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Spyder's blog: "Rants"

created on 12/10/2006  |  http://fubar.com/rants/b33232

Have We Lost Our Way?

In a world of instance coffee, instance success , failure and fast money, have we lost ourselves in all the hipe of the fast and easy life sold to us my corporate media? Long before I was even born the seeds of this lost path had begun. When we started living life beyond the means in which we live. I am not say that we stop reaching for the stars and our dreams. I am just saying that maybe we should reach them a little smarter, slower and maybe a little wiser. Honestly, I am not even sure what I am saying really. Where is the logic in buying ourselves out of debt with money we do not even have? We as people of this Earth have forgotten our lessons of the past and our hope for a future beyond our own lives. We live in the passing moments in the hope to catch a glance of our life's only to forget to live it. Many of us work hard, maybe even to hard and forget about living. So in the mitts of our global economic crisis maybe we should take a look at our life's as a whole. Are we better off then we were 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago? The house of cards we built our life's on has come crumbling down and we are all in part to blame. Maybe so more then others, but let us get past that. Its not like we can change our mistakes of our past. But we can learn from them. What is most important to us? If the way we have lived our life's in the past years wealth seems to be the easy winner of that question. Now we see where that has gotten us. A lot of empty bank accounts and empty homes. But our hearts are still very strong. So where do we go from here as people? We are at a crossroads in our life. Do we put a band-aid on our life and continue down this path of glory and failure as fewer of use rise to the top and the rest are left behind to pick up the pieces? Do we reset what is important to us, love, family, and respect for our fellow man? Will this 2nd choice be easy? Will it work? Is it just a pipe dream? I live my life asking myself one question when I make choices in my life, when I make that choice, will my loved ones and myself still respect me and the theme of the 'golden rule' floats in my head. Treat others as you expect others to treat yourself. Sounds pretty simple and maybe even a little holier then now, but in the end will it make this place a better world? I'd like to think it would. Maybe I am just sick in the head. I think we should just take a pause, ask ourselves are we happy with where we are and where we are going in our own life's. Is working for a dream that we have no real hope reaching while missing the life's of the loved ones worth the risk? I live life hoping I will not be forgotten when I leave this life. Well, at 33 I am not doing so well at that life goal. I have no children to carry on my name, no wife to share our dreams with and most of all I have done little to leave a positive mark in our world. I'd like to think I have many more years to get there, but I guess we never know what is around the next corner. I'll end my rabbling with that, cause that is all I got for now.

US Autos.......

“Dieing US Auto Industries” So after the amazing success of the bailout of the financial markets we are now going to throw money away into the dieing US auto industries. Here is an idea, let them fail! The free market has spoken. You fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is the story of the US Auto companies. So why do we have to save them? For all the jobs lost would kill the US economy, as if it needs any help. So here is my “Joe Nobody” plan. Let them fail. When the factories close and the people are canned, then the Feds buy the factories and re-tool them to build wind turbines and solar panels. Hire and re-train the auto workers to make and maintain this new industry. And as for the US Auto industries, if they can survive, good, but not at the cost of the tax payer. We need to invest in our future. What better time then now to do so. Let's stop throwing money into old ideas and invest in new ones. Jeremy P. Lincicum

Please read.........

Remember this day for what is is, not for what they want us to believe it is. Seven years ago on this day we were attacked. We were attacked. I will say it again, that we were attacked. In the seven years since the towers fell a hole still remains. This hole has been deepened by we as a country slowly tearing itself apart. Our Government has failed us, our leaders have failed us, our country has failed us and we have failed ourselves. On this day our leaders will thump their chests, say they have made us safer, that we have not forgotten the fallen, say God bless American and salute our flag. While seven years later we are not safer and has God truly blessed us? We as a country need to stand together and challenge our leaders to rebuild on this sacred ground, so that we as a country can move on and yet never forget. Instead of looking a pile of dirt where once two mighty towers stood. Seven years since our skies went silent. Seven years since our hearts and souls were broken. Seven years and the tears are till fresh. When faced with fear, do we just except what is, or do we face that fear and make our country better. Have we not learn that death just brings more death. We as a country have lost it's way long before I was born, but we as a country can once again find the light that once was America before my death. All we have to do is believe that we can. Understand we can and will disagree and in that balance we will find ourselves, our country and our light.

I just want to sleep......

For almost 4 months now I have been lucky to get 2 hours of sleep a night. I close my eyes and my brain fires up and will not stop. When I do get to sleep, I have nothing but nightmares that wake me up. The docs gave me some meds, which do little. I am not very trusting of meds in the first place. I mean, I don't even take anything for headaches or a cold or anything really. Also in the past few months I have had many headaches, which I am sure is due to little sleep. I am one of the lucky few 40 million who has no insurance and no funds to get any, anytime soon. This is my life, not that any of you really care. Not even sure why I am blogging this. Maybe if you do read this you may share an idea of how I can get some sleep. If not, well thanks for reading anyway. *HUG* Jeremy P. Lincicum
It's the truth. So years back I got the shot kicked out of me at outside a bar for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. A victim of gang violence and never being in a gang. The cops knew who did this to me, the DA knew who did this and my so called friends who were with me that night (and ran like a bunch of cowards only to come back to scrape me off the ground.) knew who did this to me. None, I mean none of them did a damn thing. I rack up about 10k in medical bills and I was left to pay $20 a month for the rest of my life and no justice ever to those who beat the shit out of me or those who protect them. No lawyer would touch me because there was no money in t for them and I had no money to give them. So in the laws blind eyes nothing ever happened to me. I just woke up one day with the left side of my face looking like the elephant man, my body bruised from head to toe and a whopping medical bill. Nice. > Most of my life the banks have done what they can to fuck you over. What I call bank math, were they rearrange your debit posting and checks so that you have to pay a over draft charge even when the money for these charges is all there. So this time around on the 8/22 I deposited $20 with an ending balance of $216, with my rent check of $213 still not posted. A few days later I go online to check my balance and I have $-67 in my account with two $35 over draft charges thanks to their bank math were they decided to post the check before my deposit even though it was not cashed until after my deposit. So I go to complain about this and get my $70 back and the bank person talks to me as if I am dumb and can not understand basic math. Because I am poor, I can not understand simple math so please talk down to me. "We all know you are much smarter then me and I do not have a clue what you are talking about. Can you show me pictures please." > So, if ya got no money you got no rights and ya dumb. Thanks! Guess I'll just keep being dumb and right less for the rest of my life. I mean, do I really live in America or is that just a lie also?

Am I not a good person?

So, Am I not a good person? I deeply believe I am, but I guess few others do. It's another Saturday night I am spending alone. I know I am somewhat to blame. I am a bit shy. I guess it's just getting to me. Every time my phone rings it either someone wanting money, selling me something, a friend getting married or having a kid. I am 33 and feeling left behind by all my younger friends and just friends in general. I guess the good thing is I do not have that many friends these days. Some here may know the past year for me was pretty rough. Spending 3 months homeless and broke. Even spent 2 weeks in a mental ward. Go me. I have grow much from all of this, but still very alone with few to share my life with. Those friends and people around be are having good things happening for them. Me, not so much. All in all, I am just lost. I know who I am, and who I can be. I am a hopeless romantic with no one to romance. The ladies I do me, have a boyfriend or is already ,married. Which really does not help my mind set. Oh well, that's all I got. Later all.....

For msnbc contest

My name is Jeremy Lincicum and I want Decision '08 to sent me to the convention. I'm the right person for the gig because I will not take 'No' for an answer, I will press for the whole truth and wade through the political BS. I will be persistent, but respectful. I will get the scoop by asking the question of the people. Those of us from the outside looking in. At the convention, I'll talk to those in the nose bleed seats, not just those on the floor. Most important, I will stand out because they will not see me coming with my many different looks. For the convention I will dye my hair electric blue. Of course I will be one, if in not only one, with a tie, shirt and shorts. For I rarely ever where pants I only own a few. My name is Jeremy Lincicum and I want Decision '08 to send me to Denver for the convention.

My Birthday

Another birthday has come and soon will be gone. It's almost 5pm here and I have nothing planned and no one to plan it with. I am in a new town, with no new friends or family near. Which is truly my fault. I can not even afford gas to go anywhere or buy myself a drink. So now what?? I guess I will play some WoW and go to bed alone like any other day. Jeremy P. Lincicum

So say we all......

I have 2 burning questions in my mind today. Will I be able to answer them today? No. I will spend a lifetime to do so. To do any less would be unforgivable. For these 2 question haunt me day and night. What is my purpose in life? What does it mean to be an American? They are one in the same. Over the next few days I will explore them. Any input from those who read this would be cool. So I will leave you with this for today, for today is Sunday and should be a day of rest..... -Spyder-
Referendum to Independence I want my Government back! Our Government is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people of America. In the course of our short 230 year history we the people have stood up for great change in our Government. First, being our Independence for the English Crown which we celebrate today. Then came our Civil War which tested our belief in our Constitution and that all Men are created equal. This came to head again during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950-1970's. In many ways it is still being fought today. In these times of great change we had leaders willing to put the cause before oneself. In our quest of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness I expect and do not request any hand outs. I do expect our Government to protect the rights given to all American citizens by our Constitution. I ask for leadership and responsibility at all levels of Government. Both of which are hard pressed to find in any branch of Government. Money is free speech, money is power and money corrupts. In the 230 years of our history money has slowly taken away the power of the voice of the average American. By far this has been the number one crime of our Government. The fact our Government has waged wars based on lies and those of us without the power of money have paid for these lies in blood. While there seems to be little, if any, sacrifice by those of us at home and in our Government. How has any of this made us Americans safer here at home and abroad? Who has taken the responsibility for these lies and failure of duty? No longer are we willing to swallow empty rhetoric from our leaders. Actions speak louder the words. Our Governments actions have shown little to no improvement in the past several years. Let the Facts below speak for themselves of the crimes of our Congress, Judicial, Executive and what many now call our fourth branch of Government, the Press/Media. Congress Guilty of putting yourselves before the American people. The very definition of civil servant is lost. Tap my phone, read my emails, and track my bank records without warrants, this is ok. To search an office of a Congressman without asking first, but having a warrant, this has gone too far. Guilty of spending just as much time, if not more, campaigning and fund raising for re-election as they do law making or in debate. Guilty of pushing hot button issues before an election, like gay marriage, flag burning, immigration, and energy prices. Then after the election does nothing on those issues and goes back to pushing bills by lobbyist and earmarking for campaign donors. Guilty of not doing anything about the millions of uninsured Americans. Guilty of irresponsible spending of American tax dollars. Guilty of continuing dirty politics. Regularly taking ones opponent's words out of context, then neither party finds it necessary to explain either side. Guilty of slogans run a muck politics. When disagreeing with someone's view, stop adding negative slogans to it, like "cut and run" and "death tax". It demeans the debate and yourselves. Guilty of third grader name calling. When disagreeing with how the War on Terror is being fought, you resort to names like, "un-American", "On the side of al-Qaida", defeatist", "war monger" and worse of all, "Have forgotten 9/11", or "Still live in a pre-9/11 world". Guilty of continuing to compare WWII to the War on Terror. They are both different kind of wars, in different times. Follow some of you own name calling, stop living in a pre-9/11 world. Guilty of a failing grade, with a job approval rating of 25%. The sad truth is hat 98% of Congress will be re-elected. Of the 435 seats in the House in 2004 only 10 seats were decided by less then 5%. 23 seats were decided by only 10%. The rest of the house seats were decided by more the 40%, the winner being the incumbent. If you or I had only a 25% job approval rating in our job we'd be looking for a new one. So why are they trying to be re-elected instead of finding a new job? Judicial Guilty of preaching from the bench. Different faiths play different roles in everyone's lives. If a judge bases his judge solely on his faith and not the law we come one step closer to a theocracy. Guilty of allowing the party in power to pick its voters. This would be another loss for the declining American voter. What is next? Another side effect of being able to re-district every two years is that voters will be more confused on where to vote. This would cause more votes to not be counted due to voter confusion. This is just another step to eliminating the American voter. Guilty of the declining independence of our courts. When the selection of judges to all courts has more to do with party politics then who is the best qualified jurist. Our courts were to be separate from the politics of the other two branches. The President Guilty of declaring a false victory. It has been 1,160 days since declaring victory in Iraq. Yet we still have soldiers dying everyday, 2,500 and growing. The cost of the war is reaching 1.7 trillion dollars. So much for the oil revenues in Iraq paying for this war. Guilty of the continuing mismanagement of the war in Iraq. The only plan you give us, "Stay the course", and "When they stand up, we'll stand down". Guilty of blaming the media for only reporting only the bad news in Iraq. If there are so many good things going on in Iraq, then you tell us. We may even believe you. That is if you have any creditability with the American people left or with the world. So much for all you political capital you had. Guilty of not taking the War on Terror to places where there are not U.S. interests. How long will you stand and do nothing about the slaughter in the Sudan? Guilty of doing little to secure the energy needs of the future of America. Katrina. Guilty of playing the politics of fear. Is it me or as soon as the Presidential elections were over, so were the raising and lowering of the terror alerts. Guilty of not securing the borders to our south and north in you first 5 years in office. Then when the media took hold of the story you still do little. The Press/Media Guilty of having a political agenda which does the public a disservice. Be it the Liberal media or the so called "fair and balanced" media. Guilty of a sound-bite media. Give us the whole story. Guilty of not having the number one concern of the press being giving us the news, instead of the bottom-line. This does both our Government and public a disservice. Our news should not be for sale. Guilty of selling out to tabloid stories to boost your rating. Stories like Holloway, the Duke rape case and the Michael Jackson trial. Guilty of deciding that instead of giving us just the facts of the news, you find it necessary to tell us what is right a wrong about it. How many times has a criminal case been triad in the Media before the courts? I'd call it the "Guilty till proven innocent media". Many may agree or disagree with my list of crimes. This does not make them any less true. I write this with the intent to spur debate, a real debate, not just a joint press conference about our state of Government and the role it should and should not play in our lives. I wish to once again engage my fellow Americans back into politics. To once again to be the jewel of Democracy, instead of a mockery of it as we are today. The fact that fewer then half of the voting population actually votes and in the last few Presidential elections we have seen the courts decide one election and the other also end in debate of who won and whose votes were counted. With the increase of technology, why is it harder to track votes and count them? It's in this that the heart of trust in our Government has broken. Ultimately, if we feel as if our vote does not count, then why vote at all? I say to you, make it count! Stand up and be heard until it is. If we are to have a Government of the people, by the people and for the people of America, then we must rise up and be counted. We must be accountable, where as our elected officials have not. The time is once more here that we ask not what our country will do for us, for they no longer listen, but what we will do for our country. If they can not hear us, then we shall vote you out. We will take our government back.
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