her wine, “Now this would be the honest way of doing, follow to what your heart wants. And remember this, it doesn’t matter if I’m back in Purgatory, or if I’m right here in your arms, I will always carry no regrets about what we do together.”

Tears were coming to Tsunami, Reaper smiled, “You know crying is unbecoming of the Vampire Queen.”

Before Tsunami had realized what she was doing she was kissing him on the lips. She pulled herself away, “I’m sorry.”

Reaper looked her in the eye, “What’s there to be sorry about? I told you to follow your heart.”

“But I remember what you said to me about stuff like that.”

“I told you that I wouldn’t sleep with you until we were married, kissing on the other hand is okay.”

“Really you don’t mind?”

“I enjoyed it you’re the first person to ever show me what a joy life could be, you see back when…”

Tsunami put her hand on his lips, not another word you’re killing the mood.

The next morning Tsunami felt better than ever. She and Reaper set out on the morning rounds to see how everyone was doing. It looked all around normal, young monsters playing in the streets, undisguised because they didn’t know how to transform into a human. People eager to display their talents to Reaper, to see if they were ready to move up a class, and in a nutshell an all around peaceful day. Tsunami was enjoying it. Then she sensed someone running up behind them. Honey I sense Terragt coming up to us from behind.

Yes, I know thank you.

Reaper turned around, “Yes Terragt what is it?”

Terragt kneeled before him, “Well lord it seems that a strange skeletal man is at the arena and causing trouble.”

 Tsunami flipped; do you think its Death?

Hmmm, most likely, no realm is safe from him; we better go check it out.

So much for the peaceful morning.

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I’ll see to this matter personally.”

“Sorry to question you, but do you think that is really necessary?”

 “Yes, I’m going just to analyze the situation than plan accordingly. Now go and bring the S-ranks to the arena.”

“Yes of coarse lord.”

As Reaper and Tsunami approached the arena they could see a fight had broken out one of C-ranks was lying helpless on the ground, they could tell that the skeletal man was in fact Death.

Death loomed over the downed monster, “Now remember this as you depart this world.” He raised his scythe to remove his head. “No one escapes from death.” As he brought his scythe down the ground in front of him split open, “What someone snuck up on me?” He jumped back out of the way, “who the hell are you?”

Reaper and Tsunami approached, Reaper with a sword and with a serous look on his face. “I am the one who goanna beat you down, how’s it going?”

“Well Reaper you seem to be every where.”

All the people around them knelt out of respect, “Lord Reaper welcome.”

Death smiled, “Well Lord Reaper, and how do you come by that title?”

“That’s none of your business; by the way you are not welcome here.”

“So are you going to make me leave?”

Tsunami bursted out, “Not just him, but we will all fight to get rid of you.”

Everyone stood up and was ready to fight, “Yeah!”

Reaper put up his right hand, “No, I will take him myself so no one gets an unnecessary injury, but before that we should test him.”

Everyone started to snicker; Death tilted his head, “Test?”

“Yes, you are in my world so you must obey my rules.”

“Yes I know, the one rule we celestial beings must follow when entering a domain inhabited by others, so what’s the test?”

Tsunami looked over at Reaper, celestial what does he mean?

I’ll explain later.

Death sighed, “So what’s the stipulation?”

“Well like everyone else in order to fight me you must first compete in the S-rank match at the arena. If you win you then have the right to challenge me to a match.”

“Very well, when does this match take place?”

“The next one is tomorrow; you’ll have to enter as an undead.”

“Good, tomorrow then be ready for the match of the century. But until then, later.”

Death sank into the ground and was gone. Reaper looked at the others standing around, “Well you heard for the first time in three months there will be an S-rank match tomorrow; those who have earned the title of S-rank may enter. And like always there will be the other matches. So train well and let the matches be the best one’s yet.”

The crowd cheered at the news. All except for Tsunami, she wanted answers for questions she didn’t know how to ask, without dredging up Reaper’s past. The last time she heard about it she felt so guilty about asking him. She decided to herself that she would ask him later.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, everyone was busy training and talking about the fact that Reaper might fight in the arena again. Tsunami was actually worried about the match though. Reaper I feel like this could be a trap.

I know that is why the S-ranks who are there after that the fight will be standing guard around you.

But, are you sure?

Yes, because the only way they can stop me is if they get to you. So tomorrow wear your casual coat but have your fighting outfit on under it. Oh I almost forgot, you wanted to ask me about the celestial beings.

Its okay you have ties to those guys and I don’t want to anger you.

If that’s the case I’ll tell you later when we go to bed but for now we’ll leave it alone.

They went to see the S-ranks training ground to explain the details of what was going to happen tomorrow. As they approached, Negma, who was overseeing the training today, saw them coming, “Well Lord Reaper and Lady Tsunami welcome, and what bring you here?”

Reaper held Tsunami in his arms, “I need to discuss something with all of you.”

“Of coarse sire, hey everyone come in for a minute Lord Reaper wishes to talk to us.”

After all of them came in Reaper took a look around, there were eight of them now instead of the three that Reaper faced, “Alright now that everyone is here I’m going to explain how things are going to work tomorrow. Negma Terragt and Trusagi you three are going to face Death tomorrow. You three have the most experience fighting at that caliber. Now the rest of you will have an important purpose. You see, I believe there will be an attempt to abduct Lady Tsunami but we can’t let the enemy think that we’re on to them. So I want you guys to position your self so you can get to her if she comes under attack.”

“Yes sir!”

Tsunami looked at the ones who were going to keep an eye on her; she could feel the power of all of them, “Now Kouya since you’re the strongest of the remaining people here if Death should win I want you to stand guard right next to Lady Tsunami when I go to face him, now does everyone understand what is happening tomorrow?”


“Good now I leave you to return to your training.”

Reaper and Tsunami returned to the mansion to get to bed early so they could get everything around just incase they came under attack. As they laid there under the covers Tsunami rolled over and put her arm over Reaper. “You were going to explain.”

Reaper looked up at the ceiling, “Where to begin, well I guessed that you noticed that War and the other brothers are not at all human. They’re what they call a celestial, a being made from the deities from Heaven or Hell. Heaven ones never seem to want to leave so the four that are here are from Hell, and they were even created by the deity of Hell itself.”

Tsunami lifted herself up a little, since they never wore their Rosarios to bed her sliver hair covered her chest, “And the rule?”

Reaper blinked when he looked at her, “Hmmm, the rule that they have to follow is that when they are ether summoned to this world, or invade it, if a single person is singled out as the undisputed ruler of the world, they must follow all the rules that has been set by that person. If they don’t Hell itself will come up and claim them.”

Tsunami was puzzled, “But aren’t you bound by that rule as well?”

“No, you see I watch over a plane myself and I wasn’t created in Heaven or Hell, so I would be considered as a god.”

“If that’s true, you don’t have to go back, do you?”

“That I don’t know, being as strong as I am I could level this entire world if I wanted to, that’s why these seals were created to keep our powers in check but as you could see War hasn’t sealed his power back up since he found out how to release it. And as for me I was warned I could lose myself to rage if I release too much power at once.”

Tsunami laid back down next to him, she grabbed his chin and brought his head towards hers until his head could see into his eyes fully, “If you ever do lose yourself to rage, I will fight with all my might to try and calm you down.”


“Because Reaper and this is the simplest answer, I love you.”

“I know, because I love you to.”

He kissed her, Tsunami put her arms around him and he did the same. They fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning after the breakfast drink, they headed out for the arena. When they arrived Death was waiting for them, “Good morning “Lord” Reaper, Lady Tsunami. Are ready to go down Reaper?”

“Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? After all you still have to win the match first.”

“Don’t worry I will.”

Death went to the preparation room to get ready. Reaper watched him leave. I got this feeling.

I know Reaper, I feel it as well. But I can’t place it.

I can’t either. Just stay on your toes.

They walked to the entrance to the arena, the gatekeeper greeted them. When they sat down in their box seats Reaper looked around. One, two, three, four. Four, we’re minus a person. I can sense them, but they’re not in viewing area.

“Welcome to the arena, everyone is on edge at the thought of our beloved Lord Reaper back in action after a three month siesta from the fields of battle. So let the first match begin!!”

The battles progressed like always even if they took a little longer than usual. The whole time Reaper couldn’t shake the feeling he had. After lunch it was time for the S-rank competition the four combatants stood there ready to begin. Reaper stood up and walked to the ledge, “Now before this match begins, I want to make one thing very clear to you Death. In this arena the use of fatal force is forbidden, you fight until your foe is rendered immobile. This rule is concrete, understand?”

“Yes, right whatever lets just get this party started.”

The bell sounded and the match was off. Everyone watched as Death was back into a corner by the other three almost instantly. Reaper sat back, “Now it begins.”

Tsunami leaned on him, “So any sign of number five yet?”


They stayed on edge but kept watching the match. After thirty minutes had passed Death had finally come out the winner, “Alright, since I am the winner I hereby challenge you Reaper.”

Reaper stood and smiled, “I accept your challenge.”

Reaper teleported down in front of him. “So are you ready?”

“Yes, but I have one request. I say we fight like mean it, all out, 100%.”

Reaper looked at him, “You know what that means if you lose right?”

“Yes I do, but I won’t lose, not to you.”

Reaper summoned a sword in his left hand. “Then come and face your destiny.”

Death picked up his scythe, “No, you’re going to face yours.”

The bell sounded and the match was off. Death was the first to attack; he tried to end things in a hurry by striking at Reaper’s head but Reaper knocked the scythe out his hand and burying into the wall. Death jumped into the air holding out both hands towards, “Serdo.”

A massive energy wave shot out of his hands. Reaper held his sword and cut the attack in half, “Well you really want end this quickly, I mean, to use a doom blast this fast in a match. You must really want to kill me.”

Death came running at him with scythe in hand. “Shut up, I said to fight flat out didn’t I?”

“I guess you did.”

Tsunami was watching the match with amazement; Death is one of the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and he’s not even getting close to you, so just how strong are you Reaper?

Over the next few seconds she could feel herself getting tired, “I must stay awake, or I…”she was out cold.

“Good phase one is completed, what about Death?”

“Bzzzz. Let him accept his fate.”

“Right, understood.”

 Back down on the battlefield Death was slowing down from the prolonged battle. Reaper dispersed his sword and had started to leave, “Where are you going?”

Reaper looked back at him, “You started the match at your peak, so even only after ten minutes your power is almost gone. They’ll be no reward for killing you now.”

Death was enraged, he ran at Reaper as fast as he could, “How dare you insult me.”

After he swung he thought he had killed him, but when the smoke cleared Reaper had caught his scythe in his right hand, the sword in his left had returned. “How sad, I gave you an option of backing out without the fear of dying, but I guess you really are reckless. GOODBYE!”

Reaper swung his sword, cutting Death in half, than two great skeletal hands reached out of the ground and grabbed a hold of Death. They drugged him back down to the Underworld. Reaper… help me

He instantly jumped back up to the box seat. Tsunami was out cold and standing behind her was Kouya. Reaper was pissed, “Kouya what’s the meaning of this?”

“I’m deeply sorry sire but I’m collecting the bounty on your head and I’m not alone.”

Thirty soldiers came out from behind the curtain. Kouya was holding a knife to Tsunami’s throat, “Please sir, just surrender, I really don’t want to kill her.”

Reaper destroyed his sword, “Very well”

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