And while I'm at it..I have one other thing to get up off of my chest.
Let's start like this. Number 1, I'm not mentioning any names. Cause this isnt about blowing up anyones spot or trying to embarrass anyone. It's just my thoughts on people looking for validation through online popularity.
So..where to begin? I think it's best to give an example.
I'm looking at pics and I notice someone has a folder which is marked as private. I'm as much of a perv as anyone else. lol
I wanna see, ya know...why not?
So, I message them...and ask them..."Hey, ya mind if I take a look at your private folder?"
This is the response I get "um if u vote a lot for me first...u can!"
I read this..and I think to myself.."Is this chick serious?"
so, I write her back....
"'re gonna have to forgive me if i pass then. I'm not jumping through hoops for anyone. No disrespect. It's just not my style...You're a pretty chick, dont get me wrong...but I aint into the whole online popularity contest to validate myself or anyone else."
She replied to that, of did I, in turn. But that's besides the point. Well, actually it's not besides the point. lol
Here is the rest, just for shits and giggles.
She writes me,
"Oh well you will have to forgive me for not being as easy as you thought I was! I'm not going to just give that away you have to earn it somehow. Sorry i think your cool and all but you are just another guy I don't know off the internet."
Again,..I read that..and I think..hmm..This chick is about as bright as a 10 watt bulb. So, I respond with...
"And I suppose that by rating all your pics, that is somehow going to prove to me, that your not easy? I could debate this with you..but it's completely pointless...because I think your logic is kind of skewed. It's all one love though..I guess u were expecting a different response from maybe...I was jus some rabid hungry dawg...that'll just eat up the first bone that's thrown to me. I hate to disappoint ya. That might be someone else...but it's just not me. I'm not here to work for hard feelings...It is..what it is."
I dont think she liked that..cause the reponse I got back showed me that her ego was somehow bruised..which wasnt my intention, nor my objective.
I could have just rated all her pics and been i see?
But that's soooo not me...and it's not that big of a deal.
I'll look, out of curiosity..jus cause..I dig women and I love the female form...but that's the extent of it.
Anyway...This was her reply.
"LMAO dude i am not gonna sit here and argue with you! A simple fuckin "no sorry i can't do that!" would have been fine! You didn't have to be rude about shit! And when u beg like a dog I am gonna make you earn your treat! Fucked but simple as that! PLEASE NO NEED TO REPLY! Peace!"
I personally think I was very do...honestly. But that's not the point.
The reason I'm even posting this is because it ties into something I already wanted to write about..which is Online Popularity.
Churchill said "Life is not the time spent on this planet. Life is the stain we leave on the moral subconscious of those we share our world with".
All we what people perceive and remember of us....and that's why integrity is so important.
If we are not true to ourselves and to our commitments...then what are we left with? Time wasted spent floating aimlessly on waves of public 'acceptance'..that in the end earn us nothing but an honourable mention in someone's mental diary as "one who rode the shifting waves of popularity". I think I'll shun 'popularity' and use the strength of my convictions to maintain my grip...albeit tenuous at times...on all that is and will be my legacy and this applies to not only online but real life as well.
I wont do boost my online stock, I wont ask for ratings or comments..Although it's nice...when it's done without any ulterior motives, cause I enjoy what people have to say and the information exchange between us.
I dont need to be an online super star or celebrity.
I dont personally need anyones endorsement or validation to make me feel like someone of merit or worth.
That comes from within and not without.
If you, or anyone else's motivation for being online..especially here..of all for some pseudo Super Star status or online celebritism...or if your "objective prerequisite for friendship" is...ratings, comments, or a fan base...then dont look in my direction. Cause chances are...We arent going to clique. That goes against the grain of my convictions and integrity.
You wanna rate me...great..that's nice of ya..But I wont expect it or request. You wanna drop me all means..that's why I'm here.
I'm here to interact with people, shoot the shit and touch bases. I'm not surface, shallow, or superficial. I'm not here to judge anyone. And you are all beautiful in my eyes.
And, I hope each one of you feel beautiful in your own hearts. You dont need me or anyone else to make you feel worthwhile. You are worthwhile!
Speaking for myself, Online praise for my appearance means less to me than recognition for for my thoughts or even the acknowledgement that others can relate. I like that. See, I'm all about people. People endlessly fascinate me. Behavior, Motivation, Ego..the hall marks of the human condition.
And speaking of the human condition..I just want to say that...If the internet is where you are going for your daily dose of self esteem...Then you might very well be in need of some professional help or self improvements books.
Because regardless of the attention or props one receives online...
It's a false sense of self-worth, and this false sense of self-esteem...will only fuel someones need to escape, sliding further down into the rabbit hole. In other words, it's unhealthy and over time, it will only exacerbate and get worse.
This really plays in line with addiction and such.
Yeah, addiction. For instance...Have you ever thought about any of the women who neglect their families for that daily dose of validation.
Mommy,...will you play with me?
No!!! I'm on the internet...leave me alone.
Mommy, will you color with me?
Later, I'm busy!!!
Mommy, will you read to me?
Hush, go grab a book and read to yourself, I'm chatting...damnit!
Geez, I'm glad the internet wasnt around when I was growing my day...Moms yapped on the phone...cleaned the house and watched soap operas.
lol...this is like a jumbled mess of ideas.
I could write more and make this a bit more coherent...I feel as though there are some ideas here I could elaborate on...but this is kool for now. I dont even think there's a point. Other than, if you're coming online to be boosted up then you might be better suited to watching the Care bears movie while being coddled with a Care Bear hug....
Anyone need a hug?