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Your sexual personality is determined by your sexual persona (Zeta), 4 sexual scales (Emotional/Physical, Look/Touch, Daring/Modest, Verbal/Non-verbal), and your libido score (10).
As a Zeta, the high degree of confidence you feel around your sexuality matches your level of experience. Your sexual confidence and awareness are particularly high, but your sex appeal is somewhat lower.
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I maybe a lot of things to a lot of people, but one thing I'm not is serious, despite my outward demeanor. :). Anyone who's spent any length of time with me knows that I can be a clown at times despite having aristocratic manners. I hate when people address me as SIR, especially if they're older than me. I understand younger people saying it, they just don't know any better, lol. But come on people - that prefix should be reserved for your dads and grandfathers. Anyways, enough of my ranting, I thought I'd tell a joke instead. If you think it's amusing feel free to comment.
There was a cucumber, a pickle, and a penis sitting around talking about how their lives sucked. The cucumber "Man, my life sucks. When I get big, fat, and juicy, they cut me up and stick me on a salad." The pickle looks at him and says, "You think you have it bad? When I get big, fat, and juicy, they stick me in vinegar, put spices on me, and stick me in a jar." The penis looks at him and says, "You think you have it rough? When I get big, fat, and juicy, they stick a rubber tarp on my head, stick me in a dark room, and bang my head against the wall until I throw up and pass out!
I rarely say, "I love you." But, if I did… IF I were the type Inclined to such emotional eruptions And vocal expression. . . What would I say to you? Would you be mad at me? Would anything change? I would probably say It’s been a long time since I’ve been in love Or since I even thought I loved. So long, in fact, I’m not sure I know what love is, anymore - Or if I ever really knew. But, if I even thought I loved someone, I think it would be you. I may not say it and you may not want to hear it, but I prefer showing and sharing with you. No expectations or regret, just your company and time with you is more than I've ever asked for. I just wanted to say thanks.

Poem: Love is...

Love is not jealous, love is kind Love is not for the faint of mind Love does not have wondering eyes Love is more than just compromise Love will test your strength, and your faith Only pure and true lovers will remain Do not take for granted this beautiful thing What you sew is surely what you will reap Chase not the whims of today The plague of regret for the rest of your days Stay true to true desires of heart Do not deny or in time love falls apart And pieced together as a lie And therein love will die Even love has a heart to break Love cries, love dies, love has life to take No one will ever respect you enough Never will you be blessed by better love Nothing can ever satisfy your lust Nothing can replace this broken trust Love is not perfect, love is flawed Love without conflict is not love at all The challenge should be beautiful and exciting The one you love, so special and inspiring Tainted love is such a fatal weapon Nearly impossible to mend Those that are happy have but one thing The rest seem to be missing the key Faith to press beyond the difficulty of Finding that one thing, the one to call "Love" I'll never be good enough So I'll just save you the trouble of Coming back to you when you're through Crushing the new toy as you always do
Dedicated to my friends who decided to grow up too fast. This was inspired by friends I've ran into recently and guess what... We may be the same age or perhaps you're a little younger, but always remember I'm forever young. I grew up, but I still out partying those rock stars. We had our fun, but always remember I'll continue partying for us.
When you phone you sound so sad, I can tell the kind of day you've had. You tell of all the things you do, But I can tell you're feeling blue. Time, it heals our inner pain, But life never seems the same again, After we've played the dangerous game, Called living it up in the fast lane. You try your best to sound so brave, About the life you used to crave. Dancing, partying, you used to rave, Your grace, you found it hard to save. But now you find there is no fun, The friends are gone, you thought you'd won. You must now look on your life anew, Times for frolics are getting few. When those days are over and you turn to think, As your self esteem begins to sink. Reminisce those carefree days, And enjoy the memories of your youthful ways.

Poem - Running Away

You tell me not to run away, but I must. How do i know you miss me at all, if i don't. I don't believe in PDA anymore, and you say some things should stay private. That's fine I enjoy it that way - just make up your mind. If you really want to know why I run away is because I miss the affection you give me and you don't give is why I must. If I run away from you - I'm sorry - You don't grasp my arm to stay, but I'm sorry to look the sad look on your face. My friends tell me I'll lose you; but I've never had you, so why would you want me to stay?
Hold me close just one more time, Your perfect touch, your lips on mine because Perfect things - they never last We steal our moments, oh so fast. Come with me, let's run away Hide awhile and there we'll stay. Cuddle close and hold me tight In your arms the world is right. Leaning near, you steal a kiss, My blushing cheeks tell all of this, Your laugh, so sweet, as you watch me. Oh well, they say is affections like that is forever, but why not let it be? For now or forever...

Poem: To My Friends.

If you are depressed, sorrow took your heart, don't cut yourself just call me & Ill be there.... If you are crying and screaming, need someone to talk, don't try to kill yourself just call me & Ill be there.... If you have doubts in yourself, don't try to change you, just call me & Ill show you how beautiful and smart you are... If you need someone to bring back hope, just call me & I will help you to succeed.... If you need real friend to tell you truth & to be beside you, remember I'm always here.....

Soulmates? Are they real?

Question is:
"Do you believe in soulmates

Simplistic Answer:

Now, my overly abundant ramble:

We are multidimensional beings and our soul having experiences, in many realities, at the same time. Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. Do not measure the importance of a relationship based on the length of time you are together. Another illusion is that there is only one soul mate who is your true life partner. We tend to think of our soul mate as The One who is there for us and to make us feel complete. You may have already had a soul mate connection with a life partner, sharing a caring, loving bond that created much growth for you. Just because your outer connection has ended does not mean that this was not a soul-mate relationship. There are several soul mates who could be right for you if it is time for you to have a soul mate in your life. Who you attract at any given time will depend upon the lessons you need to learn and the higher path you are choosing. It will also depend on your soul mate's readiness to be with you.

Soul mates are friends and loved ones who are responsive to your love, and with whom you are deeply connected and share a common path and purpose. Your soul mate may be someone who has come to be with you and learn similar lessons. Or, it can be someone who has come to assist you in your social and/or spiritual growth by showing you more about yourself and offering you ways to open your heart. I will call these people soul mates, they're someone for whom I have a deep affinity for. This goes far beyond most people common conception that this is exclusive to lovers and best friends. To me a soul mate is a kindred spirt and soul light that people are able to express through their personalities. Contrary to what the media and dating websites tell you, most people have more than one soul mate. You may already have several soul mate whether they're a friends or loved ones. A soul mate can come in the form of a spouse, life partner, treasured friend, child, or lover.

Soul mates can be an older, younger or the same age, it also not limited to gender or sexual orientation. Like my friends, I don't pick my soul mate, the just kind of pick us, but it's a mutual relationship that you learn to develop.Younger people have offers me many opportunities to develop the qualities of teaching, serving, and empowering. It's these individuals who have provided me with a chance to pass on much of what I've learned and to recognize the growth I have gained. In contrast, older people have given me the opportunity to gain the useful qualities of patience and compassion. I learned to empower others without taking responsibility for their lives, saving them, or taking away their lessons. I've also discover how to be in a relationship with someone whose vision may not be expanded or as farseeing as our owns.

If it wasn't for these older individuals, I may never have been able to grow at a pace  which is too rapid for most.  These are the relationships I cherish the most. I've learned so much and have been given an opportunity to learn how to love myself without judging, comparing myself, or feeling unworthy or inferior. Older people are often able to detach from personality reactions, offering younger guys find this a more impersonal. This might not always be comfortable with me, but in time they understand I do it only to be objective. I learn to focus on the essence of what you receive rather than on your expectations of certain actions, words, or behaviors. I've also learned to surrender to the wisdom and guidance of the other person, and when to use my own authority.

I have very few for soul mates who closer my actual age, this is due to the part I've never seen eye to eye with my peers. For those I've connected with the challenge is understanding self-love. It's the degree to which you love yourself, that will determine your ability to love the other person. The amount you share will be reflecting back to you and your own personality traits and qualities. Soul mates of the same age has the potential of being very intimate, for knowing the other can be like knowing yourself. You have  to learn to be vulnerable and allow another person into your heart. You will want to love what you have considered unlovable in yourself as a way of loving the other person. You will gain by letting go of blame and self-pity, and by recognizing that you can only receive from the other person what you can give yourself. You will be challenged to calm your emotions and to know where you end and the other person. Some other valuable contributions to your life with shared wisdom, insight, and perspectives of daily living. There isn't one of us who are perfect, but through all I learned I still strive to stretch that potential.

A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who were pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that person were safe in our own paradise. Our soul mate is someone who shares our deepest longings and our sense of direction. When we're balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soul matesSoulmates? Are they real? are the ones who makes life come to life.
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