61 Year Old
From Winston Salem, NC·
Invited by: 474358·
Joined on July 23, 2007
Born on February 19th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
61 Year Old
From Winston Salem, NC·
Invited by: 474358·
Joined on July 23, 2007
Born on February 19th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I just love living life, do you??, I am bald by choice, personable, considerate, respectful of limits. I am willing to try anything once. I enjoy meeting people, an hope to make some real true friends here. I hope. So rate, fan, like, comment, bling me.. I will return the favor!
61 Year Old
From Winston Salem, NC·
Invited by: 474358·
Joined on July 23, 2007
Born on February 19th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Work out 3x weekly, swimming, bball, need to strart weight training. I enjoy movies, in or out, long walks on the beach. If I had a choice I would live on the beach. I love it. Go ahead, ask me what you want to know. Happy Hunting
Latest Status
raydon Good day mates, how all is well with everyone. Have a great evening/day!!